Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

Chiquita Canyon Landfill Master Plan Revision
Draft Environmental Impact Report: Appendix F: Cultural Resources

Note that there are various errors in the text; for example, the Mission estancia (outpost) at Castaic Junction was never elevated to asistencia (sub-mission) status; it's not known who is meant by "the last native speaker died in 1916," but Juan Fustero, whose death for many years had been incorrectly reported as 1916, in fact died in 1921, and he spoke Kitanemuk despite living at Piru, where the Tataviam language had been common.

Excerpt: 5.4 Management Considerations

The Proposed Project could directly affect an historical resource as defined by CEQA. The areas delineated for vertical and horizontal landfill expansion grading footprint have already been archaeologically surveyed with negative results, no historical resources are present. In addition, the vertical and lateral expansion areas have already been graded and used for landfilling as a result of earlier permitting (Cooley et al., 1993). The archaeological survey conducted in 2010 confirms the presence of CA-LAN-36 [Bowers Cave] within the Proposed Project area. This resource is recommended as potentially eligible for listing on the CRHR. A Phase II evaluation should be completed, and the eligibility of this resource should be determined. Most impact potential would exist during the construction phase of the project, although disturbance could occur during operation and maintenance of the facilities. Ground-disturbing activities, including the operation of heavy equipment, could result in significant impacts to cultural resources. In addition, development outside of recorded site boundaries could result in unanticipated discoveries.

As with any ground-disturbing project, there remains a potential for the accidental discovery of buried cultural resources not detected through a surface inventory, or even through shovel testing. If cultural resources or materials are discovered during ground-disturbing activities, the work in the vicinity of the discovery should cease and the area be protected until the find can be evaluated by a qualified archaeologist. Depending on the nature of the find, additional consultation with the SHPO or Tribal leaders may be necessary before work can resume in the area of the find.

If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has made a determination of origin and disposition pursuant to PRC Section 5097.98. The County Coroner must be notified of the find immediately. If the remains are determined to be Native American, the County Coroner will notify the NAHC, which will determine and notify a Most Likely Descendant (MLD). The MLD may inspect the site of the discovery with the permission of the landowner, or his or her authorized representative. The MLD shall complete its inspection within 48 hours of its notification by the NAHC. The MLD may recommend scientific removal and analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American burials.

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