Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

John Boston: Time Ranger
Episode: "Vignettes of SCV History"

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John Boston Spend a colorful half-hour with Santa Clarita Valley historian and award-winning journalist John Boston, aka "Mr. SCV," as he breathes life into some of the notable and notorious events detailed in his weekly Time Ranger column in The Signal newspaper. Dozens of authentic photographs from the SCV History Archives at and old film clips featuring Tom Mix and William S. Hart illustrate this master storyteller's incomparable account of real-life cutthroats, movie stars and politicians from the pages of Santa Clarita's past. All proceeds benefit the SCV Historical Society.

The "John Boston: Time Ranger - Vignettes of SCV History" video is available now for only $15 at:

To order by mail, send a check or money order for $15 plus $3.20 for shipping and handling (total: $18.20), payable to "Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society" to:

SCV Historical Publications
c/o Leon Worden
Post Office Box 802993
Santa Clarita, CA 91380-2993

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