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WHEREAS, a notice of public meeting relating to the MND was duly given and posted in
                     the manner and for the time frame prescribed by law, and the Planning and Engineering
                     Committee held a public meeting on the Project at the Castaic Lake Water Agency
                     located at 27234 Bouquet Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91350, in the Training Room
                     on December 5, 2017, at 5:30 P.M., as part of its decision process concerning the
                     Project, at which time no public comments were received; and

                     WHEREAS, the Planning and Engineering Committee recommended that the Agency’s
                     Board of Directors (“Board”) approve a resolution adopting the MND and Mitigation
                     Monitoring and Reporting Program (“MMRP”); and

                     WHEREAS, a notice of public meeting relating to the MND was duly given and posted in
                     the manner and for the time frame prescribed by law, and the Agency’s Board held a
                     public meeting on the Project at its Boardroom, 27234 Bouquet Canyon Road, Santa
                     Clarita, CA 91350 on December 13, 2017, at 6:15 P.M., as part of its decision process
                     concerning the Project, at which time all persons wishing to comment in connection the
                     MND were heard; and

                     WHEREAS, only one comment was made during the public review period, and no
                     additional information submitted to the Agency have produced substantial new
                     information requiring recirculation of the MND or additional environmental review of the
                     Project under State CEQA Guidelines section 15073.5; and

                     WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Public Resources Code and the State CEQA
                     Guidelines have been satisfied in connection with the preparation of the MND, which is
                     sufficiently detailed so that all of the potentially significant environmental effects of the
                     Project, as well as feasible mitigation measures, have been adequately evaluated; and

                     WHEREAS, the Agency Board reviewed the MND and MMRP; and

                     WHEREAS, the Agency Board, acting as a Lead Agency, will need to adopt the IS/MND;

                     WHEREAS, the Agency’s Board has determined that the proposed Project can be
                     approved because there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record that the
                     Project may have a significant effect on the environment; and

                     WHEREAS, the Agency and its Board have considered all of the information presented
                     to it as set forth above and this Resolution and action taken hereby is a result of the
                     Board’s independent judgment and analysis.

                     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agency Board does hereby find and
                     determine as follows:

                            SECTION 1.  RECITALS.  The Agency finds that the foregoing recitals are true
                     and correct and are incorporated herein as substantive findings of this Resolution.

                     QUALITY ACT.  As a decision-making body for the Project, the Agency has reviewed
                     and considered the information contained in the MND, comments received, and other

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