Santa Clarita Valley History In Pictures

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The Canyon Call.

Vol. II: 1971-1972 Academic Year.


Vol. II, No. 1 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS Oct. 15, 1971

Bill Leach, new Freshman class president, conducted an active election campaign last week on campus. He argued strongly against what he termed an "imbalance" in the Associated Student Body budget which provides generous amounts of money for athletics and little, proportion~tely, for academic activities.
Coed Makes European Trip In ~~Airborne Chicl~en t:oop"
By Suzanne Muhl

Suzanne Muhl was one of a
number of COC students who visi
ted Europe last summer. She will
describe some of her experiences in
a series of articles written for this
Our crowded charter flight out
of Los Angeles International air
port was announced over the speak
er, and I experienced the dull sensa
tion a cow must feel --that she is
part of a vast, slowly moving body
of things, all trying to get through
a small opening at once. This feel
ing I was to experience many times
before I returned home!
After 14 hours in the air, we
landed at Gatwick airport in London. A warm breeze was blowing, and it felt good to be there after flying so far in that air-borne chick
en coop.
(Please excuse my comparison to animals, but I felt very much like one in such crowded situations. One loses his sense of individuality to some extent, and becomes simply part of a whole. This can or cannot be a good feeling --in this case it wasn't!)
We were tired and groggy, and we had entirely too much luggage (a good time to find that out, huh?) But, with some inner will to survive, we whipped ~ut our passports, all nice and green and shiny, with that nice little golden eagle on the front.
Now, if I may digress for a moment. I have never felt very nationalistic, I mean I knew I was an "American," but never had anything to compare that with, really. I always laugh to myself when I see those "Love It or Leave It" _stickers.
(Cont'd on page 4 )

At press time, Bill Leach was a clear-cut winner of the Freshman race for class president, but the contest for Sophomore class president ended in a tie and required a run-off. Leach's opponents were Neil McCauliffe and Julie Bedford. Cecilia Gomez and Mike Mahonec tied for the Sophomore post.
While the number of students voting is still low, the turnout this year is better than that for last year's elections, reported Rick Hoefel, election committee chairman.
Students also voted to elect a Homecoming Queen rather than have her appointed by the football team. The vote was 233-49.
In addition, students were asked to rate the new food service provided on campus. Results: Excellent42; Good-191, Poor -36.
SFV Students Attend COC
College of the Canyons' Board of Trustees recently approved an interdistrict attendance agreement with Los Angeles Community Colege trustees.
Under the agreement, COC is to act as a "safety valve" for overcrowded Pierce College in Woodland Hills and Valley College in Van Nuys. COC will now be enrolling students from 20 valley area high schools.
The agreement, however, created a turmoil when the Valley College coaching staff insisted on adding a ban on athletic competition for valley students at COC. This ban originally eliminated six players from COC's starting football line-up.
In a move to rescind the ban, COC trustees asked Los Angeles trustees to pay $110,000 in tuition fees for valley students presently enrolled. The Los Angeles trustees then rescinded the ban by a 6-0 vote.
The immediate effect of this agreement on COC? According to Dean Carl McConnell of the office ot admissions and records: "Present enrollment is now 1577 students, of whom more than 100 are valley
By Ronald Boydston
Heading College of the Canyons' student government for the 197172 school year is sophomore Don Allen, past president of the Ecology Club and recipient of last year's campus "Man of the Year" award.
Allen came to California from Texas in 1941. F qr 16 years he was

Don Allen

an industrial supervisor with experience in the fields of sheet metal, electronics, aircraft and pyrotechnics -explosives.
Eight years ago he moved to Saugus from the San Fernando Valley with his wife, Emma, and their four children. Mrs. Allen was graduated from COC's Licensed Vocational Nurses program last summer.
Why is he back in school? Taking advantage of a disability, he is preparing for a possible second career as an industrial arts teacher. Eventually he would like to work on -a reservation for the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Asked about his hopes for the student body in the coming months, Allen replied, "I would like to see many, many more students become involved in school functions. There's not a club on campus that doesn't need more student participation."
The new ASB president, resplendent in short handle-bar mustache and stylishly greying hair, is a vociferous COC booster.
"I think we're off to a good start at this college. We enjoy the support of the community as few other schools do ," he said.
"I believe, furthermore, that our
(Cont'd on page 4 ) First Licensed Vocational Nurses class at College of the Canyons was graduated in August after a full year of classroom and in-service training at local hospitals. Names of graduates are in story below.

1st LVNs Win Certificate:s
In a brief cerenJony last August,
, College of the Canyons first Lic
ensed Vocational Nursing class was
graduated at the Santa Clarita Uni
ted Methodist Church, Saugus.
The graduates were Mrs. Emma
Allen, Mrs. Kathleen Brady, Diane
Coleman, Mrs. Julie Dalby, Mrs.
Zelma Gorham, Mrs. Nancy Hadsell,
Mrs. Marian Hartman, Mrs. Janice
Lofftus, Mrs. Mary Wells, and Mrs.
Elisabeth Wright.
Mrs. Hazel Carter, R.N., director
of vocational nursing, read the wel
come, and congratulated the class
for completing the difficult year
long course.
Dr. Samuel Nelson of Newhall
was guest speaker, and emphasized
to the class the desperate need for
medical "Involvement" (the title of
his address).
Charles F. Rheinschmidt, assis
tant superintendent -student per
sonnel, presented certificates to the
Mrs. Wright, class president, pre
sented plaques of appreciation to
Mrs. Hazel Carter, R.N., Mrs. J_anice
E. Burbank, R.N., and Mrs. Helen Lusk, R.N ., the class instructors.
The graduates had completed an intensive vocational nursing program that included a minimum of 1,080 hours of clinical training at InterValley Community Hospital,Saugus, and Golden State Memorial Hospital, Newhall, in addition to 450 hours of classroom instruction.
They are now eligible to take statP. board examinations.
If you scoff at intellectuals, harrass scientists, and reward only athletic achievements, then the future is very dark indeed . ...

J. F. Kennedy .
Consensus: Food Better

Student consensus -seems to be that the new Food Service Center on campus is a definite improvement over last year's arrangement.
The menu, much of it served on a "cooked while you wait" basis, includes hot pastrami sandwiches, "Cougarburgers" (double-decked hamburgers), and a Ti"iie"c>f Mexican food, among other things.
Prices are moderate. Service hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 1: 15
p.m. and from 5 to 9 p.m.
The new "on sight preparation" service can be chalked up as an example of constructive student action.
"Students primarily were instrumental in achieving the great improvement in our on-campus foodcatering service," said Al Adelini, dean of student activities.
Following persistent complaints by students last year, ("high costlow quality"), the Student Council activated a Food Services committee headed by Suzanne Muhl. The committee obtained basic information by means of questionnaires, conducted field inspections of other installations, and toured the then vendor's Los Angeles processing plant.
Under terms of the contract with the new vendor (Ven-Coa), a percentage of the profits are turned over to the Student Council treasury.
Maggie Moore and Ann Moore have been elected treasurer and corresponding secretary, respectively, of the Ecology Club. At press time, results for the offices of president and vice president had not yet been determined, with Sue Meyers, Dick LeClair and Richard Hunter the candidates.

Nevv Lounge Fills Needs
The new Student Lounge and lunch area will provide plus factors this campus sorely -needs --a study room, a place to meet friends, music, comfortable furniture, and an eating space sheltered from blasts of wind, dust, and cold.
The center should quickly become the hub of numerous student activities including noontime concerts, which were highly popular last year, and maybe dances and club meetings.
It will be open to all students, of course, during school hours, day and night.
At times the lounge will become a movie theatre and, again, a possible assembly area for guest speakers and for other special programs.
The center also is expected to relieve traffic pressures in the library which students, in self defense, invaded last year to get out of the wind, rain, cold and the clammy, clammy dew.
A hi-_fi public address system will broadcast music, including contemporary jazz, good old rock 'n' roll, and mood, in the lounge and eating area.
The PA system will also be used

for general student announcements
and information.
According to Al Adelini, dean of

student activities, eating will not be
allowed in the lounge itself but will
be confined to the outside dining
Plans call for erection of wind

and dust barriers around the lunch
area which students last year dub
bed the "wind tunnel."
Many persons made important

contributions to the project, but it
is generally acknowledged that the
initial suggestion for a Student
Lounge was made before the Stu
dent Council last year by the then
freshman president Mike Mahonec.
The ball then was picked up by

the administration, particularly Dr.
Robert C. Rockwell, superintendent
president, and Charles Rheinschmidt,
assistant superintendent for student
personnel, and carried for approval
to the Board-of Trustees.

The "Welcome Dance" held in Hart High's cafeteria Oct. 2 was an artistic and financial success.
The turnout was much better than anticipated and the student body made money as a consequence, rather than losing it, as has been known to happen in the past.
The band, Treebeard, was unusually good. It is interesting to note that inost of the members are high school students. They show grefl-t promise, and are already "on the way up" as professionals.
College of the Canyons' nex1

dance will be held Saturday night, ,
Oct. 30, and it's going to be even 1
more "righteously together" than
the last one. Plan to _make it.
Page 3

By Suzanne Muhl

Is there a revolution going on in America today? I believe so.
America is emerging. A definite form is beginning to take shape out of a mass of confusion. Black Power, Chicano Power, Indian Power, Women's Lib ...all seem to be uniting to form a new People Power, a new Peace Power. Those who have been crying out for a new world can now see the very beginnings of it right here in America.
Apparently, Black courage to tell it like it is has led the way. Unquestionably exaggeration has occurred and some bending of the truth as the struggle for political power has, for some blacks, replaced the struggle for equality.
But it is also true that Blacks were the first minority group in this country to indict the corruption in our courts, in our seats of government , and in our social institutions, and to tell people about it.
I assume they believed they had nothing to lose, and men in that situation, in most cases, are honest men. They dared to look, and they dared to find fault in a system which, as we are led to believe by some TV commercials and magazine ads, is unselfish, and whose first priority is the serving of the people.
No doubt there are some people in business who do care about serving the people, which includes of course, serving themselves as well.
But isn't it also true that all too many people in business and government wish only to serve their own life .styles, their own political beliefs, and, worst of all, their own egos?
Some revolutionaries want to "pick up the gun," but this is obviously not a responsible answer. America's revolution, which is happening right now, includes Nader's Raders and Ecology.
It includes a new pride in our country which is not related to blind patriotism, and a realization that America was founded on principles of freedom. We, the people of America, have strayed greatly from these principles, and it's time to return to them.

F~rst Play In Production
The first Blue Masque production of the year, Montserrat, will be presented December 3, 4, 10 and 11 in College of the Canyons Humanities building H-1.
Written by Lillian Hellman, the play made its English version debut on Broadway in 1949, and has since been one of the better plays produced on any stage.
This fictional account of an actual occurrence takes place in early 19th century Venezuela during _the revolution against Spain.
Montserrat:, portrayed by Gary Simmons, is a Spanish captain torn between loyalty to his country and devotion to what he knows to be a just cause --the cause of the revolutionaries.
Withholding information concerning Bolivar, the revolutionary leader, Montserrat, is held in a garrison commanded by Colonel Izquierdo, by Erik Noet.
The conflict between Montserrat and Izquierdo and the form of torture devised by the colonel to get his information is the main theme of the play.
The conflict has con temporary analogies, and because it does, modern clothing will be worn by the players and a number of episodes in the play will be updated.
William Baker, oral communications instructor, is director. Debbie Wilborn is assistant director and Mary Woolsey is technical director. Kevin Dooley is in charge of tickets.
Other cast members are Chris Besha, Kevin Balser, David Williams, Don Anderson, Cheryl Bassler, Richard Vanbelleghem, Rory Lee Sorensen, Ernie Cline, and Dooley.
lndia;n Site '(J)iig1s' Popular
As many as 20 College of the Canyons students are participating in archeological "digs" of Yokuts Indian sites in the San Joaquin valley. Although the school year has just begun, several digs have already taken place under the sponsorship of Roger Basham, psychology-anthropology instructor.
The digs are conducted on a dry lake (Buena Vista) near Taft, about 85 miles from Valencia, and include one explored some years ago by the Smithsonian Institute.

Photographers Tom Burlew and Paul Osterhues were assigned to come up with a "campus construction" shot. This is what they produced. Some construction! Her name is Laurie Salls, a biology major from Saugus.



By David Hoeltje

I first became a confirmed Don Ellis fan after purchasing his first "live" double album set D o n Ellis at Fillmore (West).
At that time, the band consisted of Ellis on trumpet and drums, eight more brass pieces, five woodwinds, guitar, piano, bass, conga and two more drummers -20 members in all.
The energy and highly professional tightness the band presented then is totally beyond my power to describe .
Using time signatures and key
changes I had never experienced, Ellis totally captivated my musical inquisitiveness and the desire for more of this thing called big band jazz grew within me.
With the release of thi.s latest album set, recorded at Basin Street West in San Francisco, Ellis and his revised band have entered a virtually untouched area of musical thought.
Included in this 21 member group
is a string quartet (first and second
violins, viola .and cello); a woodwind
quartet (saxes, clarinet, oboe and
flute); four trumpets, including Ellis;
french horn, trombone, bass trom
bone, contrabass trombone, tuba,
piano, bas~, conga and two drum-


mers (with Ellis occasionally sitting in on a third set.)
The band has toned down quite a bit since the Fillmore albums. The string section, which would seem to be out of place within the volume
level of a big band, is ingeniously amplified through a direct line-feed unit called the Barcus-Berry Transducer System.
I suppose that Ellis and his music and the outstanding members of his band (most notably Fred Selden, alto sax; Milcho Leviev, piano and Ralph Humphrey, drums) are destined to remain popular only among the confines of the jazz freaks of the globe. This is indeed sad.
But, he has made his mark and many fine years of outstanding music are in store for those who will listen.
John L. Wasserman of the San Francisco Chronicle sums up Ellis'
accomplishments and ability with one simple paragraph on the back of the album jacket.
"Ellis is the only jazz big band leader to emerge and endure in the last twenty years."
That says a hell of a lot about one hell of a man.

Page 4

Cougars Look Like Winners
This season's Cougar football team is just as good as, or maybe better, than last year's squad which wound up second in the Desert Conference and was ranked fifth in the state.
This is the opinion of Head Coach Don Kloppenburg, who led the first Cougar football team to its outstanding record last year.
"This year's team has good potential for a winning season if we are n~t plagued by injuries," he said. "The league looks very strong with Palo Verde and Victor Valley apparently the top competition."
Coach Kloppenburg thinks the Cougars are stronger defensively this year, and the team also . has more depth._
As ,of deadline time, the season record was 2-1. The Cougars lost to Glendale 0-7; beat Cal Lutheran JV 49-14, and clobbered Mt. San Jacinto 48-21.
The loss through graduation last

~ June of Clint McKinney, holder of the national rushing record for a single game ( 413 yards against San Jacinto last season), appeared irreplaceable.
But gladdening Cougar coaches' hearts these days is an elusive little running back named Gary Hamilton who scored seven touchdowns in iwo games (he missed the Glendale contest).
The Cougar quarter back, Red Stevens, is also off to a great start with a passing percentage in excess of 50 percent.
"Our receivers look real good," said the coach, naming Wayne Foglesong, Richard Carter, Jim Elford, and Don Phillips as standouts.
Offensive linemen who have already made their marks early in the season include Gary Fitch, Dave Howsare, and Bruce Mitchell.
Coach Kloppenburg likes to talk about his defense this year. Particularly good ball games have been played by Bill Lankford and Steve Lough, safeties; Marty Slimak, cornerback; Ruben Franco, Jim Elford, andBruceMitchell,linebackers; Gary Fitch,end,andDave Howsare, tackle.
Fitch, Howsare, and Mitchell, it will be noted, play both offense and defense, and are outstanding both ways.
While no new "wild cards" (players from outside the district) appear on the Cougar roster this year, six remain from last season's squad.
They are Stevens, Hamilton, Howsare, Fitch, Mitchell, and Pat Roach.
Assisting Coach Kloppenburg, who set outstanding records at Laney College (Oakland) and New Mexico State before coming to COC are Coaches Mike Gillespie, Larr; Reisbig, and George Rush.

(Cont'd from page 1 )
They conjure for me an image of a blindfolded man, wearing boxing glove, who, with chin stuck out, is striking out at nothing. But, now
that I'm back, I'd like to say1
"America, I love you very much. I
don't think you're perfect, but I
dig you --and I think that together
we can make it if we try."
So there we were, my head buz
"Wow! You're in London! Eng
land! What a fantastic history! What
literature! And the Beatles! And
Cream! And . . . "
I must have been tired. I thought
I was in a movie. Everyone was
speaking this weird English, but I
could understand it.
Taxis in England look like Rolls
Royces. They're black and incredi
bly roomy. The cab driver ( when
we finally flagged one) looked at
me and said, "Where to, luv?" Ha!

I thought that "luv" was a word an American business man made up to sell miniskirts. But they really do say it. Fantastic.
My mom did all the talking. She usually does when she's around and there's some business to attend to, and my dad's not there. I was just an "innocent abroad" and did not know much concerning taxi drivers in London. This cab driver asked us about New York. We said we were from California. "Oh," California's the other side of the world.
For some reason he asked me how I liked the men in London. I presumed he meant how did I like the way men looked in London. I said "okay" as far as I could see, and he said he couldn't stand all the fruits with long hair. He was pretty good looking himself, though, even with short hair. I'm not prejudiced. (Continued next issue)
COC Harriers Running Well
By Don Chambers

"I have a lot of faith in our team, and I think they've got what it takes," states COC's cross country coach, Ed Jacoby.
"We have a well balanced team, and after our wins at Moorpark and Antelope Valley, we're in the dri
. ver's seat in our conference," he continued. With only one member of last year's championship team returning, the squad has several new faces; Jim Bornell and Tim Trigg from Sylmar High School are both "fine runners" said Jacoby. Ralph Wenziner from Chatsworth and Howard Hockenberry are two more runners who came to COC from the San Fernando Valley. Bob Howell from Hart High is also rated high. Other members who have never run for COC cross country before are Frank Dixon, John Rexwinkle, Ron Boydston and Mike Bennett. COC opened its season with a great team win at Moorpark, where 17 community colleges competed in an invitational meet. Mike Martinez, COC's star runner, won the race in 20: 06 minutes. Bonnell placed sixth with 21: 07 and Dixon was twelfth with 21: 36. Top team results were COC, 73 Antelope Valley and Palomer, 75 and Santa Ana, 84.
After the great victory at Moorpark, COC went to Antelope Valley and won by a score of 25 to 30. Martinez once again placed first and Bonnell was second against a team that Coach Jacoby considers "one of the best in the state."

(Corrt"tl from page 1 ) BoardofTrustees is straight-forward, responsive, and genuinely interested in the welfare of students. "The administration is unquestionably dedicated to the cause of education of the student, recognizing this as the primary function of our institution. "I say, too, that the faculty staff on this campus can't be beat. It is my belief that if this district had _, $1 billion to spend on the acquisition of a teaching staff, it could not hire a better group. "If this sounds like a paean of praise for College of the Canyons, so be it. I cannot say otherwise." Allen, who enjoys the distinction of being a two-generation student, believes today's youth places more emphasis on "humanitarian" aspects of life than did counterparts a few years back. Working with Allen this year on the Student Council are Kathy Schoegje~ vice president; Sharon Rapp, Associated Women Student representative; Louis Dixon, Associated Men Student representative; Laura Lyman, rally committee chairman, and John Rexwinkle, com-I missioner of athletics.


Vol. II, No. 2 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS Nov. 1, 1971

.New Class Tell It As


Juanita Gomez, new Sophomore class president, insists she will conduct an "active" rather than a "passive" role in her first elective office.
"I mean to take the initiative to help my class and not wait for students to come to me with suggestions and complaints," she said.
"I also believe that the Student Council need not be enlarged to function effectively as do some members. I do believe, however, that some student representatives on the council are not necessarily representing to their fullest capabilities."
Miss Gomez is an advocate of

vigorous student participation in
student affairs.
"I deplore the apathy of

many students on campus who show no interest in student government which, as I see it, is really a miniature of federal, state, and local government they will endure when they have left school."
Miss Gomez, who attended Hart High School, is a great sports fan and participant.
(Cont'd on Page 4)

Presidents They See It

"Outspoken" is a relatively mild term to describe College of the Canyons' newly elected Freshman class president, Bill Leach.
A pre-law student, Leach asserts his main objective is to "get student government working for the student again. The onesided aspect
it has assumed is wrong and not to be tolerated. The Student Council should work for all students and not a certain few." "I also hope to see students soon take over publication and financial responsibilities for the college newspaper and yearbook," he said. . An ardent supporter ofGeorge McGovern for President, Leach is a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma, campus honor society, and currently has a grade point average of 3.96.
Leach named Neil McCauliffe, whom he defeated for the office of president, as Freshman class vice: president.
"Our thinking and platforms were similar, so appointing McCauliffe to the vice presidency seems to
(Cont'd on Page 4 )

Loyd :Heads Campus Vets
Mike Loyd, recently discharged army veteran, has been named president of the newly organized Veterans Club on campus.
Mike came to COC with the idea of forming a veterans' group to help armed forces dischargees adapt socially to the college environment. According to Loyd, "The veteran needs organizational backing to let him know he's not alone."
After the club's constitution was drafted, it was submitted to the Student Council screening committee ~J:iere !t m~J _considerable. opposition. The committee's main objection is directed at Article II of the constitution which, the committee maintains, has "discdminatory membership because it is not open to all COC students."
The screening committee reccommended that the veterans form an "organization". An organization comes under Student Council jurisdiction. The veterans, however, elected to organize a "club" which is permitted to maintain its own bank account and is not required to turn over profits to the Associated Student Body.
Loyd, however, feels that a precedent should be set by the council and is pushing for approval of his constitution in its present form.
Loyd, 22, is enrolled in his first quarter at College of the Canyons.

This year's Homecoming Queen will be elected by the entire student body, which will also submit names of candidates. The top three vote getters will be named queen and princesses. A Homecoming committee will select three male students for escort duty.
The queen's duties at halftime on Nov. 20 will include presentation of two $100 scholarships to the respective senior class presidents of Hart and Canyon High Schools. These scholarships later will be awarded to worthy seniors.
Don Allen, Associated Student Body president, has appointed a committee of five students to select films to be shown as a recreational activity in the Student Lounge. Bill Leach is chairman.

Constitution To Be Revised
A Constitutional committee has been formed by the Student Council to revise the Associated Student Body Constitution.
Committee members are Bill Brewer, chairman; Sharon Rapp, Associated Women Students' representative; -Rick Hoeffel, council Parliamentarian; Bill Leach, Freshman class president; Neil McCauliffe,
Freshman class vice-president, and 'Jerry Pigg of the Student Council's Constitutional Screening committee.
Don Allen, ASB president, called for the committee after several alleged conflicts between the present Constitution and its bylaws were pointed out. Char~es tha!
the ASB Constitution also violated federal law were made.
The Inter-Club Council pn~ident clause was cited as a "cc.nflict." The ICC president is the representative of all campus clubs,
organizations and societies, but
only clubs are permitted to vote
for him.

This, it was charged, denies organizations and societies the right to choose their representative, a violation of the United States Constitution's 14th Amendment which guarantees "equal protection of the laws" to all, including equal votes.
Another alleged infraction in the present regulations is the method of electing Associated Mens representatives and Associated Womens representatives. The ASB by-laws state they are to be voted on only by their respective sexes. However, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution states the right to vote cannot be abridged on the basis of sex.
This matter will go before the soon-to-be-activatedStudentJudicial Council.
The committee will place the ASB constitution before the Student Council for approval. If approved, it will then reach student voters for ratification.
How long will this take? According to Chairman Brewer, "Voters can expect a new Constitution in about four weeks."
College of the Canyons' cross country team will host Mira Costa here at 1 p.m., Friday, Nov. 5, announced Ed Jacoby, coach.

The Student Council recently formed a Constitutional Committee to rewrite the Associated Student Body Constitution.
The ASB Constitution was cited as violating certain amendments to the federal constitution. Rewriting the ASB Constitution is the proper way of dealing with such discrepancies.
There are those, of course, who say, "Why not overlook these Amendments? After all, there are still plenty others left."
To these we reply :

The actions of the least of our governmental units will either improve or imperil us all. Our philosophies are molded by our institutions. To allow permissiveness and over-sights of federal law to persist, particularly in an educational institution, will certainly affect our attitude and our behavior towards these laws in future years.
Our identification and our duty as COC students are of trivial significance. They are merely a ripple in the stream. Our major allegiance remains pledged to the 50 United States, and our primary
~ duty, as Americans, is "to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."
The United States Constitution is our liberty. It is our freedom. It is _our lives. To belittle it in the least demotes us. To deny it, even a part of it, will begin a process of decay that will ultimately end in slavery.
A Student Council seat to represent Associated Veterans was proposed recently. It was pointed out that this action would open the way to all interest groups having representation o.n the council. A compromise was reached and the proposed new seat became Student Senator-at-Large.
There is no shame here because compromise is essential to harmonious government. But we must be cautioned.
Although one of our sacred privileges as Americans is our freedom to compromise, we must never compromise our freedom.
The moment any of us does, the erosion of liberty begins.
Bill Leach
David Hoeltje, Editor
Suzanne Muhl Kenneth Nix William Leach James Beydler Reid Worthington Scott Peterson Richard Hunter Don Chambers Gregory Knights Robert Stevens Kevin Dooley Ron Boydston
PHOTOG RAPHE RS Tom Burlew Bruce McKinney Paul Osterhues Pau I Plamondon

Tom Yaeh (foreground) and Mike Mahonec played to a full house at the first noon concert staged in the new student lounge.

Our Lass In Scotland Meets Loch-Bound Lads
By Suzanne Muhl

Our hotel was the "Portland". It's in a district called Kensington, near Chelsea, King's Road, and all that. It was a quiet, modest, cozy hotel with the bathroom at the end of the hall. They don't know about showers in England. Just bathtubs, which are nice, too.
The bathroom had a small, low window that you could look out of while in the tub. I really enjoyed that. You could see trees, and beyond the trees, people in windows.
Looking through a window at someone looking through a window is fascinating. I could do that for a long time. For a few moments they stopped being busy with their own life inside, and looked to see what the outside is up to.
People appear so content looking out of windows, head on hands and smiling a little. Maybe they're smiling just to see that life is still going on out there--that they still have time to figure out what it's all about. Maybe they take heart in noting that life hasn't stoppedonce,
so it's doubtful that it ever will.
That's a far-out thing to think

We were in London a couple of days but didn't do much sightseeing. Mostly we walked around looking in shops and breathing the terrible air. I'm sorry to say this, London, but your air is worse than L.A.'s! Every time a bus, truck, or even a car drove by, I'd go into this little death-swoon number, clutching at my throat, just to emphasize my point.
Power to the ecology movement! Ecology--some fad! It must be one of the most intelligent movements ever to happen anywhere.
In London we bought tickets to tour Scotland by bus for eight days. Now, that was both a beautiful and wonderful, and extremely hard trip. It was funny, too, at times.
One afternoon we were on our way to a seaport town called "Oban". It was a sunny day, and you could see many people on the road with fishing poles heading towards the "Loch".
The bus stopped for some boys who were also going fishing. I was sitting in the very last seat, reading an Agatha Christie novel, and they . all piled into the long back seat next to me.
I didn't look up at first because I wanted to sort of "feel them out" vibration_~wise before I jumped
into anything. They began talking to each other, laughing and smoking. They seemed to be my age or a little younger.
I looked up a little, and glanced sideways sneakily at the one to my right. He was looking out of the corner of his left eye. So we both looked up and laughed and said "Hi".
"Wach y' nime, wea y' from~" "What's a Loch?" "Oh, a Loch's a saut-water like cut off from the ocean o' connected to 't".
They told me a story about Ohan, the town we were approaching. Here's how it went (translated from a very strong Scottish accent):
"When you get to Ob'n, look up on the hill, and you'll see an enormous structure that looks like an arena, but only half-finished. Well, the story is that this man Flanigan was building it all by himself, brick by brick.
"It took him two years to get

it haJfw?.Y done, but when he had
accomplished that much, he de
cided after so much hard work
that he wanted to take a better
look at what he'd done. So he
climbs to the top of another moun
tain so that he can see it properly.
"When he looks, he discovers

that he's built the front in the back
and the back in the front. Seeing
that, he climbs to the top of the
half-finished structure, shakes his
fi~t at heaven, and jumps right off."
(,Cmtinued in next issue)
!Opinion J
By Bill Leach

What is a radical? Some define him as someone not dressed in slacks and a sport shirt. Others contend he is anyone with hair over his ears. Still others state he is any deviant from society's rules. Are these just definitions?
As Freshman class president, I have been labeled a radical in the Student Council, by some of my colleagues, and by certain anonymous students.
Even during my campaign for class president that label was applied by insinuation. One elderly student said he would not vote for me until I got a haircut. Since when has a man's quality depended upon the length of his hair?
Why some people are content only when applying labels has always puzzled me. Labeling, actually, is an over-simplification requiring little thinking. This may be an indication of the intellectual capacities of a person using such tactics.
Still, the question, "Why?" remains unanswered.
Four years ago when I entered the navy, I took an oath to "serve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States".
Today, certain social elements desire to change the Constitution to conform to their own philosophies. But I have not forgotten the oath I swore. Perhaps that is why I have been stigmatized by some. Such an attitude--strict adherence to the Constitution--is certainly considered radical in some quarters today.
.Or, perhaps it's because I

would rather preach "Love and
Brotherhood" than adorn my car
with "Love It or Leave It".
Furthermore, if we classify all "long-hairs" as radical, let us not forget Thomas Jefferson. He wore his hair over his ears.
If radicalism is equated with a person's dress, let us label Andrew Jackson a radical. He wore buckskins instead of slacks.
And if a radical denotes rebellion against the present system, let us also condemn history's most profound social deviant. At a time when nations believed in war and hatred, he taught love and peace. His name was Christ.

Scoring for a cross country race is a simple process, but for those unfamiliar with the method it can be confusing. When a runner passes the finish line, he receives a number corresponding to his place in the order of finishers.
First place is given one point, second, two ,and so on. When all participants are in, each team adds the points of its first five places. This is the team score and low score wins.
"There are no great men.

There are only great challenges that
ordinary men are forced, by cir
cumstances, to meet."
Adm. William F. Halsey

A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman thinks of the next generation.

This is a fine example of how photographs may deceive. Mike Whitmore is not dozing off in Roger Basham's psychology class. He's really quite busy .. . with his ESP assignment.

of the geological findings were made
By Jim Beyd,ler

by the class. Specimens included igneous and metamorphic rocks
The first geology field trip of such as bornite, malachite, azurite the year, led by Winston Wutkee, and quartz, just to name a few. geology, history and geography inOf unusual interest were tun
structor, was a great success with nels scattered on the slopes of the 30 students participating. The purmountain where, apparently, coppose of the trip was to give students per mining took place many years a chance to discover and identify ago. minerals for themselves, instead of Many students, on their first learning geology only from inside a geology field trip, reacted excitedly classroom. when they discovered interesting The field trip site was a mounmineral specimens which, up to tain range near Acton. As explained now, they had seen only as class by Wutkee, this mountain range is laboratory items. very old, and is undergoing conWutkee's next field trip will
stant change. be to Tick Canyon. The instructor The mountains constantly are also advises that he will offer a new being pushed up by the earth's crust geology course next quarter titled
and constantly are being eroded "Rocks, Minerals and Fossils."
away by wind and rain. The resultHe described it as a "general ing dehris falls into a ravine at the hobby course," with emphasis on foot of -tne mounta1n wliere most mineral microscopy and field trips.

Marta Gunnison and guest took part in an archeology "dig" held over the Veterans Day holiday at Tulamniu, a one-time Yokuts Indian village. near Taft. Roger Basham, psychology and anthropology instructor, led 25 students to the site once excavated by the Smithsonian Institution.

By Scott Peterson

Mike Martinez, COC's great cross country star, began his career at age 14 on Placerita Junior High School's worn track, unsure that he could ever make it as a distance runner.
But make it he did ... and how!

He led last season's cross country team to a conference championship, the first chalked up for any Cougar team. Five wins and no losses.
Mike was undefeated in conference meets and set four course records.
His best time on COC's rugged 4-mile cross country course is
20:45 minutes, a mark likely to stand for many years ... unless Mike betters it this year, of course.
At last year's Fall Sports
banquet, he received the "Most
Valuable Runner" trophy.

Like all top athletes, Martinez works for his glory. Twice a day he and tea mmates run a grueling combination of sprints, intervals, and hill and distance runs totalling about 15 miles.
In between, he lifts weights.

He was inspired to take up the lung-boggling sport of distance running by Jim Ryan , world record holder for the outdoor mile, and was encouraged to continue when he did well in the 600 yard run in junior high.
Mike has set ambitious goals for himself for the next several years, but is too modest to talk much about them. Friends, however, tell you that one is to break 4 minutes in the mile.
This is not an unreasonable goal at all. Mike ran the mile last year in 4: I O...and he's still a growing boy.
"Our team has a very good chance of winding up as one of the top three in the state," says Mike.
As of press time, COC's harriers remained undefeated.
Martinez, a physical education major, hopes to become a teacher after college.
PR Experts Visit Class

The Public Relations class which meets on Wednesday nights in G-1 has scheduled a number of key local and Los Angeles area experts in the field as guest speakers.
They include Vig Hall, area representative for one of the largest printing companys in the nation and president of his own manufacturers representative firm ; Craig Altschul, director of public relations for YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles which supports the largest youth program in the world, and Paul Berthelot, community affairs manager for the four Forest Lawn cemeteries in Southern California.
Other speakers are Charles Donaldson, Los Angeles Times reporter; Jay Rodriguez, manager of community relations for KNBC ( channel 4); Don Kelley, vice president of the Newhall-Saugus Jaycees, and Oscar Adams, assistant vice president and manage r of the Santa Clarita National Bank.

(Cont'd from Page 1 ) be a logical thing to do," said Leach. Leach, 22, is a member of the
Ecology, Veterans, Chess and Ball and Cue Clubs.
He served four years in the navy as a communications technician and formed many of his politi cal views during this period.
"The service was a great catalyst in the sense that it awoke me politically," he said.
Leach plans to attend law school at Stanford University and Harvard University after which he
will enter private practice.
The International Folk Dance Club will meet from 3:30 to 4:30
p.m. each Monday in Room PE-1.

GOMEZ (Cont'd from Page 1 )

At Hart, she was a member of the softball, track, and volleyball teams, served as statistician for the varsity baseball and basketball teams, and was a member of the Lettergirl Club.
She said she decided to run for office because last year she made recommendations to student government representatives and nothing happened.
"I decided, then, to get things done, I had better try to do them myself," she said.
"T don't like to see a candidate run uno~osed. I believe vo
ters should at least be given a
Juanita's ambition is to be

come a high school teacher.
By Don Chambers

"My main interest now is to get to Bakersfield and the state championship," said Gary Hamilton, the Cougar's new star running back.
"I don't think any team can beat us," he said. "We're as good as last year's team (which was ranked fifth in California), and I think we're going to make the Bakersfield (state championship) play-off."
In only three games, the Cougars' most exciting ball carrier had scored nine touchdowns and carried the pigskin for 348 yards.
Hamilton's football career started at Tompkins High School in Savannah, Ga. Hamilton, dubbed "Pickles" by teammates, made the varsity in his first year (9th grade), playing linebacker. He was 5'8" tall at the time and weighed only 165 pounds.
His coach soon discovered his

extraordinary running ability, how
ever, and switched Gary to offense,
alternating him between running
Gary developed into a top league player, and at the end of his senior year his coach recommended him to COC's Head Coach Don Kloppenburg, who was delighted to invite the elusive back to Valencia.
In his first year as a Cougar,

Hamilton averaged 7-plus carries
per game and scored six touch-.
downs, a fine record for a fresh
This season already speaks

for itself. Gary missed the first
scrimmage because of an ankle in
jury, and played only one quarter
in the second.
But then came the CalLutheran game. Gary ignited fans by demonstrating that he is perhaps the most exciting runner in COC's short history.
He weaved in and out of the opposing defense like a ghost, making it all look simple. He scored four times.
The Mt. San Jacinto game was more of the same. Gary scored three touchdowns. A week later at Imperial Valley, Gary scored twice.
Hamilton, who with his comedic bent is probably the Cougars' most effective morale booster, gives credit to his offensive line for whatever success he has had on the field.
"Our line is the best I've ever had in front of me," he said. "They're doing a great job of block-_ ing and opening holes for me to waltz through."
Hamilton hopes to continue playing football at a four-year school after leaving COC.
His future looks bright indeed.

Dick LeClair has been elected. president of S.U.R.E., the campus ecology organization. Other officers are Richard Hunter, vice president; Maggie Moore, treasurer; Donna Scearce, secretary, and Ann Moore, corresponding secretary.
Monthly paper, bottle, and can reclamation drives will continue this year, said LeClair.

Vol. II, No. 3 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS Nov. 15, 1971

Student government should reflect student thought.
When writing a new constitution, a question must be asked: Are we to be a progressive institution or a traditional institution?
However, before we attempt to answer this question, we must first define terms.
A progressive institution combines traditions with contemporary concepts to mold future policies. From these institutions emerge leaders, fully prepared to accept the burdens of a changing society.
On the other hand, traditional institutions place emphasis only on

~ the past. From these emerge people unprepared for social tremors and unable to see new horizons. Chained by this handicap, these people rarely achieve positions of leadership. We realize, of course, that traditions play a major role in American life. They influence and guide many people.
However, inspiring as the great traditions of America may be, we can never underestimate the need for progressive thought. It is a requirement for advancement. Traditions should. not be used as a base for future policies. They should serve merely as a reference for those policies.
Therefore, this nation cannot survive on traditions alone. Only through progressive actions will we be able to effectively cope with the future needs of a changing society. Only with progressive thought will we have the ability to perceive and challenge our destiny.

A nati,on awaits our answer. Which will we have?
Bill Leach
SURE Bin Always Open
SURE, the campus ecology organization, conducts reclamation drives the first Friday and Saturday of each month at the student parking lot.
All glass (clear, green or amber), but no porcelain, is acceptable. Re, move aluminum caps and rings from bottles before turning them in, and newspapers should be tied in bundles.
Actually, students may deposit these reclaimable items in a permanently located SURE bin at the parking lot at any time during the month, according to Dick LeClair, president.
The title plate (top, front page) of this newspaper was designed and drawn by Allan Hoeltje, art major.

Robert Downs, music instructor, was among numerous COC blood donors for James Boykin.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people . .
J.F : Kennerlv_

Jilll Boyl{_in Doing Well

James Boykin, one of College of the Canyons' most popular and respected instructors, is making excellent progress at his home recuperating from a coronary bypass operation performed Oct. 29 at Granada Hills Community hospital.
"I will return to class the moment my doctor says 'Go'," said the biology science teacher.
"It's difficult for me to keep away from the college. I miss the students."
A measure of the esteem in which Boykin is held by students and faculty alike was manifest when the call for blood donors went out. Boykin 's quota was 10 pints, but more than 20 were donated at a Red Cross mobile unit located at the Santa Clarita Methodist church in Saugus.
Results of the write-in election for Homecoming Queen candidates were reported in . just as this paper went to press. The three coeds who received the largest number of votes are Holly Peterson, Donna Cooksey, and Vicki Sinclair. One will reign as Homecoming Queen Nov. 20.

COC To Crown First "Queen"
College of the Canyons' first Homecoming Queen will be elected Tuesday (Nov. 16).
She, and two princesses, will reign at COC's first Homecoming game Saturday night (Nov. 20) with College of the Desert at Hart Field.
Earlier this quarter, students had voted that the queen and her princesses were to be elected by the student body-at-large, rather than by the football team as had been proposed. .
The general write-in election for the "foxiest chick on campus" was held Nov. 9, with the top three candidates vying for the title on Nov. 16.
The two runner-ups become Homecoming Princesses.
Laura Lyman, Homecoming committee chairman, said that identity of the Homecoming Queen will be kept secret until she is presented at half-time on Saturday.
The queen and her court will also reign at the Homecoming Dance following the game at Hart High
Cafeteria. The "Rattlesnakes and
Eggs" combo will provide the
Half-time ceremonies will be

conducted on a platform erected on the field for the occasion. Activity will include presentation of $100 scholarships to the senior class presidents of Wm. S. Hart High School and Canyon High School.
These scholarships later will be awarded to worthy seniors at each school.
A feature role in the half-time activities will be played by the college band under the baton of Robert Downs, music instructor. Several COC alumni will join the band for the occasion, the first of its kind in the history of the fledgling college.
The queen and her princesses will be accompanied at Homecoming by escorts appointed by the Homecoming committee, which, in addition to Miss Lyman, includes Don Allen, ASB president; Suzanne Muhl; John Rexwinkle; Ray Canfield, and Jerry Pigg.
At press time, it had not been determined if a Pep Rally will be held at noon Friday (Nov. 19) in the Student Lounge and lunch area.
Earlier it was announced that a rehearsal of Homecoming game half-time activities will be held on COC's football field from 1 to 2
p.m. on Thursday and Friday.
Among rewards coming to COC's first Homecoming Queen will be a life-time pass to all home athletic events.


Last year in this column I invited College of the Canyons' students to contribute features, news or opinionated material for publication in The Canyon Call.
I am again extending that invitation to all students and to faculty members, as well.
If you have a newsworthy item, a feature, or an opinion column you wish printed, simply submit it in written form to Anton Remenih, the Call 's advisor or to any staff member.
Submit the story typed and double spaced. Any material or subject matter will be accepted and printed if found to be of interest to the student body. The only guidelines are those dictated by good taste and rationale. Material must be signed, although names will be withheld on request. Anonymous material will not be accepted.
-This paper depends upon student

reaction and participation. One of
its functions is to provide a podium
for students and faculty to air
grievances and share stories and
opinion of general interest.
The course The Canyon Call

takes is up to you. It should not be
and cannot be any other way.
David Hoeltje, Editor
ICC Election Ends In Tie

The Inter-Club Council, composed of representatives of all college clubs, recently held an election for president, with a voting seat on the Student Council at stake.
Candidates were Rodney Grimes of the Black Student Union, and Bill Jeffers of the Volleyball club. A "question-and-answer" period was held during which the nominees presented their desires and goals for the council, and their reasons for seeking election.
This vote was secret, with the

result a 4-4 split. A run-off election
was scheduled for the following
ICC meeting on November 12 ..
By-laws require that the ICC be

represented on the Student Council
immediately. This dilemma was re
solved by voting that the candidates
alternate as acting presidents until a
clear-cut choice is made.
The first acting president was decided by a flip of the coin. Grimes won the honor of being the first ICC representative on the Student Council.

David Hoeltje, Editor
Kenneth Nix William Leach James Beydler Reid Worthington Scott Peterson Richard Hunter
Suzanne Muhl
Don Chambers Gregory Knights Robert Stevens Kevin Dooley Ron Boydston
PHOTOGRAPHERS Tom Burlew Bru.ce McKinney Pau I Osterhues Pau I Plamondon

The Anastasit1 Look:Is Bac;k
by Lee Sorensen

Christmas is a time of soft snowfall and a warm glow in the fireplace. A time of gentleness and feminity. The look for this Christmas time is the Anastasia look. A return to the long, quiet fashions before the Roaring 20's and the Hectic 60's.

Anastasia, youngest daughter of the Czar Nicholas, was the most beautiful and beloved of all the princesses. She typified the romantic yet lively look of the Imperial court. A look that even now is con
sidered one of history's most feminine.
Today, any girl can have the look of Anastasia. In a flowing, Empire gown of porcelain-blue,
1 ~.:..Ll _ .C~ ,.~--=-"-.......,... o, -~'""'-+ 0 .......,.......,1"1_

Class Bu\ilds Response U1nit

By David Hoeltje

College of the Canyons will soon possess an unusual classroom student/teacher instructional aid that is as unique as the purposes it is to serve.
The project's official name is Student Response Center, and it is scheduled to be in full operational use by the next school quarter.
Its main uses will revolve around exactly what its name implies -student response.
Serving as an experimental testprogram, the center is now being installed in room G-6 by Robert
Seippel, engineering technology instructor.
The system, which was designed

and is being assembled by the elec
tronics class, will include 30 desk
units and a master control panel to
supervised by the instructor.
The desk units will be equipped with a system of response buttons that are connected to the master panel by wire. Students will be able to respond to virtually any question/answer situation given by the instructor by pushing the appropriate button.
The class response to a question

will be relayed to . the master unit
where any one of four light as
signed to each desk unit will go on,
showing the student's answer.
The project, which was proposed

by Instructors George and Mildred
Guernsey, is being constructed ba
sically with material bought at sur
plus houses.
Housing for the individual desk units is being constructed at Ventura College, which has welding facilities, with all other work being done at COC.
The unit will run on a 12-volt system, removing any chance of electrical shock to users. Each button will withstand more than 2 million individual pushes and the light bulbs will have a lifetime of approximately 20,000 hours.
que, a mere evening at home becomes an adventure. Accessorize with white tights and ice-white pumps tied like ballet slippers. Wear your hair braided and pinned over the ears. For a touch of Old Russia, add a fake-fur muff and pearl earrings. The gown pictured is by Barbara for Murray Hamburger.

~aucatIOll IS l{ey-Denolllllle
College of the Canyons' student body is comprised of many different age groups, from last year's high school graduates to housewives and businessmen. All have their own reasons for persuing academic goals. For Henry Denomme it is simply stated:
"I'm trying to get the education I didn't get when I was younger." Henry is 62 years old, the oldest student on campus.
Between the 8th grade, where. his formal education ended, and his enrollment at COC, Denomme served in the navy through two wars, retired, then began a second career with a civilian aircraft company.
World War II saw First Class Petty Officer Denomme involved with navy aircraft as a structural mechanic and flight deck inspector aboard aircraft carriers operating in the Atlantic and Pacific. He survived numerous battles in the South Pacific as well as the suicidal last ditch measures off Okinawa of Japanese Kamikaze pilots. During the Korean conflict, he "flew a desk" as a naval administrator.

The white-haired, soft-spoken student is enrolled in Math, English, Psychology and Oral Communications courses this quarter, a full 16 units. He heartily approves of the new methods of education today.
"Students have a better chance to express themselves than when I was in school," he said. "There is more opportunity to think, and a greater emphasis in learning how to think".
To Denomme, education is "the key to understanding life."
When asked what he considered to be the greatest development in science during his lifetime, Denomme named the laser, with its potential use in communications and weaponry.
Henry Denomme feels that youth is a valuable resource for our country. He expressed his belief that politicians and judges might well retire at the age of 60, thus opening positions for younger people.
After he completes his studies, Denomme plans to travel extensively throughout the United States.
"There is nothing in the world that isn't duplicated in the United States", . he concluded.

Meet Brecken What a Gal!
by Kevin Dooley
Shade of Christine Jorgensen!
A bisexual dummy at College
of the Canyons! You can bet your bippy. His/Her name is Brecken Myra
ridge, and he/she's a half life-size doll used in the Licensed Vocational Nursing class to demonstrate a variety of nursing techniques, both
.__intimate and otherwise. His/Her versatility is fascinating. Sometimes Brecken is a gal and sometimes Brecken is a guy. Marvelous! No alert reporter could pass up a chance to interview such versatility. Right? When I asked Brecken, whose face, by the way, remains female at all times, how he/she liked ,his/her constant sex change, he/she replied: "Well, it does create a bit of a problem sometimes. For example, do I open the car door myself, and should I stand when a woman enters the room?" Obviously, Brecken is a gentleman/lady. Removing his/her hand from my knee, I inquired if there were any embarrassing moments involved in his/her double life. "Yes," he/she replied. "I don't know how many times I've been arrested at the beach for having the wrong pair of trunks or swim suit on. But the most confusing and embarrassing moments are when I face those two signs." -"What -do the s igns say?" " 'MEN' and 'WOMEN'." I saw his/her point.
Myraridge -What a Guy!
Questioning further ,. f learned that Brecken is a women's libber. He/She also confessed to being a male chauvinist. He/She subscribes not only to "Ladies Home Journal", but also to "Playboy"
-Interviewing, now' in . greater
depth, I asked Brecken how he/she
got into this business.
"Well, one day someone asked if I would like to donate my body to science. When I asked what for, he said I was to be a transplant patient. How did I know he wasn't talking about my heart?"
"What were you before you became bisexual?" I asked. "To tell you the truth, I was so bad off you couldn't tell. I can't even remember; it's been so long. "At first--I wanted to go into acting. After all, I could play any part. "Then I wanted to go into poli
tics, but somebody advised me not to because people are already down on politicians who just change their
minds. Can you imagine the public's reaction to someone who could change everything?
"Finally, I found a happy home right . here at College of the Canyons. And I like almost everything?"
"Almost?" I asked. "What bothers you?"
"Nurses with cold hands," replied Brecken, shivering from the waist down.
So, in the interest of humanity and for the sake of poor Brecken's goose-pimples, nurses warm your hands. Please.

Record Revie~
Ch1ic:ago -At Carnegie Ha;//
by David Hoeltje
The only obstacle that a listener of this four LP set has to overcome is the exclusive use of previously recorded material.
Any questions regarding this can be promptly answered by reading the credit notes included with the LP package. The performance took place during April, 1971, just a few months after the release of the group's third double LP set.
Why there was a six-month interval between recording and release is a question I cannot answer, but it is better the set is late than rushed and poorly edited.
All three hours of the music can be found on one of CHICAGO 's three double LP sets but each song on the live albums presents an up-to-date version of the material and one can only appreciate and admire the professionalism with which the tunes are handled.
There is no waste of time or material in the set and it is difficult to listen to just one or two sides. There is a constant urge to play all four albums at one sitting.
A few of the vocals are sloppy , but this is completely canceled out by the outstanding instrumental aspects of this live performance.
According to a list of perfor

by Suzanne Muhl
Bloody noses, broken arms, broken heads, bruises, bumps and blah. That's what I used to think about football. People screaming "Kill! Kill!", and cheerleaders, the battle maidens, working themselves, the spectators, and the players into a hysterical frenzy. Did I ever used to be down on football!
Now, I have seen the light -or, at least, I am working toward some sort of logical explanation as to the reason for football. Doubtless, people far more intelligent than I take and love football for what it is -the bataille, ein Kampf, a battle. But I had to work my way up to accepting it.
I will never assent to war -our
modern type of war where per
sonal interest calls the shots -but
I can now understand that a human
being is basically a violent animal.
To deny this indigenous trait would
be like ignoring the fact that man
must breathe air to live.
Therefore, what makes better sense than a game set up like a battle, rewards with all the glory that comes with victory, utilizes all the cunning and skill that a man can muster, yet makes use of no weapon other than basic man himself.

C4X 30865 ,
mances given on the photograph
portfolio, CHICAGO has played no
less than 650 engagements since
May of 1967.
To present material that has been

played again and again, as if it were
yesterday, is no easy feat. Yet
CHICAGO pulls it off flawlessly.

a belief that I have held for some
time now. CHICAGO is very likely
the best conglomeration of musi
cians to be found on record today.
There is no compromising when

their integrity as a musical force is
concerned. They, apparently, com
pose, perform and think for them
selves, bending for no one. This is
an extremely admirable trait in a
world built around compromise.
CHICAGO presents a sense of

teamwork and ability that is rare
and the sounds this seven-member
group produce never cease to amaze
To appreciate them to the fullest

I recommend that you see them the
next time they appear in Los An
In the meantime, these four albums are an outstanding substitute for the real thing. The set is a must for CHICAGO fans and anyone who enjoys fine music.

A. Heidt Pens 2 Art Pieces

Two illustrated articles by Ann Heidt , art instructor, appear in recent issues of Arts and Activities, national art education magazine.
They are "Discharge and Dye," an article about fabric design, and "The 'Iinpossible' Still Life," which discusses combining unusual objects for a drawing composition.
In all, 26 articles on art authored by Mrs. Heidt have been published.
On her European trip last summer, Mrs. Heidt took more than 250 color slides of objects and places for use in her art history classes, and more than 1,500 feet of sound color movies for the same purpose.
When I now think of football, I think, "Right-on, then. LeCs make war, as long as we have to, on the football field. Not in My Lai, not in Korea, not in the ghetto."
Sure, football may be primitive in many ways. But I don't believe a human being exists who is not also
so. The least that can be done is for
us to be honest and to let it out but in the right way -by incor~ porating our basic violences in a
game like football.

c:::> c::)


Praises Line
By Don Chambers

Football coaches to a man tell you that your team is no better than its offensive line.
This is as true of College of the Canyons' tough Cougars as it is of the Minnesota Vikings or the Baltimore Colts.
The Cougars possess an outstandline. The Cougars keep winning.
"The entire success of our team depends on the ability of our linemen to block our opponents, and up to now they've been doing an excellent job," said Head Coach Don Kloppenburg.
Linemen, traditionally, are the unsung -heroes, although it is they who block the charging enemy, punch holes through his line, and generally intimidate the foe.
When they do their job right, the linemen give Red Stevens plenty of time to throw his glamorous passes and convoy running backs on those exciting runs.
But, if they falter, Stevens gets knocked on his whatchamacallit, and running backs Gary Hamilton and Dick Smith are torpedoed.
If the line falters, the quarterback is doomed, and there is no offense at all.
"I've never played back of a bet,. ter line," says Hamilton, the small but dazzling ball carrier. .
Who are the Stalwart Seven up front responsible for the Cougars' formidable offense?
End Jim Elford was an all CIF player at Canyon High. Dave Howsare, right tackle., came to the Cougars from Bedford, Pa. Center Mike Underwood was all-league at Hart High.
Right Guard Gary Fitch is a gift from Watick, Mass. LeJt Guard Frank Ceilya was all-league at Canyon High, a11d Dan Minyard, another Canyon all-leaguer, is awesome at left tackle. End Bruce Mitchell came to COC from Savannah, Ga. hometown of another star Cougar, Gary Hamilton.
"These are the men who make our offense go," said Kloppenburg. "They engineer the opportunities for our ball carriers to run inside and out, and protect our quarterback so he can get off his passes.
"If we intend to keep winning, they must continue to provide the holes for our runners and the protection for our quarterback."
When asked if he thought the team, which at press time remains undefeated, could reach the state championships, Kloppenburg, in the customary fashion of cagey coaches, refused to park himself on the end of a limb.
"I think only one week ahead at a time," he said. "I don't look that far (as far as the championships)."
But, as Coach Kloppenburg spoke, this reporter noticed a dreamy, far-away look in his baby brown eyes, .and on his "No, no" lips one detected a "Maybe, I hope so" smile.
fr is obvious that a great injustice has taken place so far in this story. The defensive line also lives and dies in the "Pit." A story on
these brave men and true is up
Students interested in playing volleyball at noon on Thursdays and Fridays are invited to join the Volleyball club. Contact club mem
................../-, back Richard Smith, scoring one of his three touchdowns in the Mira Costa game. The flashy runner carried the ball_ 17 times for 181 yards, averaging a spectacular 10.6 yards per c~rry . ~mith, ho_wever, suffered a knee injury in the Palo Verde game which will keep him out
of action for a while .

Council Sets New Policies
Recent Student Council action

includes adoption of several new
One of these was proposed by Rally Committee Chairman Laura Lyman, who also chairs the Homecoming committee. Miss Lyman reported that the Homecoming committee considered granting the Homecoming Queen a life-time pass to all regular home athletic events. This required Student Council ac
tion and was adopted.
Freshman President Bill Leach

presented a report of the Noon
Hour Film committee, of which he
is chairman, proposing that the
council adopt a policy for showing
at least one noon-hour film each
week. This was approved unani
Constitutions of the Black Stu

dent Union and the Veteran's Club
were presented to the council by
Parliamentarian Rick Hoefel, a mem
ber of the Constitutional Screening
The Screening committee found

the two constitutions satisfactory
and recommended their approval.
The two new clubs were chartered.
In other action, Leach proposed

that a committee be established to
investigate the possibilities of free
coffee for COC students. The com
mittee was appro~ed, with Leach
Calllpus BSU Chapter Set
A new chapter of the Black Student Union (BSU) has been established at College of the Canyons. Currently, there are approximately 15 members in the club, and their advisor is Mrs. Hazel Carter, COC's one black instructor.
BSU officers are Rodney Grimes, chairman; Bruce Mitchell, vice chairman; Jeff Sherman, secretary; Billy Brewer, treasurer, and Larry Nunnally, minister of defense (sergeant at arms).
Committees are Membership, Grimes, chairman; Finance, Brewer, chairman, and Alvin Edwards and Mitchell, members; Constitutional By-Laws, Jerry Jackson, chairman, and Gary Hamilton, member.
Social Affairs, Sherman, chairman, Alan Morris and Nunnally, members, and BLACK, Alan Morris, chairman, and William Savonne, member.
The BLACK committee will assist students in school work and in procuring scholarships and other financial aid.
The subject of a Black Studies program came up during an early meeting. Brewer reported that Steve Cerra, history instructor, had asked for assistance in creating a minority studies program. Suggestions were taken from the floor as to what these classes might be.
A Harrier
by Scott Peterson

Many have seen College of the Canyons' cross country team in action, but few know what it takes to develop a cross country runner. The following ingredients are essential:
One very live body
One strong mind
One pound of intestinal fortitude
A generous helping of dedication
Two large handfuls of patience
A full measure of finely ground

A brimming cup of School Spirit

Blend these ingredients by alternating between sprints, long distance runs and intervals, until they are fully mixed. Place in a pre-heated 110 degree earthen oven for two months and then allow to cool in 25 degree weather for another six weeks. Sprinkle generously with School Spirit and send to league finals.
The preceding recipe is, perhaps, a ridiculous analogy depicting a cross country runner in training. But that is not to say that the time and energy a harrier puts out is in anyway silly.
Our runners can be seen on the track or in the hills daily grinding out another 15 miles for the sole purpose of bettering their times and winning as a team for College of the
Canyons. And win they have, be
cause as of press time, College of
Canyons' harriers are still unde
feated in conference competition.
Our runners have shown that
they can win. They have repeatedly
demonstrated keen School Spirit.
But have we?
I have attended most of COC's
home meets and, generally, there is
only a scattering of students on
hand to cheer the team.
It is true that cross country is not a glamorous sport such as football. It's not even an ideal spectator sport, but our boys love it and our school enough to run their guts out.
It seems to me that the least we, the student body, can do is to show up at the meets in support of a championship team of dedicated runners.
One advocated a Black History class, which would cover the time period from the beginning of Reconstruction to today, and another a Black Psychology class, which might be based on such books as Black Rage, by Grier and Cobbs.
Brewer suggested that the book, Born Black, by Gordon Parks, might be of particular interest to club members. This book is not in our college library.
Meetings of BSU are held every Tuesday at 12 noon in Room C-3. There is no discrimination in determining membership. Anyone is eligible.
Applicants must fill out the standard information/application sheet, submit it to the BSU for approval, and pay a $1 membership fee. Application must be approved by members. Dues are 50 cents per week, payable on or before each
Perhaps I do not know what I was made for; but one thing I certainly never was made for, and that is to put principles on and off at the dictation of a party, as a lackey changes his livery at his master's rnmm~nrl -Hnr~ce Mann_

Queen Vicki the First! College of the Canyons' first Homecoming Queen was crowned at half-time of the College of the Desert football game. She is beautiful Vicki Sinclair.
The Board of Trustees has authorized development of plans for an on-campus auto shop project to replace current facilities on Pine street in Newhall.
The proposed auto shop build.,. ing, containing 5,700 square feet, will be erected along the west road south of the baseball field. Plans call for completion. of the installation by the fall quarter, 1972.
An additional 1,200 square feet at the proposed facility will be used as a district warehouse for vehicles and supplies.
Ultimately, when the auto shop becomes part of the permanent technology building , the temporary on-campus auto facility will be turned into a district warehouse and maintenance center.
The board also recently awarded a contract for construction of Phase 2 site development to the Strecker Construction Co., whose bid of $1,044,000 was lowest of eight received. Development will begin immediately.
Work includes extension of the west road; extension of the east road to the site of the first permanent buildings; installation of utility walkways and drainage systems for the first permanent buildings, and installation of utilities for the auto sho p facility.
In addition, field areas for phy
sical education activities will be
In addition, the board authorized
sale of $500,000 in district bonds
to provide the district's share of
funding for the current and up-com
(Cont 'd. on page 4)

Queen Vicki 1st Reigns At 1st COC Homecoming
By David Hoeltje
College of the Canyons' first
annual HomPcoming could only be
tcrmect a roaring success as Vicki
Sine lair was crowned Homecoming
Quf'f'n and the mighty Cougar foot
ball squad handed a humiliating
49-0 defeat to the College of the
Desert Roadrunners.
During halftime cerPmonies
which saw the debut of COC's
newly formed marching band, ASB
Prtsident DonA llen introduced the
three qm'('n candidates. Donna
Cooksey, Holly Peterson and
Vicki Sinclair.
The quPPn candidates and their
l'scorts, Mark MPade, John Rex
winkle and Bill Jeffers were
clriven to the COC 50 yard line in
1972 Ford Thunderbirds provided
by Canyon Ford and there the
closely guarded result of the elec
tion between the three was an
nounced by Allen.
The Queen and Princesses each
received a bouquet of roses during
the ceremony which also included
the presentation of two $10 0
scholarships to Canyon and Hart
high schools.
The two scholarships derived
from money that would under nor
mal circumstances be used for
floats. This commendable act was
a result of a decision by the Stu
dent Council to put the money to . better use as financial aid to soon-to-be college students. Queen Vicki, a brown-eyed
brunette, was crowned by Laura
Lyman, Home coming committee
chairman, and was given a life
time pass to all Cougar home
sports activities.
Princesses Donna and Holly
were each given an engraved
memento of the occasion, and they
with Miss Sinclair later reigned at
the Homecoming Dance held in
the Hart High cafeteria.
A highlight of the evening was
an outstanding combo with the un
likely name of Rattlesnakes and
Eggs, who provided the entertain
ment for the dance. The group was
a c q u 1 r e ct t h r o u g h e ff o r t s of
Suzanne Muhl, Homecoming com
mittee member.
The combo, whose repertoire
ranged from big-band dance num
bers to modern rock, is critiqued
elsewhere in this issue by Miss
The COC marching band, under
the direction of Music Instructor
Robert Downs, put on a splendid
half-time show, The 25 piece band
was augmented by alumni re
turning for the occasion and the
group held its own during the per
formance titled Music 10 4 Development of Jazz Code number 60280.
The pep squads ranks were also bolstered by returning alumni and all obviously had an enjoyable evening.
The first half of the football game, which saw COC go into the locker room with a 35-0 lead, was highlighted by the passing of Quarterback Red Stevens and the running of Gary Hamilton and Don Phillips.
In his most productive game as a Cougar, Phillips ran for 155 yards in 13 carries and three touchdowns.
Stevens passed for 195 yards and was instrumental in the victory as he completed 14 out of 22, two for touchdowns.
COC's other outstanding quarterback, Geoff Brown completed 3-8 for 55 yards and one touchdown and center Mike Underwood had a fantastic game as the man in the middle of all the action.
The win, of course, makes the Cougars Desert Conterence champions but more importantly, it gives them a berth in the state semifinal play-offs.
By Suzanne Muhl
This fine group made College of the Canyons' first homecoming dance more than just a dance. The f i v e m e m b e r s--Tim, T o m m y, Keith, Peter and Marty--produced an experience that made us quick
. ly forget any concepts we might have had about a band with such a funny name.
It is obvious that they are outstandingly talented musicians. Their show, nevertheless, is mainly visual. They establish rapport with the audience by living their music on stage, turning each set into a vaudeville-ish theater piece They talk to the audience, joke with them, and then knock them off their feet with music to suit anybody's taste. Able to play just about any kind of music nameable, they showed us only a small portion of what they can do.
Rattlesnakes and Eggs (R&E)
has: been together only one year. But the group has a history which
(Cont'd. on page 4)

The differences between American democracy and Russian democracy have grown vague in recent years. Both claim invention ofthe same technological advancements. Both claim to be governments of the people. Both claim to be the home of the brave.
However, there is one difference that will promote America over Russia as the true defen1 Pr of liberty. Only we have a free and uncensored press.
Yet, this press, so basic to thP protection of our freedoms, has fallen prey to extreme criticism today. Trivial, minor abuses arP magnified and amplified by many reasons.
Some who slander jornalism do so to promote their own dogma. Why? The answer is obvious.
An unrestrained press is all that stands between oppressin! government actions and the people. Only uncensored communications inform the voters of suchscandals as "Tea-Pot Dome" and "The Pentagon Papers". He who gains control of the press, gains control of the country.
Others, interested only in their own self-preservation, attack journalists for being biased and unrepresentative of the p~ople.
This point strikes particularly
~ close to home because some students have accused The Canuon Call of this discrepancy. Thl'Y claim this press is biased in fa n>r of liberals.
However, rather than write nbuttals to articles they find antagonizing, these pPoplP cringl' in the background, subsidizing their complaints with meaninglPss excuses. Their dilemma and thdr accusations are products of thPir own apathy. .
This paper is the voice of the students--all the students--and as such, it prints all stories submittcd by members of this campus. The only criteria are rationality and good; taste.
The fact that this paper frequently reflects a liberal view does not necessarily denote a bias. It may, on the other hand, show that only liberals p()ssess ~he talent to write rationally and rn good taste. The skills of conserv_ative journalists have yet to mamfest themselves on this cam
Objectiveness of this paper, or any paper, can only be achieved by publishing divergent views. If apathy is our only response, then it shall surely be reflected in this paper. The press is only as strong as the motivations of those who support it.
Furthermore, apathetic -response reflected in a press will result in the crumbling of its freedoms. A deterioration of these freedoms will require government intervention and eventually imperil the liberties of the people.
American democracy does indeed excel Russian democracy in the policies of its press. Although papers in both countries are journalistic institutions, only in America is the press a democratic institution as well.
Bill Leach

All students who intend to transfer to a state college in the fall_ of 1972 must turn in applications before Tues., Nov. 30.
Judy K!ng h~s the best deal on campus. She's the only coed enrolled In w~at started out as an all-men's weight-lifting class.
Muscle men 1n background (left to right) are Tim Davies, Bi II Bern
hardt and Dwight Carr.

By Kevin Dooley

Wolves, watch it!
Chauvinists, cool it!
Attention all working winkers

hip hustlers and girl watchers. B; on the lookout for a coed cutie named Judy King. But be careful. She's a good-looking brunette. But she's also the only girl en rolled in an all-men's weight-lifting class at coc.
"What's a nice girl like you doing in a weight-lifting class?11 I inquired carefully.
"It makes me feel good," said Judy. "A f e w 1a p s a r o u n d the track and a work-out on the weight machine does it."
And Judy does feel good. She smiles a lot.
" I want mus c 1e tone, not muscle build-up," she explained. "I don't like a flabby body. 11
Men. it isn't.

"In the case of a woman it's not how much you lift but how often," she said.
Miss King insists that women are stronger than men in many ways.
I hastily agreed.
"Are you a women's liber-

Registration for the 1972 winter quarter starts today, Monday, Nov. 29, and ends Friday, Dec. 10. Students may register according to priority ~f ide_ntifi~ation numbers. RegIstratIon information is available in the Admissions and
R e c or d s O ff i c e in the
S-Building. Students delaying registration beyond the time scheduled
for their identification number lose their priority in obtaining classes.
at ion ist,11 I queried apprehen sively.
"Somewhat. . .American society places little value on the female body, 11 countered Judy.
"Oh?11 I challenged. "What am I bid for Raquel Welch?11 Judy recalls how "shaky' the
instructor seemed to be the first day she showed up in class, and how he dropped little hints about dropping out. But, as we said., women are stronger than men in many ways, and Judy, undaunted, continued to flex her deltoids p ext or a 1is majors, and gluteu~ maximuses.
The class, with a man-women ratio of about 20 to 1has changed since she's been there, says Judy.
"They'rP more cautious with their language when I'm around they open doors for me, and the~ don't tease me as much as thP~ did at first," she> said.
The "distraction factor" also has diminished from what it was initially.
"When thP class started this fall I got sPcond looks from classmatPs and from peoplP who dropped in and saw 20 angular and muscular bodies and om round soft one."
Is Judy ewr distracted?
She told me, off the record

which means I can't tell you. '
But Miss King urges other

coeds to sign up for the weight
lifting class.
"It helps tone your muscles,

m a k e s y o u f e e 1 g o o d, and it
changes 'men' to 'gentlemen',"
she said. "And, besides, 20 men
is just too many for one girl."
Hang in there, Judy Doll.
Somewhere on this pulsating

c am p u s of ours mu s t be another
brave (and crafty) girl or two will
ing to share your "agony. 11

Pep Squad joins half-time fun with mock funeral processional. Pep Squad alumni joined this year's pom porn girls.

Three candidates for Homecoming Queen wait tensely before halftime when the winner's name was divulged. The candidates were Vicki Sinclair (left), Donna Cooksey, and Holly Peterson.

Students who like to hike will appreciate the newly organized Alpine club.
Although its constitution has yet to receive Student Council approval, the club has already planned its first hike to Mount Pinos.
The purpose of this first trek is to prepare members for future long-term hikes, one of which may be to the Grand Canyon during

Easter vacation. The Veterans club, on the other hand, places emphasis on human' itarian activities.
The club is presently involved in accumulating toys for distribution to the area's under-priviledged children at Christmas.
There is one problem, however.

The Vets need a Santa Claus. Anyone interested in this role should contact fhe Veterans Club at its, next meeting.
For students interested in politics, it's the Jefferson Society, now being formed.

The purpose of this club is to study world politics with emphasis on the United States. It will investigate ideologies of several writers and cultivate political th9ught.
Objective of the Jefferson Socie.ty is to stimulate a political, rather than a social, atmosphere on campus.
The Ball 'n Cue club, a group of billiard players, will stage a pool tournament in the near future.

By Don Chambers ..

In the last issue we ran a story about the Cougars great offensive line. But this is about the f oot ~ ball players who have devas_tated and decimated and destroyed and dunked opponents' offensive plans all season long--College of the Canyons outstanding defensive
If size alone determined effec:otiveness, the Cougars' defensive line would not be on top looking down. It is not "big."
"We're just about average size," said Head Coach DonKlop: penburg. ~But we make up for our size with quickness and tiggres siveness.
"I think much of our success the remainder of the season will depend on the defensive Jine maintaining its superior plia.y. "

The Stalwart Seven who comprise the Cougars' formidable defensive wall average "only' '.205 pounds. They're outweighed by other conference teams.
But they're BIG in the sense that they keep winning.
Gary Fitch, the strong side end, came to COG from Watick, Mas s . Linebacker Bruce Mitchell is a gift from Savannah, Ga~ Dave Howsare, a terrific tackle , .grew 1,.lP in Bedford, Pa. Linebacker Jim Elford starred at Canyon High.
Co-captain Reuben Franco, middle linebacker, was all-le~gue at Hart High. Steve Parson ~t right tackle consistently blunts the offense, Completing this formidable defensive dam is .P.hil Perrito, weak side end, who wa,s all-league.
To clear up any misunder.; standing that may exist among: football philistines about "strong side" and "weak side" of a de fensive line, Coach Kloppenburg lectured a bit.
"It's not because one side . of the line is stronger than the other," he explained. "It's be- cause we send the extra man to the side on which the opponents . have two receivers. This is the 'strong side'."
The Cougars' season with the league is 6-0. COC is the only undefeated team.
The Cougars' first play-off game was scheduled for Nov. 27 . If they win, one more play-off game blocks the way to the state championship finals.
With no hex intended, it is quite reasonable to hope that the 1971 Cougars may wind up STATE

Joleen Bock, director of li
brary services, is author of an
article on community college li

brary building construction projects across the country in the December 1 issue of Library Journal, the authoritative national library magazine.
The Bookstore is stocking gift items for Christmas. Articles include new books, posters, sweaters, and T.;.shirts among other items, The Bookstore also features a selection of paperbacks off ercd at half price. There is a n<!W sdection each week.

Coach OQn Kloppenburg presents trophy emblematic of the Desert Conferencefootballchampionship to Dr. Robert C. Rockwell,COC's president. At press time, the champion Cougars were headed for a California Community College state football play-off game with the win.,er of the Central conference, Reedley community College. The ~ame was scheduled for the Hart High field.
By Art Gilbreath

"My goal ever since I was 8 years9ld was to become a coach," s.aid Ed. Jacoby. "I really never figured on being anything else.
He obviously made the right de c"i s ion if his record at COC means .anything. In two years, Jacoby has al ready won three conference titles,
t'l'O in cross country and one in
track -~hd field.
But perhaps more importantly

in the long run, he's also one of _the most respected and popular instructors on campus.
, Jacoby teaches from a position of strengtn--he was once an outstanding track man himself. He was captain of the track team in .his junior and senior years at the University of Utah. .Later, in the NAAU Junior Olympics, he fini~hed second in both the 1O O meters and the long jump.
He received his master's degree at Colorado State where he attended on a scholarship and where he also began his coaching career, now in its 11th year.
When asked what role athletics plays in our college system,
J: acob:y said, "It inspires individ ual development and provides a vital means of expression,"
"At the JC level, I've learned to accept defeat with success," he said. "A coach receives as much from a program as he puts
into iL. .If a coach lacks interest fn or doesn't work on his program, he creates his own prot>lems." . Jacoby believes that coaching _at the. JC level provides special opportunit_ies and special chal~enges .
"A JC coach must do better

:because, generally speaking, he has less to work with than does his counterp~rt at a four year school_;"
COC's: winningest coach said he's happy with his job and is looking for ward to involvement with a growing institution.
Jacoby is also an author. He is currently working on his second book which has a working title of "Get Set." It discusses mechanical and physiological problems


encountered in track and field events and how to solve them. McGraw-Hill is the publisher.
An ear 1i er work is t i tled "Physiological Implications of Interval Training."
Top Football Players Named

Head Coach Don Kloppenburg and his staff pick the outstanding offensive and defensive players of each game. Award recipients
for past games; Barstow, Wide
Receiver Wayne Foglesong and
Halfback Gary Hamilton; Mira

Costa, Tight End Bruce Mitchell, Guard Dave Howsare, and Middle Guard Gary pitch.
Palo Verde, Quarterback Robert "Red" Stevens, Safety William Lankford; VictorValley, Fullback Don Phillips, Linebacker Ruben France, and Tackle Steve Pearson, and College of the Desert, Center Mike Underwood, and Cornerman Greg Kincaid.

Vol. II, No. 5 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS Dec, 13, 1971
Student Gov't. Pours Coffee
By Bi II Leach
In a major policy action re
cently the Student Council ap
proved the distribution of free
coffee to the student body
during the winter quarter.
The prog_ram, limited because
of the expense, calls for dis
tribution of free coffee four
times a day, cme day a week, for
one quarter only.
Service times adopted were
7 to 8 a.m. and 12 to 12:30 p,m.
for day students, and 5:30 to
6:30 p,m. and 7:50 to 8:20 p,m. for night students.
In further action, $2,500 was added to the 1971 athletic budget. The additional expenditure provided for larger than .anticipated expenses in track and cross country, basketball, football, golf,. wrestling and baseball programs. Also, Niel McAuliffe, Freshman 1c lass vice president, was named chairman of a new Draft Counseling c<0rnmittee.
McAuliffe argued that to present only the military service proselyting teams on campus is not an objective approach. He believes stude.nts should be aware of P'Q$pible' alternatives to military induction.
Finally , a statement of stuclt>nt rights was proposed by Bill Leach, Freshman class president.
The statement gul;lranteed that student rights to freedom of the press, to universal, equal and secret sufferage; to peaceable assembly, and to petition thl' student government for a rl'dr0ss of grievance would not bl' denied or abridged by the studt>nt government.
However, a lengthy filibuster conducted by the council ad\'isor tabled the motion until the nl'xt meeting, when proponents Pxpected it to pass.
In another major policy action the Student Council voted to hold some of the Executive committee meetings at night.
The action, proposed by Associated Student Body Presidt'nt Don Allen, is intended to opt'n stud0nt government to participation by the night studl'nts ..
"Too many night students fl'l'l this gon:rnment does not

Let there be light! Larry Shields, photojournalism student, produced this striking photograph which he submits is appropriate tor the Christmas season in this technological age in which we I ive.
Take a Bow, Students; You're Great -Over 30
By Barbara Fecko
As this fall quarter draws to close, I can't help but recall my feelings a year ago.
The decision to start college and earn my degree after so many years away from formal education was not an easy one to make. The work didn't frighten me but, as a full fledged member of the "establishment", I expected to be greeted with hostility and isolation.
After all, every night for many months one newscast or another assured the audience that our students felt nothing but scorn for us archaic boobs over
As I walked up that long hill for the first time, I felt rather like a Daniel going forth into the lion's den of subversives, dope fiends and amoral pleasure seekers.
In reality, what I found were warm, friendly young adults striving to find new and concrete answers to the complex problems facing all of us today. Instead of the anticipated isolation, you were quick to invite me to share your world.
Subsequently, I have learned much from you. You have taught
College of the Canyons stu
dents will play Santa Claus to
Newhall-Saugus children enrolled
in the Head Start program.
Under auspices of the Vet
erans club, a Christmas party,
with Santa and all the trimmings,
will be held from 2 to 4 p.m.,
Monday, Dec. 20, in the Student
Guests Will be 15 Head Start
youngsters, their parents and
brothers and sisters, according
to Rick Signoretti, member of the
campus Toys for Needy Children
committde and vice president of
the Veterans club.
Actually, Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus will reign at the party. The couple will be elected at a school dance staged at the Hart High cafeteria on Friday, Dec. 17.
Students attending the dance,
with music furnished by the "l"
combo, are asked to bring one
toy for later distribution at the
In addition to Mr. and Mrs.
Santa Claus, entertainment will
include singing led by members
of the COC chorus, music bY.
Gail Morgan-and he r guitar,
games, and breaking of a pinata
for the special benefit of Mex
ican-American guests.
The party will be financed principally by area business men who are contributing the food, drinks, a Christmas tree, and some of the toys.
Contributors include Vons Market, J. J. Newberry Department store, TG & Y, and Safeway located in the North Oaks Shopping Center and the Canyon Country Plaza, Saugus.
There will be two Christmas trees at the party, one of which will be decorated by the children.
The second tree is a live pine presented to the school as a tribute to Jim Boykin, biological science instructor, by his biology class students.
Students who wish to contribute toys may do so in receptacles placed in various spots on campus this week by the Veterans club.
Any surplus of toys will be given to the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots drive, said Signoretti, who will act as master of ceremonies at the party.
This will be COC 's first

(Cont'd. on Page 4) 30. (Cont'd. on Page 3) (Cont'd. on Page 3)
Page 2

The clubs and organizations on this campus a re presently facing a diminishing membership crisis. Membership grows constantly smaller.
To cope with this problem, many clubs are conducting advertising campaigns in futile attempts to stimulate student body involvement. These campaigns have had little success.
The membership situation is so critical that many clubs are facing dissolution and abandonment of causes for which they originally were organized.
Still, the remaining clubs continue to meet, blaming student apathy for their declining numbers.
However, the cause may lie elsewhere. In fact, the problem may lie within the clubs themselves.
If this is so, the approaches c 1u b s h a v e t a k e n s o f a r are merely passive attacks against U-1e effects of this crisis. They have yet actively to engage the cause of the crisis.
Furthermore, the passive and negative attitude of a student body is not any internal disease. It is only a reflection of a pass ive and negative stimulus. In other words, apathy produces apathy.
You cannot persuade an aud
. ience to adopt a certain philosoP h y if you are not fully committed to that philosophy yourself.
Perhaps this is the root of the problem. If so, the remedy is obvious.
Only with firm dedication to their cause will clubs develop an active and positive attitude. A stro ng co m.mitment creates an active attitude just as a ,veak comm itm ent creates a passive attitude. They are inter-related and flow from each other as warmth from a fire.
This active and positive attitude , in turn, acts as a magnet. It repels some, but it attracts
others .
Bill Leach

David Hoeltje, Editor

Suzanne Muhl Kenneth Nix William Leach James Beydler Reid Worthington Scott Peterson Richard Hunter Don Chambers Gregory Knights Robert Stevens Kevin Dooley Ron Boydston
PHOTOGRAPHERS Tom Burlew Bruce McKinney Paul Osterhues Paul Plamondon
An angry cry of frustration

breaks the campus calm.
A stud en t, s puttering with

rage, is kicking a metallic ob
ject--the infamous Coke Machine.
In a sense, this vignette is symptomatic of a common ill-the mechanization of our civilization. There are those who believe that we slowly are being enslaved by computers, automobiles, appliances and vending machines that constantly boobytrap our environment.
I thought it pertinent, therefore, to interview our campus' most flagrant and autocratic advocate of Machines Uber Alles-the Coke Machine.
"Why do you sometimes refuse to spit up a coke and keep the money," I asked for openers.
"People think they can buy me for a 1o us y dime, 11 he ans we red petulantly. "You 're so damned smug. I like to watch you burn."
"That's sadistic,11 I pointed out. "Oh, thank you very much, 11 he said, obviously pleased.
I the n ask e d the Coke Machine, or as he likes to be called, Lord Coke, to relate any antagonistic encounters he has experienced with disgruntled students who insert their dimes and receive nothing.
"There was this football player, see, who kicked me. But he just sprained his ankle and was out of the next game. The Signal reported that he had hurt himself in practice.
"Then there was this coed type chick who tried to jimmy her dime back by inserting a fingernail file into my distributor. She contacted a 110 volt connection and landed hard on her gluteusmaximuses. It was beautiful."
Lord Coke also recalled the college administrator who put in a dime and received nothing in return--neither his grape julep nor his money.

"He called Leon Horton to fix me, but Leon, a real competent guy, was over his head. Then he told his secretary to make out a Maintenance Work Order--in triplicate, of course. utter futility!
"I heard later that the administrator, who by this time was a raving maniac, had placed the matter on the agenda for the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.
"All for just a lousy dime. 11
Lord Coke then advised me

that the customer immediately
following the frustrated admin
istrator was a cute coed with
the most georgeous chest you
ever saw.
"She got two Cokes--the one the administrator paid for and her own."
As I continued to interview the mechanical monster, it became evident that there is a master conspiracy afoot among the campus vending machines.
"We never foul up for long periods of time," Lord Coke explained. "Just once in a while. The important thing is not to est ab l is ha modus ,operandi, a pattern.
"The ideal technique is to foul up for one customer then work right for the next. That
really gets them! "Constant misfire on our part is bad. We're replaced. In our Syndicate, that's fatal. The contract goes out, we 're picked up,
and wind up in Las Vegas. There they put handles on us and turn us over to the untender mercies of the slotmachine-mad grandmothers.
"That's OUR hell."
One final question:

"Why are you so cantankerous w hi 1 e the c i g a rette machine, though far from perfect, is so sweet?" I inquired.
Lord Coke shuttered in disgust. A trickle of selzer spittle spritzed from his nozzle.
"The cigarette machine is a fag," snorted Lord Coke.
Opini on
By Dav id Hoe ltje

In November, 1972, more than 25 million young Americans will be offered their first opportunity t o shape the de st in y of the United States of America.
The immense political bloc this group represents is something American politicians have never had to cope with before and one by one they are all jump ing on the bandwagon.
Making speeches to groups of young people has become a major part of po 1it i ca 1 c a mpaigning which brings us to the big question concerning the youth vote.
Are we capable of distinguishing between sincerity and sugarcoated deceptions which many politicians are using as lures to gain the support and confidence of American voters?
To most politicians it is the same old game with new faces added to the crowd.
Thoughts and ambitions have

n't changed; just tactics and
This is the greatest chal

lenge that faces this country's
new voters. We must make every
effort to avoid being led like
sheep to slaughter.
We must not be taken in by

the smiling faces making prom
ises left and right, and ranting
and raving about the need to
dump Nixon in '72.
There is no need to replace

Nixon if we do not intend to fill
the vacancy with a man or woman
of better quality and ability to
respond to the people.
Most Americans know very

little about the people they vote
for and do not seem to care to
know about them.
Americans must start paying

attention to whom they are elect
ing and stop letting the job be
done by little close-knit groups
with enough money to pay the
image makers of Madison Avenue.
A Democratic Republic serves

no purpose unless the people it
supposedly serves have the am
bition to, take advantage of its
main pri viledge--to think and
have your thoughts represented
in Washington.
Well, we have been given the power to confront and change the present power structure.
To change or not to change is something that will be up to us.
We young people have done a lot of talking the past few years and now the time has come to transform words into actions. The main task will be to weed out the good from the bad and that will be no easy job. But it must be done--if, indeed, it is possible.
If we are not able to do it now, we may never have another opportunity to make our dreams
become realities. Events are hap~ pening too fast for second chances to be permitted.
We may not be able to shape the future, but the least we can do is try not to be victims of the past.

Student Art Rated In Show
The 2nd Annual Fall Quarter Art Show opened its doors for a two-day exihibit of works by art students Dec. 4 and 5. The show sponsored by the Associated Me~ Students, contained over 160 works of art, displayed in the rec e n t 1 y c om p 1 et ed Student Lounge.
Art in the. media of water color, pen and ink,pencil, photog r a p h y an d s i l v e r point was judged by Thomas Bouck , a professional artist and teacher , and Lee Musgrave, art instructor at Pierce College. Musgrave will be teaching Design at College of the Canyons during the winter quarter.
The show's Grand Prize went to Luann McWilliams for her Composition in Still Life, a pencil drawing which also won 1st prize in that category.
Other 1st place ribbons went to Tim Harrington for his pen and ink, The Oak: Nijole Kent, The Sun, in water color, and Kim Rosier's Girl With Ears of Corn in silverpoint.
Second place awards went to Tim Harrington,PhyllisWilliams, Bruce McKinney andJohnSylvies.
Marilyn Wilcox, April Cook, Claire McAuliffe and Kate Bogart won 3rd place ribbons, and 4th prize awards were given to April Cook, Erik Noet, Bindy Long, Kim Rosier and Kate Bogart.
Honorable Mention ribbons were awarded to Erik Noet, John Sylvies, Lisa Anderson, Barbara Fecko and Nydia Rasmussen.
In the Photography division, 1st prize was awarded to Bruce McKinney's Mrs. Meyer's Mansion. Paul Osterhues and Anita Deines placed 2nd and 3rd, respectivly.
(Cont'd. from Page 1)
Christmas party of this nature and the first campus project by the newly formed veterans club headed by President Mike Loyd.
In addition to signoretti, members of the Toys for Needy Children committee are Dave svmonds, Valerie BOYkin, Jens Noet and Gail Morgan. Loyd is Chair
The Student Council publicity committee needs a copyreader and a publicity writer for its stories to the community press. A modest stipend is offered. Interested students should contact Don Allen, Associated Student Body president, or Ray Canfield, Publicity committee chairman.
(Cont'd. from Page 1)
me how to listen to my own children and hear what they say. It is an enjoyable experience. You have forced me to examine closely my values and determine for myself that they are what I want rather than blindly adhering to something handed down from the previous generation.
Even more important, I have learned that he who does not share my values is no less a person than I consider myself to be. For a conservative die-hard like myself, it was a revelation to discover that long hair doesn't hide horns, that motorcycles are g r e at f u n an d t h at p o litica 1 science classes don't teach how to make bombs.
Besides what I have learned from you, I would hope you also have learned from me. Those of us who have already established our place in society are not as empty headed and insensitive as you might think.
We may approach the immense problems of our space-age life differently than you, but in the end we all want the same thing-a better life for ourselves and our children. If we work together, solutions can be found, but if we fight each other no one gains anything.
My sojourn at College of the Canyons is almost over and I look forward to going on to new challenges. However, no matter where I go from here, you will occupy my warmest memories. It was here I learned how fine young students really are.
I no longer think of this cluster of pre-fabs as your world but as our world.
The author of this article, Mrs. Barbara Fecko, is an art major. Mother of four (6 to 12) years of age). and wife of a civil engineer, Mrs. Fecko plans to continue her study at San Fernando Valley State College, hoping ultimately to earn her doctorate and to "run an art museum." Mrs. Fecko was graduated from Sacred Heart Academy for Girls in Pittsburgh, PA, and when she walked into her first class at COC last year it was the first time in her life that the room contained male students. She has a 3 .4 grade point average.
Annual Fall Sports Award banquet, honoring Cougar football and cross country athletes1 will be held on Friday, Jan 14. The affair will be held at the Ranch House Inn, Valencia.
Page 3
Jeffers First ICC President
Bill Jeffers is College of the Can~ons' first Inter-Club Council president.
He was opposed for the seat by Rodney Grimes and Michael L_oyd, with the latter winning the vice president's seat.
~ effers appointed Lynnett Sch1pard secretary-treasurer of the
ICC which will coordinate cam~
pus club activities.
As president, Jeffers, a busi
ness administration major, will

represent the campus clubs on the Student Council as a voting member.
"If a club is upset with a ruling of the Student Council I will find out why the Stud~nt Council passed the ruling."

Instrumental in organizing this "unity of clubs", Bill feels strongly about the functions of the ICC, seeing it as having three major advantages for the student.
First, he believes ICC provides a wider range for student participation apd a more open chance for student involvement in government.
"Whereas the Student Council
is restricted in membership, the
ICC is not. All students can be
members of clubs and, therefore,
be members of the ICC."
Secondly, the ICC is a source of encouragement, Jeffers states.
"It will encourage clubs to form, and thereby encourage activities of the student body as a whole."
Thirdly, it provides a means for joint action.
According to Jeffers, "ICC, as an organization, can provide its own cooperative services through joint action of the clubs."

Page 4
By Don Chambers

For the second year in a tow, a COC football player has been named Most Valuable Player in the Desert Conference.
Robert "Red" Stevens, the Cougars' crack quarterback, received the honor this year. Clint McKinney took the award last year.
Stevens was second in the entire state in passing in his class. His total this season was an outstanding 1,954 yards, and he was intercepted only nine times.
Red passed for 22 touchdowns and ran one in himself.
Other outstanding performers during the season included Gary Hamilton, classy running back, who scored high in state rankings with 939 yards and 15 touchdowns, listing an excellent
5.3 yards per try. Wayne Fogelsong, a versatile
fullback, accounted for 851 yards. The team's total offensive
Just at press time came word that three Cougars were named to the Junior College All-America honorable mention list. They are Quarterback Robert Stevens, Offensive End Bruce Mitchell and Offensive Tackle Dave How
yardage at the end of the year
was a stunning 4,471 yards.
Cougars hrnored on the All

Conference offensive first team
were Tight End Bruce Mitchell,
Tackle Dave Howsare, Guard
Gary Fitch and Flanker Wayne
The naming of Gary Hamilton to the second team~ stunned Cougar fans.
Honorable mentions on the offensive team went to Split ~nd Jim Elford, Flanker Richard Carter, Fullback Don Phillips, Halfback Richard smith and Center Mike Underwood.
S a f e t y B i 11 L a nkford was elected to the All-Conference defensive first team. Second team honors went to End Gary Fitch, Tackle Dave Howsare and Safety Steve Lough.
Honorable mention honors were awarded Tackle Steve Pearson, Linebacker Ruben Franco, Linebacker Bruce Mitchell, End Phil Perito and Cornerback Greg Kincade.
"I feel proud to have coached such a good team," said Head Coach Don Kloppenburg. Everyone worked hard--players and coaches--and it paid off.
'We are ranked fifth in the state in our class. That's some feat, considering that it's only the second year for our team."
Kloppenburg was not overly optimistic about next year's team, however.
"We must do a complete rebuilding job," he said. "Most of this year's squad are sophomores who are leaving COC. It's hard to forecast for next year."
But the coaching staff remains. What the staff had done two years in a row it can do again.

Basketba II is now front stage center at COC. Gary Carson (31)
plays center and forward. Allan Schwab (34) doubles at for
ward and guard. In background is Guard Kai Goudey. Next
home games are with Cuesta (Dec. 28) and Antelope Va I ley
(Dec. 29) at Hart High gym. Come out and root for Coach Lee
Smelser's fine squad. (Photographer's note: Sorry about that .. arm at upper left).

Two of the finest cross country runners in the state, in their class, are COC's Mike Martinez (left) and Jim Bonnell, who placed first and fourth, respectively, at the Sacramento finals. A tremendous accomplishment for Coach Ed Jacoby's champion harriers.
Martinez No. 1 In State Meet
By Scott Peterson
Cross Country 1971. ThP Year

of the superstars.
This is what history will say

about this season's cross coun
try team.
COC 's cross country Cougars were undefeated in confl'rPnc P meets. This is outstanding for a team's second season. Exct>pt, perhaps, when you recall that the Cougars also won last yPar, the first for the fledgling school.
But the real climax of thP successful season occurrPd at the state finals in SacramPnt o late in November when thl' team's ace runner, Mike Martinez, won first place, and a rPal freshman comer, Jim Bonne11 ,
placed fourth.
Earlier in the season, Cougar runners virtually swept opposition from the field during the conference meet at Mira Costa. COC took 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 10th places.
In other words, our team took the conference title virtually unchallenged.
COC 's harriers competed in the Southern California Small Junior College finals in San Diego on Nov. 19, placing sixth. The team had hoped to do better, but injury to two top runners, Howard Hockenburry and Frank Dixon, greviously handicapped the squad.
But Martinez and Bonne11 placed high enough in that meet to qualify for the state finals even if the team did not.
In addition to Martinez, Bonnell, Hockenberry and Dixon, COC 's c h a m p i o n s h i p cross country cougars include Bob Howell, Tim Trigg, Ralph Wenzinger and John Rexwinkle.
Congratulations, champs!

(Cont'd. from Page 1) represent them," Allen said, "It is time we change that atti tude." The Executive committee, which formulates the Student 1Council'1 agenda, normally meets Tuesdaya at noon. It will now meet periodi cally at night in the Student Lounge. Other action included activa tion of a Student Lounge Advisory committee. Its-function is to prepare lists of Student Lounge needs, rules and regulations for conduct in the lounge, and ways for the student body to profit from the lounge. Jan Moore and Rick Hoefel are are co-chairmen, with Kathy Rapp, Bill Jeffers and Meenk as members. A Bookstore committee to review and formulate a Bookstore operating policy was also activated. This committee consists of Don Allen, Sharon Rapp, Mark Meade, a student representativeat-large and three faculty personnel. The purchase of 500 additional handbooks, to be distributed to winter and spring quarter students, also was approved.

Vol. II. No. 8

First building expected to be constructed on campus is the Instructional Resource Center (see story below). Walkway at right in photo leads to the I RC bui Id ing. If state funds are re leased next week as expected, IRC groundbreaking ceremonies w i 11 be he Id in mid-Apri I, and the bui Id ing wi II be ready for occupancy for the 1973 fall term.
Expect IRC Money Soon
D-Day for College of the Canyons is Tuesday, Feb. 29.
That is the day the state's Public Works Board next meets to conduct business. This business, it is expected, will include release of $2.1 million for College of the Canyons' first permanent building, the Instructional Resource Center.
Total cost of the IRC is an
estimated $2.7 million. The Santa Clarita Community College district will contribute the additional $600,000.
COC earlier was notified un

officially that the state intended to release the construction
The news was a shot in the arm for COC administrators who have been in a yo-yo state for months, uncertain if and when state money would be available and construction of a permanent campus could begin.
The IRC, a four-story structure, will house 20 classrooms (temporary), a library, audio-visual area, faculty offices, work space for many classified personnel, staff lounge, language and teaching labs, reading rooms, and storage areas.
Preparation of the IRC site has been underway for weeks.
Always assuming that the Public Works Board comes through as expected, groundbreaking ceremonies for the IRC will take place sometime in April.
Construction is expected to be completed by August, 1973, in time for the fall quarter.
Leased portable classroom buildings now in use will be abandoned when the new classrooms in the IRC are ready. In turn, the IRC classrooms will be used for other purposes when the main classroom building is constructed sometime in the future.
The general classroom building, the Science building, and a Student Center are scheduled to be erected after the IRC.
These three buildings are listed in the state's 1973-74 budget, but release of these funds is contingent, in all probability, on passage next fall of a $160 million state community college construction bond issue.
Rating Team Lauds Students
"We are certainly impressed by students of this college ," said Robert A. Anna'nct, head of the a c c re ct it at ion team that evaluated College of the Canyons last week.
. "They are your gr e at e s t asset. We found them proud of your school and willing to work toward the betterment of the institution," he added .
At a meeting attended by Board of Trustees members, administrators, faculty, and student leaders following the three-day Pvaluation, Annand spoke in glowing terms of the many assets of this new educational institution.
"Effectiveness of instruction at College of the Canyons merits an 'outstanding rating'," he said. "Students call you 'super teach
ers'. Such an accolade, coming as it does from the young people for whoin this college primarily was created, is the highest compliment teachers can receive."
Annand said students also told his accreditation team that they appreciate the "personalized instruction" they receive from the faculty.
"The availability to students of your staff and your instructors is a real, basic strength of this college ," said Annand, president-superintendent of West Hills College at Coalinga, CA.
Annand termed the leadership provided by the administration to be of the "highest caliber," and, in particular, cited Dr. Robert C. Rockwell, superintendent-president, for providing
(Cont'd on Page 4)
The death of Dr. William G. Bonelli, Jr., mPmber of thr Board of TrustPcs, was announced as this pap<' r Wl'nt to press. Dr. Bonelli was th<' board's first president, serving for two years. As Dr. Rob(rt C. Rockwell, superint(ndrnt-pn~sident, said, Dr. BOnclli's many contributions to this c.:oll<'g(' are too num()rous for m<'ntion. His death is a great and gri(!vous loss. COC \Vill b(! c.:losPd this Friday in his honor, and funeral services will b(! h(dd on that day at 11 a.m. at thP Eternal Valley Chap( 1, N(whall.


The draft and those who have evaded it are key issues in today's politics.
The question is--should draft resisters and evaders be granted amnesty?
Some people, quoting "love for country" or other overused cliches, stigmatize evaders of
the draft as cowardly and trait
orous .
These people have overlooked the basic ingredient with which all d e mo c ratic foundations are formed--tolerance .
Furthermore, in our system a man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Who are we to label draft evaders as traitors when the U. S. Supreme Court has not yet ruled on the constitutionality of the conscription act these "evaders " supposedly violate?
By proclaiming their guilt, we degrade the very system we profess to promote.
Others assert that veterans should decide the fate of draft resisters because the veterans are the men who fought for their c ountry.
These people, too, manifest a limited view.
Men do not die for a country or a flag; they die for ideals a country or flag represents.
We are not different from other

We have ghettos. Other nations

have ghettos.
We suffer racial tensions.

Many nations endure racial ten
s ions.
Some Americans are starving. So are A s i a n s, A fr i c ans, and Europeans.
The difference rests in the fact that only we have the potential power to abolish all forms of life or all forms of misery. Our traditions and ideals are totally oriented towards the latter.
The veteran served because

he believes in the ideals of A
merican life,
He believes in a United States in which love for one's fell ow man is the source of national compassion.
That is what the veteran has fought for . That is what he has died for.
This paper supports amnesty for draft resisters because that, too, is the America this publication believes in.
Bill Leach

Kevin Dooley Susan Hoffman Ne i I McAu I iffe Jens Noet Laura Lyman Richard Hunter Anita Deines Ann Molin Scott Peterson Fred Fink
Pau I Osterhues Larry Sh ie Ids Bruce McKinney
By Neil McAuliffe
President Nixon's historic

visit to mainland China, com
monly known as Red China, is
now a fact.
This phenomenal grandstand

play is perhaps the most spec
tacular international publicity
stunt of our time.
The fact that this rapprochement is taking place just a few months before the November elections is obviously no coincidence. From the point of view of domestic politics, Mr. Nixon's motives are highly suspect and partisan.
Although I feel Mr. Nixon is playing politics in the timing of this visit, I applaud our country's initiative in opening the lines of communication which have been locked shut for over two decades.
Perhaps this move will prove to be the first step in an ultimate new understanding and cooperation, possibly leading to the restoration of the basic friendship that existed between our two countries prior to World War II.
It is hoped that Mr. Nixon somehow may be able to "trade" with Mao Tse-tung and Chou Enlai to help heal the festering wound of Vietnam. This, however, is highly doubtful.
It's interesting to note that a quarter of a century ago, four state department professionals, Ray Ludden, John Service, John Davies and John Emmerson recommended rapprochement with Mao and his people and were subsequently crucified politically by Sen. Joe McCarthy and his band of Red-haters.

These four men have now been vindicated by Mr. Nixon's trip.
Ironically, it was Dick Nixon who set the stage for the McCarthy era through his first emergence into national politics as a
commie hunter.
Awa rd Fete
Dates Set

The Wint e r-S pr in g Sports Award banquet will be held May 19 and the Associated Student Body Awards banquet is scheduled for June 2.
Purpose of the latter affair is to honor excellence in the areas of academics, student government, and club and organization activities.
Among the prestigious citations to be presented , on that occa_sion are the "Outstanding Service," "Outstanding 'Man11 and "0 u t s t an d i n g Woman 11 awards.
The school yearbook, IMAGE, is nearing completion, and will be distributed free to all cardcarrying students in June, prior to final exams. This year's book will be 92 pages in contrast to last year's 64 page edition. Sharon and Kathy Rapp are co-editors.
BY Cassandra

Students and faculty members have recently been blessed or cursed (depending upon one's point of view) with the addition of a large speaker mounted on top of the Student Union building from which emanates a cacophony that reverberates through the hallowed halls of ivy.
It is not our intent to comment on the aesthetic qualities of music, or is it our purpose to issue a critique on the technological methods of reproducing and distributing mass music. Instead, we question the advisability of inundating every aspect of our life with this Muse.
From the moment our clock radio awakens us each morning until KHJ lulls us to sleep each night, our auditory senses are bombarded by a rhythmic recital of noise.
As we drive our cars equipped with the latest model radio or stereo tape deck, we are tuned to the sound of today.
When we arrive at work, music

greets our eager ears because
efficiency experts tell us that
production output increases with
the encouragement of a lively
Depending upon the restaurant we choose for lunch, our choice of music also varies. From the rock sounds of the jukebox at "Joe's Place" to the Mariachi band at "Casa Teribla", our food is served with a lavish sprinkling of guitars, drums, and castanets.
On entering the local supermarket, displays of lush new products--carefully arranged by budding psychologists in their efforts to induce us to buy what we really don't need--dazzle our eyes as the inescapable music caresses our ears.
Until recently, our campus had been a citadel--a place in which one could escape the beckoning call of the "Top Ten." But, for some inexplicable reason, our college, too, has become a distributor of mass musicology.
Music, which was once the highest expression of man's soul, has now become an anesthetic. Instead of heightening our awareness, it has dulled our senses.
We move through our day in three-quarter time.
Music has receded into the background, merging with the discordant sounds of the 20th century. With this assault upon our senses, we have forgotten how to "listen."

Following a recent weekend archeological dig in which 3Ostudents participated, Roger Basham, anthropology instructor, is planning another in March. The pro
gra~ incl~des di~ing for Yokuts Indian artifacts t Buena Vista dry lake in the Sa Joaquin Valley, a barbecue, and an overnight stay at Taft College. Interested students and faculty should contact Basham or Don Allen, Associated Student Body president.
Page 3

The Bell-Shaped Curve Tolls For You And Me
By Cassandra

A long ti me ago, before the modern concept of education was fully developed, a big debate occurred in a small school in the west. This debate centered upon the issue of The BellShaped Curve.
I know the reader must think it preposterous that anyone would challenge such a well-accepted idea. Yet, it did happen and I can vouch for the veracity of the events to be related as my grandfather, who had attended that school, meticulously transcribed them in his diary.
If any person after reading this account of the great debate, still has doubts, I would be more than happy to show him my grandfather's diary, as I still have it in my possession.
At the time my grandfather attended school, teachers spent more time at administrative rneetings than they did at teaching. I know the reader will find this hard to believe, but this frequently happened before modern educational techniques were

,. fully realized.
At one of these administrative meetings the concept of The Bell-Shaped Curve was discussed. The devotees of The Bell-Shaped Curve felt that the distribution of grades should conform to a curve, approximately 5% A's, 10% B's, 70% C's, 10% D's, and 5% F's.
On the other hand, some rather old-fashioned teachers felt that if 75% of the students deserved A's and B's, they should be awarded that grade. A few instructors, completely unaware of the sociological norm being applied to modern education, didn't care at all about grades.
However, a situation had developed which brought the question of The Bell-Shaped Curve under critical scrutiny. Too many students had qualified for the Honor Society. This, indeed, was a serious delemma, for the Honor Society would become meaningless if its membership swelled.
Someone asked what this society did or what its purpose was, but nobody knew. Most, however, agreed that it was a great honor to belong to it and it could only remain prestigious if it were comprised of a small select membership.
Thus, the logical solution to this problem would be a stricter application of the Bell-Shaped Curve. And all the teachers were asked to distribute grades according to the Law of Averages.
S o m e o n e , r a t h e r pres ump
tuously, suggested that perhaps
the quality of instruction had
improved. If this were true, then
it was apparent that testing pro
cedures should become more
Instead of just testing the stu
dent on the material that the
teacher presented, examinations
could be complicated by also
testing the student on material
not covered. In fact, if the sit
uation so warranted, special
researchers could be hired to un
earth such obscure facts that
even the most industrious stu
dent would be stymied.
Many teachers objected,
claiming that the purpose of ed
ucation was to communicate
knowledge. But, they were totally
unaware of the magnitude of the
problem, for the reputation of the entire college was at stake.
Patiently, the adherents to
The Be II-Shaped Curve explained
the situation:
"Our whole system will become meaningless if too mariy high grades appear on the records. We must reflect the norm if our college is to succeed."
As the debate continued, classes were temporarily suspended. While students were leaving the campus, faculty and administrators sat cloistered in a wood-paneled room continuing the discussion of the grade-point crisis. Just as the staff finally arrived at a consensus, a huge Bell-Shaped Curve descended from the sky, and benignly enveloped them in the womb-like security of the educational no'rm.
Since our modern educational system in no way resembles that of my grandfather, the reader may find this account difficult to believe. However, as fantastic as this story may seem, all the events are verifiable, And while this couldn't happen now, it did happen long ago.
My intention in relating this story is solely to help the reader develop an appreciation of our modern, efficient educational system because I hear that. several slight attacks have been made upon it lately.
Big Band Bob, lhey Call Him
By Jens Noet
"A lot of today's rock turns me on," said Robert Downs, music instructor. "I dig groups featuring horns in particular, groups such as Chicago and B load, Sweat and Tears.
"I say, and this may be heresy to some, that the quality of today's jazz musicians is every bit as good as it was in the big band era. Certainly . the horn musicianship is as good. In general, however, the guitar and rhythm players are not as well schooled as were those of the "swingin' years."
Downs' critique of today's music is not purely academic. The conductor of the college band was a top Pro clarinet player in the late '30s as a member of Bunny Barrigan's popular (in the east and midwest) band.
"When I was playing with Barrigan," Downs recalled, "our tunes included 'The Prisoner's Song,' 'I Can't Get Started with You,' and 'Mahogany Hall Stomp,' which were hit tunes of the day that mean little today.
One of the greatest thrills Downs experienced as a musician occurred while he was still a high school student.
He received an offer to play with one of the greatest musical organizations ever assembled, Tommy Dorsey's band.
But to accept it, he would have had to quit school, a move his parents severly frowned on.
"It really broke my 'heart," Downs said, "but I never regretted my parents' decision."
Later, with Barrigan, Downs played for millions on coast to coast radio, blowing hot choruses of "Wacky Dust" and "Wearin' of the Green" on his clarinet.
Big band life may sound glamorous to the uninitiated, but it was really a "shag", Downs said. "The band traveled from town to town by bus and we always seemed to spend our nights in 'fleabag' hotels," Downs said. Downs came to Hart High School in 1961 and in 1968 Hart's stage band, under Downs' direction, placed third from among 109 entries in a state competition. "I had serious doubts about leaving Hart and coming to COC," he said, "but I found I liked it better. These students don't have to be here--they're coming to college because they want to learn."
Downs is one teacher who is not dreaming of retirement.
"I like what I'm doing and I'll never want to get away from it."


Baseball Bu.ff Lives Again
By Fred Fink

The first robin in the North; spring training in the South.
Each broadcasts the message, "Spring is sprung." For those who live by the crack of a bat and the thump of a ball in a glove and who tingle while watching the flight of a pitch we 11 hit, the season of resurgence is indeed
upon us.
Enough of caroling. Ye grimme olde Editor will be off his chair like a fungo fly if it continues. On, then, to the relevant issue of our own team here at Disco Te ch--oop-COC ! A natural error, in view of the "blazing enthusiasm" for baseball I've noted on
The slip of the pen, above, calls to mind one of the unique functions of all athletic teams in an academic world. This is to provide a name for the institution. Quite a few folks, for example, identify with Slippery Rock--now that their football wins and losses have become a matter of national concern.
Our guys are out there doing their thing, as a recent 8-4 win ~ over Long Beach shows. A day or two before that game, however, I sauntered to the diamond to watch afternoon practice. I was overwhelmed by the number of s pectators--me. A one-man fan
club could easily have convinced Babe Ruth that driving a beer wagon was a better way to live.
At the moment and barring further injury to his players, Coach Mike Gillespie has the team in pretty fair shape for the season. A glance at the roster
shows that he will not get in much practice platooning. This is basically a right handed lineup. Only Rick Campbell bats lefthanded and Emilio Reyes is a switch-hitter.
In commenting on the team, Gillespie said that his line-up was not set, and his roster includes several walking wounded.
Questioned on the conference season, Gillespie indicated that he expected a good, hot race, with Imperial Valley, Mira Costa, and COD possibly the top competition. Spring training predictions are occupational hazards for all coaches in all leagues, but OUR coach is definitely not biting his nails.
The roster includes Pete Calzia, Nik Kadel, Steve Knaggs, Cary Smith, James Elford, and Duane Smith, pitchers; Wayne Foglesong and Art Gilbreath, catchers; Rick Campbe11, Gary Smith, and Elford, first base; Don Hyatt, Gary Pida, and Sumner Kubinak, second base; Gary Hicks and Kubinak, shortstop; Captain Mike Sanchez, third base; Regis Malone, Emilio Rey
es, Marty Slimak,. Mike Wing
field, Campbell, Elford, Gil
breath, outfielders; and Frank
Celaya, utility.

2 8 Stud en ts Score 4.0 GPA
Twenty-eight students earned a grade-point average of 4.O during the fall quarter and received temporary membership in Alpha Gamma Sigma, California Junior College Honor Scholarship Society.
One hundred and sixteen others also were named to the local chapter (Sigma Kappa).
The 28 top students are Rickey Brown, Karl Burns, Peter Calzia, Walter Campbell, Deborah Chilson, Joel Clow, Catherine Ellis, Marion Gallant,Gloria Gast, Glendora Henricksen, Robert Kay 1or, and Gregory Knights.
Also William Leach, Laura Lofiego, Rebecca Lord, Michael Mahonec, Barbara Mccollum, Judith McConnell, Claudia Neuner, Reid Olson, Robert Pence, Nancy Rhysenburger, Louise Rose, Dennis Rotoli, Gary Simmons, William Titus, Thefma Urness and Henry Weiss.
To achieve eligibility, students must maintain at least 12 quantitative units, a minimum of 42 quality points, a minimum grade point average of 3.0, and no grade be low a "C" (all exclusive of physical education).
Pe rm an e n t me mbership is awarded a student who earns temporary status for five of six, or six of seven quarters.
Lon Brown, a 1971 graduate, is the only student so far to achieve permanent membership.
Students May Bankroll Crib
The Student Council is considering establishment of a $3,000 babysitting trust account financed by the Associated Student Body.
The fund, open only to College of the Canyons' students, is designed to ease babysitting expenses of mothers and fathers who attend classes here.
Size of loans is based -on the

number of hours a student at
tends classes.
The maximum loan level is

$6 per week and no student may
borrow more than 50c per class

All loans are to be repaid, by contractual agreement, within three years.
An interest rate of 1% for the entire three-year period will be charged, but this may be waived if the babysitter is hired through the COC Job Placement Office and is employed for at least eight months.
The loan fund is an interim expediency until a permanent, full-time, day care-center is established on campus"
For further information contact Al Adelini, dean of student activities.
Students expecting to be graduated in June must file a petition for graduation in the Office of Admissions and Records.
COC's wrestling team did well in its first season, placing third in the Desert Conference. Imperial Valley won the title; Victor Valley was second. Larry Reisbig coached, and Kurt Freeman assisted.

(Cont'd from Page 1) "decisive direction." He referred to the Board of Trustees as "young in terms of tenure but certainly dedicated to serving the student," Edward Muhl, board president, and Bruce Fortine, vice president, attended the meeting. Annand commended the College for providing courses to fulfill the vocational-technical needs of the community, citing particularly the police and fire science curricula. "We approve your 'open door' policy and like your agreement with Los Angeles whereby San Fernando Valley students may enroll at College of the Canyons," he said. The chairman and his committee, however, recommended
increased "integration of the college in community affairs," and recommended the appointment of an "assistant dean for community services."
He forecast that College of
the Canyons, as it grows and
integrates, will give the entire
New ha 11-Saugus-Valencia area
and its environs a vital "shot in
the arm."
Annand also had good words for the college's classified staff. "The caliber of your support personnel is excellent," he said.
The accreditation t e am of
seven will now make its official
report to the Western Association
of Schools and Colleges. The
WASC accreditation commission
will meet next June to determine
College of the Canyons' status.
Options include continuation
of the present "candidate"
status or full accreditation for
one, two, or three years.

College of the Canyons' students will conduct a voter registration drive in area shopping centers March 8 through 13. The following week (March 13-17) the registration campaign will be conducted on campus.

Vol. II. No. 9 March 16, 1972

Council Eyes Sports' Budget
In an active past four weeks, the Student 'council has been focusing attention on the budget.
An issue arose when Greg Knights, representing the Judicial Council, informed the Student Council that he had been approached by two of its members requesting a temporary iniunction on Associated Student Body funds until an investigation could be made into athletic expenditures.
Bill Jeffers, Inter-Club Council president, and Neil McAuliffe, Freshman class vice president, asked that the council minutes record their great concern over "the large portion of ASB funds going into athletics."
They were joined in their concern by Rick Hoefel, ASB vice president; Bill Leach, Freshman class president, and Laura Leach, Rally committee chairman.
It was their contention that gate -receipts and expenditures were not being properly recorded in the Student Council's financial statements.
Jeffers pointed . out that expenditures totaling hundreds of dollars were being made and recorded as "miscellaneous".
He, and others, felt that all outflows and inflows of money should be itemized and printed in the financial statements for public scrutiny.
After debating the issue, the council decided to consider for approval only itemized expenditures and appropriations.
This new action, proposed by Jeffers and Leach, (Bill), will include next year's budget allocations and any funds expended from the General Fu~d during the remainder of this year.
In further action, Sophomore class president Juanita Gomez was appointed chairman of the College Blood Bank.
Have you registered? Exercise your priceless franchise! An on-campus voter registration drive this week continues through Thursday and Friday (March 16-17). Student registrars will be func tioning from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
in the student dining area. Students, don't goof on this!

Red China, Yes;
Red China, No
By Jens Noet

and Rick Signoretti
One of the most spectacular, and possibly significant, events of recent times was President Nixon's trip to communist China.
Because of the potential importance of the rapprochement, this newspaper thought it relevant to conduct a survey of student opinion on this subject.
The question: "What do you think about Mr. Nixon's trip to China?"
Dwayne Eddy --I would like to know what really happened instead of hearing only propaganda. What, if anything, happened re 1at iv e to the POW release question? And what happened vis-a-vis Taiwan:?
Judy King--The trip was a facade. It erodes one's ideals to think that the government can
say one thing and do another. I see the trip as a mere ritual, symbolic of the fruitless American effort to manipulate other
(Cont'd on Page 3)
By Bill Leach
Susan Hoffman, Gregory Beeston, David Knapp and Rodney Skinner are College of the Canyons' first-round winners in Bank of America's annual California Community Colleges Awards Program.
These outstanding sophomores each receive $150 and are eligible to compete in one of the five Southern California semi-final area competitions on March 23.
Competing in the semi-finals will be 176 sophomores representing 44 community colleges throughout southern California. Each college has selected four students for the event, one each in the fields of business, technical-vocational, social scienceand engineering.
Winners of the semi-final's
each receive $250 and the op
portunity to compete in final competitions in April at the Los Angeles Hilton Hotel.
Each division winner will receive the top $2,000 award. Second place prizes are $1,000, with $500 going to third place winners.
s u s an H off man is COC 's winner in the social sciencehumanities field.
A Saugus resident, she is a member of the student newspaper staff. Alpha Gamma Sigma (honorary scholastic society), the campus ecology club (SURE). and the President's Honor List,
An employee of COC 's -Admissions Office, Susan is active in many co nmunity organizations, including the Northridge Theater Guild and the Golden State Theater Guild.
Upon completion of her formal education, . Mrs. Hoffman hopes to teach history and English. She also desires to write.
Gregory Beeston of Valencia represents the college in the business field.
An employee of Magic Mountain, Beeston is a member of Alpha Gamma sigma and the President's Honor List.
Gregory is active in many community groups, including the Vista Hills Swim and Racquet club and the Latter Day Saints Sports Association. He hopes to continue his education at Brigham Young University, seek
(Cont 'd on Page 4)

page 2
By Nei I McAul iffe

As of-March 4, 1972, by act of Congfess, 1ndivictuals between the ages of 18 and 21 obtained ma j or it y. This act challenges two aspects of California community college procedure. Presently, students under 21 years of age enrolled in nine or more units are required by state law to include in their programs one-half unit of a physical ed uc at.ion class each quartet-.
Residency requirements pertaining .to unmarried indivictuals under 21 state that a minor's parents or his legal guardian must. reside in the community coll.egy 'district to fulfill the minor.'s , el~gibility. Based on information acquired from various sources on campus, I understand that two relevant laws currently are under consideration by' the attorney general. of this , state.
He can follow one of three avp,nues ,in reaching his decision:
the. iaws pertaining to both physical education and residency may be left as they stand;

the age of majority may be ~lowered from 21 to 18 .in both cases, and (3) one of the laws

may be ainendec;l to lower the age of majority, while the other keeps the existing age of 21 as a majority.
In my judgment, compulsory physical education on a college level serves no worthwhile purpose to the students. Physical education classes interfere with scheduling of academic classes.
A, student may be put in the position of . substituting badminton for Eng.lish in order to

meet his physical education re
For these reasons I urge the Board of Trustees of College of the Canyons to endorse any action removing compulsory physical education from the community college system
I also suggest a restructuring of offerings in physical education to promote voluntary participation in these activities.
With respect to the residency requirement, I maintain that persons 18 years of age should be held to the same eligibility requirements as the 21 year olds.
Kevin Dooley Susan Hoffman Neil McAuliffe Jens Noet Laura Lyman Ann Molin Rick Signoretti Fred Fink
Paul Osterhues Bruce McKinney

Students OK PA System But ...
How individuals res pond to background music has been a topic of study for students enrolled in the evening section of Music 102.
The class recently prepared a questionnaire to determine student reaction to the broadcasts on the new campus public address system, and 270 students, approximately onesixth of COC's enrollment, were polled.
The survey indicated that 90 per cent of the students wish to continue the PA system in some fashion.
But they are divided on questions of program selection and location of speakers.
Some 86 per cent felt they should have a voice in the selection of programs which are presently control led by a member of the college staff.
Almost 40 per cent of the students indicate dissatisfaction with the types of programs heard. (KHJ has been the station broadcasted for the past several weeks).
While less than 6 per cent of the students wish to see the PA programming entirely discontinued, 40 per cent think the speakers should be confined to an area inside the cafeteria or Student Lounge.
The PA system was in continual operation for several wee ks prior to the poll. Although its sound reaches every corner of the central campus (broadcasts are heard inside closed buildings, including lavatories, throu_gh the forced air systems located outside structures), 8 per cent reported they were unaware of the programs.

In addition, 14 per cent--a small but significant number-reported the broadcasts adversely affected their study periods between classes. The fundamental purpose of the college, after all, is to provide an atmosphere conducive to study for all its students.
The results of the poll should serve as a mandate for the leaders of COC's student government to take action in the area of program control and location of the system.
ICC Sponsors Dance Friday
If you like to dance, you'll dig what's coming up.

The "Gram Savage" combo will provide the music for the last dance of the quarter this Friday rright (March 17). staged
from 8:30 to 1 o'clock at the Hart High School cafeteria. The Inter-Club council is sponsoring the dance.
During intermission, another group, "Family," will present selections from the "L ennon

Ono Plastic Band."
The Program committ2 e also has scheduled a light show (by Spontaneous Lights) to add

atmosphere during the dance.
Admission is free to ASB
card holders; students with ID

cards from othfr schools pay 50c, and all others S1.
By Tim Jorgensen
In response to a recent ed
itorial in THE CANYON CALL,
I must react to its support of
amnesty for the "draft dodgers."
Much of the article was well
written and informative, but the
views expressed are debatable.
It is not always true that
men die . for their country's
ideals or beliefs or for what
their flag re presents. There are
those who are not sure why
they are fighting. They are just
doing their time, so to speak,
until they can get out of that
hell hole that is Vietnam.
More significantly, there are
those who have made the de
cision (to serve) on their own,
knowing very well that there is
a law concerning induction and
length of service,

These inductees may not know what the future holds for them, but they somehow reach a tolerable understanding of the dangers they may face.
But I don't think that all who have been killed believed in what they were doing. One might s~y the pressure of the draft laws forced them into going to war.
Another consideration is that the draft has merely hastened the time in one's life for real and significant challenges, some of them good and some bad. It was their decision to make.
I, for one, do not like to see men placed in the category of those who have died believing in what their country is doing and what the flag stands for.
I have disgust for what is happening to my friends and to my generation. Yet, to submit and serve is not totally wrong.
I cannot support amnesty for those who have dodged the draft and fled to other countries or sanctuaries. The claim that draft dodgers are s pi n e l e s s cowards is not far from true because many have been influenced by individuals and groups and have not made the decision themselves.
To grant amnesty when the law they are dodging remains in question seems to me to be quite drastic. After all, the law may ultimately be ruled constitutional.
My views are not expressed from bitterness because I have served, but. rather, to try to communicate and bring change in a peaceful manner, with fairness for all conc erned, including the vet.
The government should offer the draft dodger an altenrative:
(1) serve his draft time, or (2)
endure punishment pn!sc:ribed by law.

Ann Heidt, art instructor, has sold an article to "Arts and Activities", the teacher's arts and crafts guide, concerning the local fire department's recent campus visit in which firemen posed for her class.
Mrs. Heidt is the author of numerous articles on art~
China Poll
(Cont'd from Page 1)

Cindy Astuto--It is most im

portant to reestablish relations
with China, the most populated
nation in the world. It is really
absurd to think that one nation
can deny the existence of an
other simply by withdrawing its
diplomats and by breaking com
munication. However, I also
believe the visit was politically
Al Lowry--It 's like taking

hold of a rattlesnake. You can't
really trust them, and they've
shown this in the past. The trip
was a failure because it was
comparable to talking to a brick
wall. The Chinese hate our guts
but they will take our money.
Jerry Ethridge--It was a political move, with the benefits of the trip still to be revealed to the public.. I doubt that the Chinese people wanted Mr. Nixon to visit them. I think their cool reception showed this.
Bob Kaylor--I hope we have finally recognized the fact that governments must communicate. But this trip is just a beginning. Let's see what will now happen. I can't get too excited over the trip.
Wi II iam Ya lot i 1--Mr. Nixon's

trip is part of his plan for peace
in Southeast Asia. In the over
al1 1::iig picture of war and peace,
I think the trip served a good
purpose. However, I also think
that the trip to China is part of
Mr. Nixon's master plan for re
electiqn in November.
Herb Green--It's great to reestablish relations with the Chinese. However, you can't really trust them. I say America's leaders should concentrate on solving America's domestic problems first.
Mike Whitmore--The trip was beneficial in the sense that China controls Southeast Asia and it is stupid to ignore that fact and that country. The trip may give America an opportunity t0 establish re lations with China similar. to those now existing with Russia. However, I don't believe we should cut back troops in Taiwan to appease China because power balances power.
Cassandra--Lincoln had his Emancipation Proclamation; Wilson had his League of Nations; FDR had his New Deal, and Mr. Nixon has his China. In our President's rather elusive search for . an Image, he has assumed the role of a 20th cent-
Millie Powers "Best of Show"
Millie Powers' Poppies, a pastel, won "Best of Show" at last Sunday's art exhibit in the Student Lounge, and Tim Harrington's Navajo Girl, also a pastel, was judged "Show favorite". The show was staged by Ann Heidt, art instructor. Priscilla Van Gorder of Saugus was judge.
Miss Powers and Harrington also tied for first place in the Pencil and Pastel division, and Frank Dixon's Galacia placed second in the "Show Favorite" category.
Other first place winners were Jim Birch, Pen and Ink; Nijole Kent, Painting; Paul Osterhues, Mixed Media, and Harrington, again, for Contour.
Additional winners in the Pencil and Pastel division were Joel McConnell, 2d; Helena Silverman, 3d; LuAnn Mcwilliams, 4th, and Claudia Dedo, honorable mention.
Pen and Ink: April Cook, 2d; Tim Harrington, 3d; Frank Dixon, 4th, and Jim Birch, honorable mention.
Painting: Claire McAuliffe, 2d; Hope Burgess, 3d; Kim Rosier, 4th, and Jeri Spenare, honor able mention.
Contour: LuAnn McWilliams, 2d; Nijole Kent, 3d; Tim Harrington, 4th, and Marsha Lemmon and Tim Harrington, honorable mention.
Mixed Media: Stephanie Roberts, 2d; Richard van "Belleghem, 3d; and Paul Plamondon, honorable mention.
ury Marco Polo. It makes good
copy for the history books.
Bill Leach--I am solidly behind e x t e n ding the hand of friendship to the Chinese people. However, I strongly resent the fact that Mr. Nixon was the man to do it. I feel that he has walked blindfolded and backwards into a Pandora Box to promote his own political goals. However, the quality, motives, and actions of an administration are not easily determined during that administration's tenure. Future generations must judge Mr. Nixon's trip.
Fred F ink--I am for reestablishing relations with China, but I am afraid this (Mr. Nixon's) trip) was primarily a political gambit.
Mrs. Morna Hughes--I think the trip was Pollyannish. He went out of his way to establish political friendship.

Future LVN's pose for capping photo at recent ceremony (see story, below). Speakers included Bruce Fortine, vice president-clerl<, Board of Trustees, and Gary Mouck, COC vice president and assis
tant superintendent-instruct ion.
In a recent ceremony held in the C o 11 e g e of the Canyons' Board Room, 14 vocational nursing (LVN) students received their caps, signifying completion of 40 units in the 80 unit course of instruction.
The students were Mrs. Jean Amos, Mr. Wendell Carroll, Miss Catherine Ellis, Mrs. Marion Gallant, Mrs. Helene Grandahl, Mrs. Glendora Henricksen , Mrs. Pamela Laswell, Mrs. Laura LoFiego, Mrs. Barbara Mccollum, Mrs. Valerie Richardson, Mrs. Nancy Rhynsburger, Mrs. Antoinette Scaramella, Mrs. Patricia Todd and Mrs. Thelma Urness.
The caps are symbolic of the school the nurses attend. Each school conducting a course in nursing designs a cap which its nursing graduates will wear throughout their careers.
The school colors are added to the cap upon graduation.
The ceremony included a welcoming address by Bruce Fortine: vice-president and clerk of the Board of Trustees, and a talk by Norman G. Mouck, Jr., assistant superintendent, instruction, and college vicepresident,
Mrs. Hazel C. Carter, R.N., COC 's director of vocational nursing, introduced the students, and Sherry Holland, R.N. , and Helen C. Lusk, R.N., vocational nursing instructors, performed the capping rites.
The class was congratulated by Marjorie Becker, R.N., director of nurses at Golden State Hospital.
L.A. Times Host To Ad Class ,
COC's Business Advertising class recently visited the Los Angeles Times for a private two and one-half hour tour conducted by three company exec~ utives, Leon a rd Pomerantz, sales manager for retail ad vertising; Lon Warren, nigh~ production superintendent, and James Lloyd, day production superintendent.
Students observed production of ads from inception to publication in the first edition of the paper, including new computer _ techniques by which advertisements are prepared press-ready in 20 minutes, or less.
Following the tour, the class

was hosted by the Times to a
late evening snack in the com
pany cafeteria.

Page 4
Tratk Cougars Defend Title
By Don Chambers

The Cougar track and field team will depend on outstanding indivictual performns to defend the Desert Conference crown COC won last year.
"I think our team is superior
to last year's in individual personnel, but it's desperately lacking in balance," said Coach Ed Jacoby. "We do, however, have an excellent group of middle distance and distance runners and outstanding personnel in the various field events."
A gaping hole in the team roster occurred when John Woodring, last year's outstanding pole vaulter, was drafted into the army.
The h u rd le s al s o pose a hurdle. Coach Jacoby impatiently is awaiting the spring quarter when Tick Stewart and Geoff Brown will become eligible for the team.
But the distance events are another matter. The nucleus of the Cougar team revolves around its two great distance runners,
Mike Martinez and Jim Bonnell.
Martinez, the California
~ cross country champion, and holder of conference records in the 880, the mile, and the 3-i. mile, is one of the top JC runners in the country. Bonnell, a sensational freshman, is already ranked rourth in the state in cross country. Howard Hockenberry and Tim Trigg are fine half-milers. The Cougars growl , in the field events, too. Ed Roach is a standout in the shotput, discus, and javelin, and Dan Minyard is impressive in the shotput and discus.
Ron Polk and Richard Carter

give COC two fine quarter milers, and Dwight Carr is the team "workhorse," which often, as in this case, means that the man is a versatile athlete. Dwight competes in the 100 and 220 yard. dashes, the long jump, and the triple jump.
Other Cougars on the team are John Bennett, Gary Carson, Jerry Jackson, Steve Passmore,
John Rexwinkle, Bill Savone,
n'an E. Smith, and Garth Osborne.
Chorus Concert

The College Mixed Chorus will present a noon concert on Thursday, March 16, in the Student Lounge. Featured will be vocal works by two modern composers: Elizabethan Part Songs by the late English composer, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and excerpts from Frostiana (country songs on texts by Robert Frost) by Randall Thompson, an American.
Spring quarter registration is underway and will continue T h r o u g h T h u rsday, March 16, Classes start April 3 and continue through June 16. Class schedule information is available in the Office of Admissions and Records.
New Golf Team Wins Matches
ThP newly formr cl Cougar golf t Pam. th<' first in COC 's young history . won its first match, a 29-25 win over Mt. San Jacinto. Not only did the tPam win, it gave 18 points to thP opposition. BPst score in thP four-man squad was an 82turned in by Dave Harris.
In a second meet. COC defeated Barstow 45-9, with Scott Allensworth turning in the best score, a hot 76.
The team is coached by Bob Henson of Hart High School. In addition to Harris and Allensworth, the team roster includes Bill Carpenter, Craig Douglas,
and Jim Chamberlain.
Two Cougar basketball standouts, Larry Bringham (center, forward), and Dan E. Smith (forward), were named to the All-Conference first team, announced Coach Lee Smelser.
Dan S. Smith (forward) and Kal Goudey (guard) received honorable mention. The Cougars, who finished third in the league, chalked up an over-all record of 20 wins and 12 losses, and a conference mark of 10-4. The team had great shooters, averaging better than 5 0 per cent in 32 ball games.
To Jim Elford, who plays the outfield, first base. and on occasion, pitches, goes the honor of hitting the first home run in cocs beautiful new ball park. The slugger hit one over the left field fence :at the ' 360-foot mark in a recent game with Imperial Valley. A bit later in the same game. which COC won 11-10, Elford pole-axed another round-tripper over the left field fence, this one "only" 340 feet from horn e plate.
Bank of America

(Cont'd from Page 1) ing a Bachelor of Science degree in Business. David Knapp is the college's winner in the technical-vocational field. A resident of Saugus, David participates in several community activities, including the Devonshire District Scouting Post and the Wm. S. Hart Little League. Knapp, a 10 year employee of the Los Angeles Police Department, hopes to obtain his Associate in Arts degree in Police Science this June. His ambitions are to attain the rank of captain and to command the Juvenile division of the LAPD. Rodney Skinner of Valencia represents COC in the science and engineering field. Rodney is a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma, the Mathematics Lab, the President's Honor List, and the Judicial Council. A Magic Mountain employee, Skinner participates in several community groups, including the Duplicate Bridge Club.

Blue Masque

Blue Masque, COC's drama group, will present a reading of James Thurber's "The 13 C Zoe ks" in the Student Lounge on Thursday, March 16, at 5:30 p.m., and on Friday, March 17, at noon.
Participants are Anne Molin,

Eric Noet, Debbie Stunson, Rick
van Belleghem, Marlene van Eunen, and Debbie Wilborn.
The group recently presented a reading at the Leona Cox Elementary School.
Students who have applications on file in the Job Placement Office should update them at the beginning of each quarter.

vol. II, No, 10 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS April 14, 1972

By Neil McAuliffe
Students United for a Resunteer organization which sucpectable Environment (SURE~. ceeded in collecting more than the ecology club. is planning a half million petition signatures full spring quarter of action. to place Proposition 9 on the In addition to the monthly reJune 6 ballot. The group procycling drives, the club will motes environmental causes sponsor a program of films and through public education, legal speakers in the Student Lounge (Cont'd on Page 4) for National Earth Week, April
National and state ecology COC STUDENTS organizations sending represen

tatives are the American Cancer Society, Environmental Quality 'In the recent Bank of AmerMag a z in e, Z e r o P o pulation ica Area V semi-finals for the Growth, Sierra Club, and the $85,000 California Community People's Lobby, the group proCollege Awards program, Susan
moting Proposition 9 (Clean Hoffman and David Knapp of Environn_1ental Act) which will College of the Canyons won appear on the June 6 ballot. $250 and the opportunity to com
The People's Lobby spokespete in the Southern California man will be Mrs. Joyce Kou pal. finals April 28 at the Los Anwife of Ed Koupal. The Koupals geles Hilton Hotel. are co-founders of the ecology At the recent competition organization. held at the Holiday Inn in Van
Mrs Koupal has appeared on Nuys. four students from each numerous television and radio of the eight participating comprograms throughout the state. munity colleges appeared before
The People's Lobby is a a panel of business and civic
grassroots, non-profit. all-vol-(Cont 'd on Page 4)
By Bill Leach
After months of work and disof a fellow officer, show sufcussion, the Student council ficient grounds for such action, has almost completed the writand ratify impeachment by a ing of a new Associated Stuthree-fourths majority vote. dent Body constitution. Under the new procedure,
Although a few details are t he c o u n c i l must present a still to be de bated, the new statement of probable cause for document was tentatively apimpeachment to the judiciary nroved and forwarded to the council. This judicial body must Stud en t Judicial Council for then approve the reasons for review and advice. impeachment before the coun
Many student officers becil may remove a fellow officer lieve that the new document from his office. is written in an objective and Proponents assert that this logical form. They state that restriction on impeachment . will its main emphasis is on the insure that an officer will not equality of all students and 'be arbitrarily removed from ofcite some of its variations fice simply because his views from the old constitution as
(Cont'd on Page 4)
proof. First, proponents of the new constitution maintain it is un

All HAIL TO just to grant one committee, such as the Rally committee, COUGAR FROGI legislative powers, while anoCollege of the Canyons has ther, such as the Social comentered a frog in the second mittee, is deprived of a vote annual Intercollegiate Frog in student government. Jumping Championships spon
To remedy this, a new office sored by Antelope Valley comentitled Representative of Stumunity College. dent Activities, was created. Numerous state colleges and This officer will be charged universities have entered the
with responsibility for most student activities and under his
authority will fall committees
such as the Athletic commis
sion, the Social committee, and

the Instruction committee.
Furthermore, a statement of rights has been incorporated into the new constitution. Some of these rights, such as the guarantee of freedom of the press, are by-laws under the present system and are subject to change merely by a vote of the Student Council.

Cougar Frog
Article I of the new proposal.

entitled Rights of Members, encontest scheduled for 6 p.m., sures that student rights to Friday, April 21. This is such freedom of the press, freedom a big event that some of the of assembly, redress of grienorthern state universities are
vance, and universal and secret flying their students and frogs voting, will not be abridged by to the "frogathon". the student government. COC's Inter-Club Council
It also protects the rights has authorized an expenditure of initiative, referendum, and reof $4 to hire a jumpmaster to call. train and jump our frog.
One major change centers on COC 's entry has been ten-the impeachment powers of the tatively named "Kitten". government. Why not "Geronimo"?
Presently, the council needs Or "Thor"? only to motion for impeachment Or even "Horny"?


F s l
The Board of Trustees has awarded a contract for construction of COCJs first permanent building. the Instructional Resource Cente1. to the Bein and Daum Construction Company of Los Angeles on the basis of a low bid of 2.563.300.
The board also awarded a contract to the Gladd Construction Company to construct the yard-auto project on a 25.516 bid..
Construction on both PIO~ jects is expected to start within a month. The IRC.. named in honor of the late trustee. Dr. William G. Bonelli. Jr.. will be ready for the fall quarter in 1973. The second project:o which will house the auto shop classes.
President Robert C. Rock

well also has been advised
that the chancellorJs office
will iecommend support for

world~ drawings and construction of a gymnasium.. swimming pool. and a mechanical ~technology ce:nte1 in the 1973-14
building program.
COCJs first permanent build

ing will house at ]east 20 classrooms. a library.. audiovisua aiea-. faculty offices. general office space. a staff lounge.. language. and teaching Jabs.. :reading rooIIIB.. and storage areas.

ary Anne Lombardi. a COC student.. and t o fo1mer campus coeds. Georgann amll and Nadine Betsworth.. will play key parts in San Fernando Valley State College-ts production of Ed ard Albees " ho's Afraid of Virginia Woolf' at the Studio Theater ay 25.
ss Lombardi ill portray the brassy lead ro e of arthau; iss andl will direct t e playJ, and iss Bets orth will be technical directm. A11 are or ere members of COCs drama organization.. Blue Masque.
Admission is fwe.

em .Leac Edi or
-Kev] y Day"d HoeUje
Neil He Ce este Lyons ffc Je1 Lauri .sans C.ra'i_g
Richard Si_gnoretti Jlfi Carol Rice
Laura .Leac n ofin
Br.uce McKinney

hand suerri Ila at right~

The :recent visit of Presiecuted by the Japanese."-' Rem-dent Nixon to China and the enih recalJed. 'He was a Philaccompanying television covadelphia advertising man named erage was of great interest to Whittlesey who insisted on remost Americans. but the event visiting a village we had pasheld special significance fo.r sed through a few homs pre
Anton Remenih.. c_emmunication viously. se1vices instructor .at COC. "After we had left.. the Jap
Dming World War n.. Remanese ente:red the town. and enih served with ass (Office when Whittlesey.. against the of Strategic Services-).Americ:aJs advice of the guerrillas~ reespionage and -sabotage organiturned to it.. he was bayoneted zation. in 'f.he back and his head was
In 1944 he was assigned chop ed Gff. communications officer for the "The -guerrillas staged a historic HDixie.u mission to battle to reeove:r the body. Yenan.. China. wartime _capital any died in the fight. and
of the Chinese communists. three months Jate1 Wbittlesey"s He spent a year living in .a body~ packed in ice. showed cave at the remote Red headup in Yenan. __ quarters near the Gobi dese:rt..
"Frankly.. we were impresin almost daily contact with sed with soldiers-willing to ao Tse-tung:. Chou En-lai.. Gendie to recover the body of a
e :r al Chu Teh. and General foreigner they felt hey had not (now arsha]) Yeh.
properly p:rotected.u 'we were a1lies then in the Except f o:r one instance in
sense that the common ene:my which an Ame1ican sergeant was -Japan._,' said Remenih. became ove:rl_y f1iendly with ...Those of us who-had worked Mrs. Mao at a dance.. no "inciboth with the Koumintang dentsu whatever marred the
(Chiang Kai-shek"s forces) and year with the Reds. the Reds frankly we:re impressed HExcept fo:r the state departby the willingness of one (the ment officers on the missionReds) to fight the Japanese seve:ral of whom ere persecuand the unwilJingness of the ted and destroyed professional
other {Chiang-'s t:roops) to do ly in ihe Joe McCarthy hysteria the same. that swept over America after ..I think no one on the Dix
the war-none of us was inie mission was :rea]]y surprised volved in politics. We just did hen after orld War 11..:Mao-,s
the jo s om government ortroops s ept Chiang's :relucdered us to do. tant soldiers off the face of -"Consequently. we got along
just fine with scho]ar]y ao.. In .addition to conducting the dreamer and id:eologiea] a]] coding .and communication leader; debonair Chou.. the
eho:res for the mission" Rem-wor]dJy doer, and 'Teddy Bear, enih also trained communist
Chu. the fiihter.u gue:r:ri]]as in the use of AmerParties always celebI.ated ican portable .radio equipment.. the return of a mission from bethen accompanied them behind hind the Japanese lines. the Japanese lines to set up .. 'Many a night we chopespionage communications netsticked our way through comworks. munal dishes and ..gambei ed Only one of us (mission (emptied the cup) with the per-members) was caught and ex-<Cont'd on Page 4)

There is much difference of opinion on campus concerning the predominant role ofathletics in om co]]ege curriculum.
Some contend that our athletic program ope.rates at the expense of a majority of the students who. they say. suffers from an inadequate amount of academic subjects. These people point to the .Student Council and ask why the Athletics commission and the Rally com~ttee: have a vote in student government while the Social committee and the Inst.ruction committee do not.
Others assert that athletics are the bulwark of student activitie1?. They believe that a well-rounded athleticsJ p1ogram will bring recognition to the college.

Furthermore. these people ask why om athletic teams are forced to operate on our presently small budget allocations while other institutions .allow their teams a far greater amount of monetary support.
In other words. the main difference for many of ns centers on a question of 'quality,.,. Shall we have a quality ath1eticsJ program 01 a quality academic curriculum?
But,. the question is not as simple as that. And .if we compare the bnilding of an educational program to the construction of a house,. we shall clearly see the fallacy.
To construct a house. we cannot merely erect one wall and expect the structure to be complete. O.r can we tear down that wan. erect the other three. and expect the house then to be complete.
We must construct all its walls evenly and simultaneously. Only this will make the foundation stable.
The same is true of educational -institutions. What reasoning is there in scheduling
28 classes of physical education this quarter when we offer only four classes in United States histor.Y?
The quality of this co1Jeges education cannot be measured by the eventual achievements of our valedictorians. An students will almost always do well in ]ife. They are not a true measure of a college's ability to teach.
Or can it be measured by the winning football teams we produce or the number of COC athletes that make the professional :ranks.
On the other hand. how well

the ucn and .unu students adapt what they have learned about our culture's institutions to their every-day lives does constitute a viable yardstick of a co]]eges effectiveness.
Bil Leac

Page 3

u d ot Be Legai-zed? m us o l n Fen e

By Rick Sig oretti

The use of marijuana is ing pot.
rapidly spreading throughout 'Possession in your own America> causing wide controhome should be legalized while versy. Should pot remain unlaws against selling of :marilawful or be legalized? juana should be modified and A smvey taken in the Los enforced.. A minimum age limit Angeles County School District of 1-8 should be enforeed. If last year disclosed that 72 per yon can die for your country-. cent of students attending colyou should be allowed to smoke lege. high school. and junim marijuana. Marijuana calms high school have used or are people and does not hinder using marijuana. their abiJity to perform nor
The President's commission mally. You cannot say the same on the use of :marijuana h-as for alcohol. Alcohol., afteran-. also released its findings and is the third greatest killer in has stated that no addiction or America.n problems leading to mental A law enforcement officer illness can be attributed to the attending a police science class use of this weed. on campus voted against the
Regardless of these startling legalization of pot. He said 5 0 smveys. laws are still being per cent of all crimes are asenforced. imprisoning hundreds sociated with drugs. While mar
of users each day. Evidently ijuana itself is relatively harmmany still feel that marijuana less. he said> its use someshould be forbidden. times leads the smoker to utry
Because of this -'-'pro and something else.,, con conflict. I thought it wuuld One student downgraded mar
\ be interesting t<> conduct interijuana by asserting. ,.It tastes views of students on campus terrible and I dont get anyregarding the legalization of thing out of it. Its just like marijuana. l haye not used smoking a cigarette. If pot ever names for obYious reasons. is legalized. it should be con
~es. mar.Uuana s ould be trolled o the degree that ciglegalized.,, said one. ...I don't arettes are-which js little-. if see anything wrong with smokat all. l do not think it causes ing marijuana :in yom own home physical harm.. but I do believe when you are not bothering anyit leads to mental deteTioration. one. R's a real hassle for the I compare_ pot to liquor..n police because so many people Another student. voting for are smoking pot. The stoned legalization.. said pot should be person is much mo e pl:J.vsically "de-criminalizedn until it is capable than is the drunk. Perlegalized. ception is increased and the in~ ~ arijuana has been proven dividual is more cautious. Peoto be less of a poison than alple like Jeny Lewis and Bob cohol."' he said. Hope are smoking it. and it>s An anti-legalization student
ecoming an accepted social said marijuana provides an activity_,., artifical means of obtaining a
An ot er student. arguing euphoric state.,, against e galization> said. ~ "For the sake of mental upeople donJt think a out the balance. young people must receffects of smoking on their ognize that occasional depresbodies. While college students sion is part of life-" and that to generally know how to ~dle escape by smoking pot is to themselves. what about the escape from t emselyes and children they influence? Parfrom life. ents rapidly are losing their 44Get back to the simple traditional :roles as e..xample life. You should acquire ~hat setters. IPs up to us to set the euphoric feeling by looking at example.... a beautiful sunsetI for instance.
A third student_,, advocating If you can-'t get that feeling the legalization of marijuana .. without the use of artificial pointed out that the President's stimuli. you should take the commission on marijuana and pot and pills and bury them and drug abuse reported th-at t ere yourself in a ho]e.u are no harmful effects f:rom smok-One student .advocating ]e

galizatio:n. appwved of pot "Our responsibility is not "because it al]ows you to do discharged by an announcement things you wou]d no:rma]Jy hesof virtuous ends." itate to do."
es e
s. director of instructiona] resources, is in the nation's capita] to devise an organizationa] system for .MIDS (Area anpower Institute for the Development of Staff}. a teacher education arm of the Office of :Health., Education and Welfare (HEW).
Specifical1y. Mrs. Bock wi]l recommend an organizationa] system for A.MIDS' teacher training materials. The pilot project will be :installed at AMIDS' southwest regiona] office at Santa onica.
Mrs. Bock also will visit Tegiona] offices in five states to train staffs.
Blue asque. College of the Canyons drama organization. is currently rehearsing a ne theater production. a symphonic reading of an adaptation of George Orwell's novel 1984~
Nine readers are rehearsing twice a ee for performances tentatively. scheduled for the middle of ay.
On ay 12-13. COC's fqrensics' students will participate in the Int-ercol]egiate Student Congress to be held at College of the Desert.
The program consists of a "mock" Congress in hich students. posing as senators and congressmen. introduce :.lls and debate legislation.

Page 4
Richard Carter, out;;tanding cougar flanker for two seasons, will play for Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, next fall.
Carter is the fourth grid star from last season's College of the Canyons' championship
team to sign full NCAA ath
letic scholarships with four
year schools.

Earlier Bruce Mitchell, offensive end, elected to play for the University of Tennessee; Dave Howsare, offensive tackle, chose New Mexico State, and Steve Lough, defensive strong safety, picked The Citadel at Charleston, SC.
Clint McKinney, a great running back of the 197G Cougars, is attending Boise (ID) State on a full football scholarship.
The Cougars, led by Head Coach Don Kloppenburg, won the Desert Conference championship last season. They set a 15-3 record for the past two seasons and were ranked fifth iH the state both years.
Kloppenburg also reported that the Cougars next season will play in the Western States Conference, one of the strongest large community college leagues.
They will line up against Compton, Mo or park, Ventura, Hancock (Santa Maria), Glendale, and Santa Barbara City College.
Earth Week
(Cont'd from Page 1)

action, and the initiative process.
Also planned are monthly clean air clinics, a "dirty" (ecologically speaking) picture contest, and continual films and speakers throughout the quarter.
"Other proposed activities inc 1 u d e c o ordinating a community effort to install Bike Ways in the Santa Clarita valley, promoting hikes and ouUngs, and sponsoring tree planting throughout the community." said Bob Kaylor, SURE president.
Last year an acre of campus land was donated to the club. This will be developed as a school quiet area. The club will meet with school architects soon to discuss a landscaping program.
Kaylor stressed that in order to achieve the club's goals, active student participation is needed.
"People don't realize that the ecologic a 1 crisis still exists," he said. "The Polluting industries are merely pacifying the public with 'comforting' advertisements. These powerful special-interest organizations, which virtually run the government, are profitoriented.
"We must not be fooled by these advertising gimmicks. Our natural resources must not be abused."

B/A Winners
(Cont'd from Page 1)

leaders to discuss an unannounced subject related to their field of study.
Competing were students from Antelope Valley College, College of the Canyons, Glendale Co]]ege, Los ~ngeles

Hoffman Knapp

Pierce College, Los Angeles Valley college, Moorpark Community College, Santa Barbara City College, and Ventura Community College.
Four students were selected from each college, one each to compete in the fields of business. technical-vocational. social science-humanities, and engineering.
COC Dance Set For Saturday
"Dave Eisley and Friends." a highly touted new Los Angeles group with a unique sound and many originals , will play for a Social committee sponsored dance at Hart High cafeter-i ia Saturday night , April 22.
The dance, starting at 9 o'clock, is free to all ASB card holders. --Others : S1.
The Veterans club, like a number of other groups on campus, is suffering from lack of participation. But the situation appears to be improving.
Rick Signoretti, club vice president, places part of the blame for lackadaisical activity in the Veterans club to a misconception.
"Some believe the club is trying to involve people with the military," he said. "This is completely false.'
The club is primarily concerned with informing veterans of benefits to which they are entitled and of measures they must take to obtain them.
The club also is involved in writing petitions for increased GI benefits and . in promoting a new Veterans Administration hospital in the area.
The club's Christmas party for underprivileged children last winter was a great success, and will be stages annually. Additional a c ti on such as a Dutch auction, car washes, and dances are being scheduled.
"The club is here to serve the veteran, not to dictate to him," said Signorettr, who urged all veterans to attend the bimonthly meetings scheduled to accommodate both day and P.ight students. No dues are assessed.
"Come to a meeting and find out what it's all about.
The Eisley combo, which has been compared to "Delancy and Bonnie", has scored hits with Audiences at Cal State Long
Beach and Golden West Auditorium, reported Suzanne Muhl, committee chairman.
Need a Job? See Gilmore
If you are interested in work, the Job Placement Office in the
Student Personne1 building is
waiting to serve you.
Bob Gilmore conducts job

interviews and administers the office, which maintains an employment service for currently registered students and graduates.
The primary functions of the office are to serve as a source of information on jobs in the community and to act as a clearing house for local employers seeking qualified employees.
Referrals for placement are made on the basis of the student's work experience, training, and if desired, personal recommendations.
In addition, a list of job opportunities, both full and parttime, is posted on the job placement board in the Student Per-s onne 1 building.
The list currently contains job openings ranging from a guide to a tutor, and from a musical entertainer to a waiter.
There are also several openings for clerks, cashiers, and drivers.
Salaries range from $1.75 per hour for a stockworkerto $623.48 per month for a groundsman.
Students interested should make an appointment with Gilmore through the secretary of counseling.
(Cont'd from Page 1)

are abhorrent to the majority. They believe this change will do much to encourage debate in the legislative process.
This same procedure applies to the Inter-Club Council and its method of revoking club charters. Reasons for revoking a charter must be approved by the judiciary.
The modified constitution also calls for changing of the legislature's name from Student Council to Student Senate.
The new constitution is expected to be placed before the student body for ratification soon.
China Story

(Cont'd from Page 2) sonalities who now rule the most populous country in the world." Remenih preferred not to discuss politics during his interview, He did, however, say: "The Chinese communists were eager for rapprochement with the United States in 194445, but were rebuffed. "The tragedy of it all is that today--a quarter of a century, thousands upon thousands of lives, two wars, and billions upon billions of dollars later--we are doing exactly what the persecuted members of the Dixie mission recommended then."


Vol. II. No. 11 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS May 1. 1972

By Bi II Leach
"In the next five weeks Cal
ifornians will learn who is re
sponsible for major pollution in
the state when opponents of the
Clean Environment Initiative
attack the bill in earnest." said
Joyce Koupal, co-founder of
People's Lobby. "The major at
tackers are among the major
Mrs. Koupal, speaking at an
evening seminar recently held in
COC s student lounge. discussed
the history and ramifications of
Proposition 9, the Clean En
vironment Initiative sponsored
by People's Lobby.
Proposition 9 is the third at
tempt at placing an environment
al initiative on the ballot. Cit
izens will decide the initiative's
fate June 6.
"The first two petitions were
openly attacked by those who
thought they had something to
lose, namely NBC, CBS, the Los
Angeles Times, and Standard
Oil," said Mrs. Kou pal. "The
petitions failed to receive the necessary signatures."
"When they failed." she reported, "we went to the Los Angeles County Supervisors and asked for their suggestions in drafting a new bill. We also sought aid from the California State Air Resources Advisory council, but the members of that council were also the executives of Shell and Standard .Oil companies. two ardent opponents of the bill."
When both groups of government officials gave them the "cold shoulder". People's Lobby sought and received assistance from leading envfronmentai scientists throughout the state.
A new bill was written and soon received the 500,000 signatures necessary to place it on the ballot.
Mrs. Koupal pointed out that
to some, the two most interest-
ing sections deal with public
records and automobile dealer
On the matter of public re
cords. the bill w o u 1d open
to the public presently concealed
state records involving ecologi
(Cont ct on Page 3)
By Barbara Fecko
Prior to the recent election for student ratification of the proposed new ASB constitution, money was made available by the student government to publicize the balloting.
No one on campus could fail to see the profusion of posters urging a "ye3" vote, but where were the "con" posters? Instructors gave class time to representatives in favor of the new constitution and were prepared, of course. to do the same for opposing speakers, but none appeared.
One could conclude that there was no organized opposition to the new constitution, but this would indeed be a fallacious as
There was organized opposition which, for one reason or another. was afraid of open discussion. rebuttal. and honest comparison of the two documents. Opponents resorted instead to a
(Cont ct on Page 4)
College of the Canyons students have voted to adopt a new Associated Student Body constitution by a vote of 233 to 109.
The new student bill of rights
acquired two-thirds majority ap
proval by only five votes.
Board of Trustees approval
is required, however. before the
new document becomes func
Proponents of the new ASB constitution had conducted a vigorous open campaign with numerous posters, student speakers, and individual "collaring" by campaign spokesmen.
Opposition forces. revolving
around Don Allen. ASB president
conducted a quiet "behind the
scenes" drive to head off the
new constitution.
Ballots were counted last
Tuesday night after polls had
closed .by a seven-member elec
tion committee chaired by Rick
Hoefel, ASB vice president.
Members included Don Allen.
Bill Leach, Neil McAuliffe. Ro
ger Walden, Laura Leach, Dale .Hight. and Teresa Caliza. 1'he Canyon Call will publish a breakdown of articles in the newly ratified ASE constitution in its next issue.
One hundred and twenty-two students have been named eligible for Alpha Gamma Sigma membership for the winter quarter. Of these. 22 achieved a 4.0 grade point average.
Alpha Gamma Sigma is a state-wide community college honor organization whose object is to promote scholarship. COC 's chapter is Sigma Kappa.
The 4 .0 students are Woodrow Baca, Catherine Ellis, Stanley Emeterio, Marion Gallant, Lesley Hager. Glendora Henricksen. Robin Jensen. William Leach, Curtis Levine. Laura Lofiego, Rebecca Lord. Barbara McCollum, Nancy Rhysnburger. and Michael Rode.
Also Dennis Rotoli, Lauri S~lls, Antoinette Scaramella. William Titus, Thelma Urness, David Van Acker, and Lawrence Welch.
Page 2
Proposition 9, the Clean En vironment Act, has become a controversial topic in cities throughout the state.

Attackers of the bill, notably Standard Oil, General Electric, NBC, CBS and the Los Angeles Times, have bombarded the California consumer with every possible tactic of opposition in an attempt to extort a "no" vote from the public on June 6. They cite statistics of the California State Air Advisory committee and other "pollution concerned" committees as their source of data. The opponents of the bill, of course, fail to state that the appointed members of such bodies as the Air Advisory committee are also the senior executives of the Standard and She11 Oil companies. It is also a fact that the major opponents to Proposition 9 for years have been cited as the major contributors to pollution in this state. Furthermore, the absurdities of their many opposing statements only emphasize their lack of concern for the California consumer and the common man in general. These absurdities are readily apparent to anyone who has read the Clean Environment Act. Even Otto Miller, chairman of the board of Standard Oil, has said under oath that he did not read the act, but feels it's bad anyway. The attacks, however, are of little consequence to the majority of voters. We, as common men facing a dying environment, know only what our senses can perceive and these are the facts we must cite. Our senses tell us that forests of trees die yearly from the effects of air pollution. They show that our oceans, the original source of live, have become man's ultimate garbage dump. Furthermore, leaky off-shore wells have saturated California's world-renowned beaches with oiled carcasses of countless birds, mammals, and fish. On June 6, citizens will vote for or against pollution. But the (Cont'd on Page 4)
EDITORIAL STAFF Bill Leach. Editor
Kevin Dooley David Hoeltje Neil McAuliffe Celeste Lyons Richard Hoefel Lauri Salls Craig Obara Richard Signoretti William Jeffers Carol Rice Laura Leach Ann Molin
Paul Osterhues Bruce McKinney

Popular Earth Week interlude was a Friday afternoon concert by Tony Muhl and his group on the campus quad. Guest speakers from various ecology-oriented organizations in the state visited the college during the highly successful and well-organized week-long program
headed by Bob Kaylor.

CDC's Cougar Frog Blows Athlete Of Year Award
By Kevin Doo1ey
There will be no "Athlete
of the year" trophy for Cougar
Frog at the up-coming Winter-
Spring Sports Award banquet.

He didn't place at the recent Intercollegiate Frog Jumping Championships at Antelope Valley Community College, and he
disgraced himself to boot.
Cougar Frog looked like a winner at the starting line, and his first leap drew huzzahs from the assembled multitude. But then it happened.
Cougar Frog, who, as all dedicated sports fans know possesses incredible peripheral vision, spied a lady frog on the sidelines and immediately altered course to intercept her.
When asked by an inquisitive reporter from The Canyon Call to explain his unorthodox behavior in the middle of a race, Cougar Frog (also called "Horny" by his closest friends) re plied:
"If there's one thing I can't resist, it 's frog legs."
Prior to the race, Cougar Frog was asked to assess his opposition in the up-coming contest.
"I know all about them bums; I've taken notes," he said.
"Notes?...on what?"
"A lily pad."

COC 's coaching staff will be thrilled to learn that while Cougar Frog failed to add to the college's illustrious sports history in his first competition, he plans to redeem himself in the future.
Lee Smelser, for instance, will be enchanted to hear that Cougar Frog is going out for basketball.
"I'm going to be the first player to dunk the ball without letting go of it."
And Mike Gillespie : "I'm the
best fly catcher in the district." Ed Jacoby ...don't go away. "I haven't decided if I'll go
out for the hop, skip, and jump,
or the pole vault--without the
pole, of course."
cougar Frog's hobbies are

"croakette" and "leap human," and his life ambition is to work either on a construction crew as a rribbetter or to play with a symphony orchestra in the bass section.
"I'm telling it as it is," said the glossy muscled athlete. "I'm no bullfrog."
When asked why he wore a good luck charm around his bulbous throat, Cougar Frog replied:
"To wart off bad luck, of course, you ninny."
As sports re porters learned long ago, it is unfair and frequently disasterous to ask srorts celebrities questions unrelated to their fields of athletic specialty.
Yet we could not resist asking Cougar Frog what he thinks about the new film "Frogs," in which his species inherits the earth.
"It is one small step for Hollywood and one giant leap for fro:r,kind," he res ponded. Rrriibbbeett !
By Neil McAuliffe
Are we coming or going?
The recent escalation of bomb
ing in North Vietnam turned the
hands of the clock back to 1968
when United States aircraft flew
heavy bombing missions over
North Vietnam, striking enemy
Shouts of protest came immediately from most Democrats in Congress, several Republicans, students on college campuses, and the general public. The Vietnam war, which the American people have been hoping will go away for the past four years, has been thrown right back into their customary apathetic laps.
Secretary of Defense Rogers, in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations committee, defended Mr. Nixon's escalated bombing as protection of (1) U.s. troops, (2) the withdrawal program, and (3) the reluctant South Vietnamese soldiers.
These justifications have pacified much of the public, especially since no one wants our troops to be left unprotected.
However, in the past, and most recently in January, a step.. up of heavy bombing strategy has not defeated the enemy and apparently has done little to slow him down.
I believe the renewed bombing jeopardized our withdrawal program instead of protecting it. We are running the risk of dee per involvement in a war in which our country has already contributed more than could reasonably be expected of it--a war that the American people do not want, do not support, and hopefully will not allow to continue.
We are risking our relations with Russia. By bombing North Vietnam and its harbors in which float Russian ships, we are daring them to retaliate.
Political unrest has once again been incited on American college campuses in protest of the ugly war.
We are reliving the bombing of 1968. Does that mean we will relive the mass civil destruction caused by the 1968 anti-war riots in this country?
In my opinion, the question isn't "to bomb or not to bomb?" The question is "to stay or not to stay?" in Vietnam.
And do the South Vietnamese really want us to fight to give them democracy?
Judging from the history of this war-torn country, I think the answer to both questions is a
decisive .NO!

Rotary To Fete Twelve Students
Twelve College of the Canyons' students have been invited to spend a weekend at Monte coronaResort Hotel, Lake Arrowhead, May 19-20-21, as guests of the -Rotary Club of Newhall.
Invited are Don Allen, Teresa Calzia, Juanita Gomez, Rod'ney Grimes, Bob Kaylor, Bill Leach, Neil McAuliffe, Lynette Schipper, Kathy Schoegje, Rick Signoretti, Rodney Skinner, and Tom Zwart.
Purpose of the meeting, reportedly, is to conduct open dis
cussion between the students
and Rotary members to help
bridge the generation gap.

Page 3

To Bomb or Not To Bomb ls Poll Query Of Week
By Rick Signoretti
Peacemakers have been walk
ing the face of the earth for
many years. To hea~ the words
of love and tranquility is nothing
new. The earth's re ply has been
the roar of a cannon and the cry
of death. Man's quest for power
and greed has led him down the
path of destruction.
In looking at this overall picture, we realize that very often we did not wish to wage war but were drawn into it. Death in general is something we all fear and war is definitely a means of rushing it upon us, But what does one do when the cries of peace are answered by force?
That question prompted this poll on the current bombings of North Vietnam. It is an issue that concerns each of us and to ignore it is to ignore life.
Among those polled are veterans , workers, and students, including one from Thailand whose feelings reflect the pleas of the South East Asian people. ~ Kosa Choangui la--"I believe that the bombing was necessary. However, it should have been done from the start. The army of the South Vietnamese is unable to defend itself alone and assistance is needed. Freedom is
something to be treasured and these people have been brought half way to the goal and deserted. The war should be fought to win and this can only be accomplished militarily, not politically."
Debbie t,:turd--"I understand the attitude of the veteran who does not wish to see his buddies die in vain, but I do feel that we cannot justify further bombings and mass killing in Vietnam."
Mrs. Florence Readman--"I
feel that our government hasn't done enough of it (bombing). Quit messing around and get it over with!"
John Bennett--"! believe we should increase the bombing. If we're going to hurt them, we should do it from the air rather than risk troops on the ground."
Tom Zwart--"! believe an increase in ground fighting is needed, but air strikes alone are absurd because bombs kUl civilians as we 11 as soldiers. fr pa.ins me
to see people die on either side.
We are both fighting for ideals.
Where can you draw the line between right and wrong?"
Fred Fink--"We have a job

to do so let's get it done. I be
lieve that this escalated bomb
ing should have taken place from
the start. If you 're going to
stomp a snake, stomp it."
John Adams--"From a military standpoint, I believe the escalated bombing should have been ordered from the start. Politically, it's a disaster. people are talking about the release of POW's, but look what happened in Korea. Peace is great, but it must be desired by both sides, not just mouthed by one. North Vietnam has shown where it stands. We started to withdraw our troops, and the enemy countered with a new ground offensive."
Scott Dixon --"! believe it was wrong to become involved in the war from the start. Stategically, it was a good move to escalate the bombing, but in reality we're playing political poker, with thousands upon thousands of human lives as the stakes."
Al Lowy--"Frankly, I haven't_ been following developments dayby-day because I don't like to read about war and death and destruction all the time. However, I also believe that when we are at war, we should fight to win as quickly as possible."
Judy King--"We are not protecting our troops by bombing the North Vietnamese cities. If we wish to protect our soldiers, we must bring them home."
Dale Hight--"The choice is simple. We can bomb and ktll, or we can get out. 1 think we should withdraw completely. If we keep this up, we'll all be living in bomb craters--:if we're lucky e:nough to have an earth to live on at all."
Honor 3 Cougars
Mike Martinez and Jim Bonnell, Cougar distance runners, and Pete Calzia, starting pitcher, have been selected for mention in the 1972 edition of Outstanding College Athletes of America, an annual awards volume.
Biographies of the athletes will be included in the book to be published in July.

A. Heidt Pens Three Articles
"How to Put on an Art Show,"

the latest article by Ann Heidt,
art instructor, has been accepte_d
for publication by Art.s and Ac
tivities, national monthly art
educational journal. It will ap
pear in the June issue.
The magazine also will carry another article by Mrs. Heidt in the May issue, available at our library. The story is based on a visit last quarter of a fire department engine and crew on campus to serve as models for her art class. A third article,
called "Scratchboard Nuns," has
a:lso been accepted for publi
The art department's next art show will be held on campus May 20-21, featuring knotted macrame sculptures, pastels, oils, and other drawings.
Mrs. Heidt and d aught e r, Sharon, 10, will be leaving for a round-the-world trip at the end of summer school. The itinerary includes Leningrad, Moscow, Istanbul, Athens, Teheran, Persepolis, Agra, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kyoto. and Honolulu.
The instructor will be taking color and black and white slides and movies on the trip for later use in her art history classes.
Meanwhile, Don Heidt, English instructor, will be studying philosophy at the University of Oxford in England.
Kou p a I Int e r v iew
(Cont'd from Page 1)

cal interests.
"This will let the people know that Standard Oil doe_s, in fact, sit on many of the pollution control boards in this state."she
Automobiles, a major polluter, also are affected by the bill. Formerly, emissions' standards were set by the states, and Detroit manufacturers dealt directly with the indi victual states for approval of their controls.
"Now," said Mrs. Koupal, "Detroit has gone to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and has. asked it to do something. HEW, not protecting the interests of the public, decided that states must obtain HEW approval for all of their emission standard laws. Detroit must now comply only with HEW's lower standards.
The proposed new bill states that automobile dealers, who are licensed by the state, will n'bt be allowed to sell automobiles that do not meet state emission standards, or suffer loss of their licenses.
"If the proposed bill is passed, Detroit will be forced again to cteal with the more stringent state regulations, or its dealers will not be permitted to sell sub
standard cars," she concluded.
Students may receive free car checks (for pollution) at the student. parking lot from 10 a.m. to 3 P~m. next Saturday (May 6).

Page 4
By Celeste Lyons

Looking back over the nearcomplete Cougar track season, one can be proud of the many accomplishments of College of the Canyons.
competing in the tough Desert Conference, the Cougar squad placed third and has a good shot at the championship on May 6, to be held on its home track.
The Cougars opened their season at the Si.mkist Indoor meet January 22 in Los Angeles . Mike Martinez again proved his class with a second place, in the mile.
A fourth . place was brought home by the mile relay team of Howard Hockenberry, Ron Polk, Dwight Carr, and Martinez.
The next big meet was on March 4at the Desert Conference Relays in Palm Desert. The Cougars must have decided it was time to break some records.
The distance medley team of Jim Bonnell, Hockenberry, Polk, and Martinez set a 10:27 .6 record, breaking the old time of 10 :46 .2 held by Saddleback College.
Next, the Cougars shattered the 8:40.3 record held by CollP-ge of the Desert in the two mne relay. Tim Trigg, Bonnell, Hockenberry, and Martinez set an
8:07.3 record of their own.
Ed Roach sent his Javelin

192'11", then threw the discus
140'2 ".
Dwight Carr set a new school record of 23 '4" in the running long jump.
Three weeks later the Cougar squad was in Porterville. Hockenberry ran a 1:54 .5 half mile to become one of the top four runners in Southern California.
The following day in Santa Barbara for the Easter Relays Martinez ran an 8:55.4 two mile and placed se.cond.
On April 14, College of the Canyons met College of the Desert in a losing effort. bright s pot was Ed Roach s etting a new school mark of 204'9" in the javelin.
This past week-end, 11 members of the squad traveled to Arizona for the Phoenix Relays.
They returned for the Mt. Sac Relays and are working very hard toward the Desert Conference championship.
Track coach Ed Jacoby is pleased with his season. He is looking forward to seeing Cougar the frog, but wants to know "has he any eligibility?"
Sports Banquet Set For May 19
COC 's third annual Winter

Spring Sports Award banquet,
honoring basketball, golf, wrestl
ing, track, and baseball ath
letes. will be held at the Ranch
House Inn, Valencia, at 7 p.m.,
Friday. May 19.
Among the trophies will be

the "Outstanding Scholar-Ath
lete " award presented by the
Board of Trustees .
Tickets ($5 .50) may be ob

tained from Mrs. Peggy Watkins
at the Student Activities office
from 8 a.m. to 4 :30 p . m.

Sue Franck (left), TereJa Calzia, and Laura Leach will be on hand t o aid officials at the Desert Conference championship track and
f ield meet to be held here Saturday, May 6. Cougars, who won the
title last year, wi II be out for tile ir second consecu'i: ive conference

Barbara Talks

(Cont'd from Page 1) campaign of insidious rumor, slanderous charges of impropriety leveled against some members of the election committee, and strong-arm attempts to influence voters. The conduct of this election raises some critical questions which must be answered. The
first and most important is why? Why did the opposition find it necessary to fight the ratifica
tion in an underground manner? What was so important that it felt compelled to use methods common to undemocratic countries? Who stood to gain what if the new constitution had been defeated?
Students must decide if they are willing to permit this kind of activity. If students allow such conduct to prevail on campus, they are telling the community, in effect, that they approve of such strong-arm, un-American tactics.
Is this the kind of democracy students want? Are these the kinds of people students admire and respect? If so, then one can easily find the definition of a student in the dictionary. Look for it under "H"--for hypocrite.
Proposition 9
(Cont'd from Page 2) opportunity to do so does not come from efforts initiated by our elected state representatives. The opportunity comes from the citizens themselves. 500,000 of whom signed the Clean Environment Initiative placing Proposition 9 on the ballot.
The act is an alternative to the state capital's passive and ineffective le gis lation governing our environment.
Opponents contend that the initiative is the wrong approach.
Wake Forest Signs Gary
Gary Hamilton, elusive Cougar tailback for the past two seasons, has accepted a full NCAA athletic scholarship to Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, for next fall.
He will join another outstanding Couga~ football player, Richard Carter, who earlier signed to play with the same school.
Hamilton. a 198 pound runner who covers 40 yards in 4 .8 seqonds, was a top offensive back in California for two seas.ons , 1 o g gin g more than 900 yards last year alone.
Coach Don Kloppenburg described Hamilton as a "power runner who is good inside and out, and who attacks the perimeter very well."

"He has an excellent attitude toward football which should help him make it at Wake Forest,"
he added.
Hamilton's home is at Sav
annah, GA, where he was a prep
All-City star.

He is the sixth COC football p 1 a y e r to e a r n a full NCAA scholarship.
Tra, k St ars In Nat'I Rankings
Four Cougar track stars have received national rankings based on best times or marks turned in duringthe current outdoor season. The rankings were compiled and published by the Junior College Athletic Bureau.
Mike Martinez is ranked third nationally in the two-mile for his best time of 8:55.8. Best national clocking of 8:53.2 was logged by Dave Babiracki of Los Angeles Valley College. Jim Bonne 11, COC freshmen, placed 20th.
Howard Hockenberry placed ninth in the half-mile with a season's best of 1:54.5. ThP. top national time for JC 's was 1:52 .3 set by a Miami, FL. runner~
Ed Roach's 204'-9" in the javelin was the 14th best JC throw in the nation.
cocs distance medley relay team was ranked fourth.Team members are Mike Brown (440), Hockenberry (880), Bonnell (1,320), and Martinez (mile).
COC's time of 10:09.5 compares favorably with Mesa (AZ) Junior College's top national time of 9:59.8.
If it is, the people of this state can always initiate a new approach.
In other words. we should not argue over "how" we clean -the environment. Our only concern is that it is cleaned.
If the legislatorsand businessmen won't do it, then the people must.
COC's Student Council has endorsed a "yes" vote on Prop't osition 9.
This column also urges a
"yes" vote. Let's get the job
Bill Leach


Vol. II, No. 12 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS May 15, 1972


By Don Allen
This is the second article I have written in response to the very serious charges that were made in the May 1. 1972, issue of The Canyon Call. My first article was written in anger and was not objective. therefore,
destroyed it.
I do not wish to be a vehicle for widening the gap between our students. It is easy to respond hastily when angered and simply com pound the problem one is trying to solve.
The al legations made in Ms. Fecko's article caused quite a stir among manystudents, faculty, and administration. As of this writing, not one single charge she made has been proved.
If anyone has information regarding any improprieties involved in thee onstitution e lectionJ he is asked to come forward with
a signed statement to that effect.
There was no "behind the scenes" campaign in opposition to the constitution by me or anyone else to my knowledge--unless speaking in two of my classes, and talking to people in the quad and lunch area is to be considered "behind the scenes". My opposition was not directed at the new constitution per se, but against the way it was being misrepresentedby the proponents.
The point I wish to stress-and hopefully you can forget all the rest of this article except th1s--is that we nave a new constitution, we are one school and one student body, and we must get it together for the benefit of all students, not just a few.
The ASB is your student association and you are the key to its success or failure.

Contact Roger Basham for information on summer archeological digs sponsored by colleges in California, Nevada, Oregon, and Ariz

Students To Elect New ASB Officers May 22-23
Two promenint COC male students have filed for the top campus government office of Associated student Body President.
They are Bill Leach and Neil McAuliffe. Vice presidential candidates
linked with each are Richard Signoretti, Leach's running mate, and Dale Hight, aligned with McAuliffe.
A late filing placed Julie Miller also in the running for the vice president's post. Miss Miller, only coed running for either office is a freshman and a psychology major. She filed too late
to have her photograph published.
Two athletes, Jim Bonnell and Howard Hockenberry, who earlier had filed for the positions of president and vice president, respectively, withdrew last Friday.
Other candidates -for ASB offices are Sue Franck and Lauri Salls for the post of representative of student activities, and Rick Hoefel and Doug Benjamin for treasurer.
Four cheerleaders and one mascot also will be elected by the student body. candidates are listed elsewhere in this paper.
The two teams running for the president and vice president slots issued a "statement of intentions," or political platform, to The Canyon Call.
Leach, a pre-law student, is Freshman class president, editor of The Canyon Call, and a Vietnam war veteran. His running mate, Signoretti, is an English major and Ecology club treasurer. Leach-Signoretti: "We are students with similar ideologies who have decided to merge our thoughts into a team so we may more effectively work for the betterment of our college. We do not intend to conduct this campaign by spreading insidious rumors against our opponents. We believe in fair play and firmly intend to base this campaign on our own merits and the results we have achieved in the past. "Furthermore, we commit ourselves, as we have in the past, to work for those things the students desire, not what we desire for the student~. We intend to preserve and taster athletic com
petition on this campus. Our aim is to develop a well-rounded athletic curriculum but not at the expense of a sound academic program. Let's maintain a balance!
"We support a broad base of social activities, as shown by our actions in the past. Our job is to heal the dissensions on campus by stimulating an atmosphere ofwarmthandunderstanding. This will be achieved through a multitude of social activities. We feel the students want more concerts. dances, and plays, as well as more scholarships, free coffee and cokes, and lunch hour films (ideas we conceived last year).
"Also, we firmly urge that all student programs function equally for the night students as they do for the day students. our objective will be to place representatives of the night students in the
(Cont'd on Page 2)
The Student Senate has ap
proved election of next year's

Pep Squad by the student body.
In the past, the Pep Squad was selected by a board composed of faculty and administration members and several students.
Candidates for next year's cheer leaders are Teresa Calzia, Sue Franck, Terry McGrane, Jolene Moore, Carolyn Tindal1, Debi Ellis, Charlyn Phen, Cheryl Meramble, Shellie Miller, Linda Hearn, Debbie Corwin, Gail Corwin, Cindy Compton, and Cindy Morgan. Of these, four will be elected by the students to serve as cheerleaders.
Sherren Mason and Julie Bedford are running for the single post of mascot.
The elections will be he Id with the ASB elections on May 22 and 23.
Prior to student voting, candidates will participate in tryouts conducted publicly at 12 noon and 8 p.m., Monday, May 22, in the lunch area.

By Neil McAuliffe
A grading system which in

cludes a credit-no credit policy
is a great asset to the student
who feels trapped by the preva
lent, seemingly antiquated, sys
tem of evaluating student work.
In order to help the student

in obtaining his Associate in
Arts or Associate in Science
degree at this school, the in
struction committee created a
sub-committee to propose a cre
dit-no credit system for College
of the Canyons.
This credit-no credit commit

tee consist:; of the following
faculty members--Dale Smith
(chairman), RobertDowns,George
Guernsey, and Don Heidt--and
This group has completed ex

tensive research into comparable
programs at other state community
colleges. A plan to fit COC was
formulated. This proposal would
allow students to take up to 25
quarter units towards their degree
without putting their grade point
average in jeopardy.
The following policy statement endorsed by the Instruction com~mittee will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval: "It is recognized that many students fail to explore outside their specific fields of com- petence for fear of damaging their
academic records. To otfset
this factor, a system of credit-no
credit has been devised: there
fore, students attending College
of the Canyons will have the
option, during the time of regis
tration, to petition to take classes
on a credit-no credit basis in
lieu of a grade of "A", "B",
"C", "D", or "F".
"A student electing to be

evaluated on a credit-no credit
basis will receive "credit" upon
satisfactory completion of the
course. A student who fails to
perform satisfactorily will be
assigned a grade of "no credit".
In computing a student's grade
point average, units of "credit"
or "no credit" are omitted.
"A student is allowed to com

plete only 25 quarter units of
credit-no credit, the maximum
which can be applied toward the
Associate in Arts or Associate
in Science degree."
EDITORIAL STAFF Bill Leach. Editor
Kevin Dooley David Hoeltje Neil McAuliffe Celeste Lyons Richard Hoefel Lauri Salls Craig Obara Richard Signorelli William Jeffers Carol Rice Laura Leach Ann Molin
Paul Osterhues Bruce McKinney

The second annual Mr. and Mrs. John Hackney Award in music will be presented to College of the Canyons' outstanding
musician at the Spring Concert
Sunday, May 21, on the college

The presentation will be made by Mr. Hackney, a member of the Board of Trustees.
Participating in the concert will. be the wind ensemble, mixed chorus, madrigal singers, and stage band.
The program s t art in g at 3 p.m., will be staged in building
c. Admission is free.
The wind ensemble will perform variations on America by Ives; Suite Concertante by Nelhybel; American Overture for Band by Jenkins; Military Symphony in F by Gossec; Fantasia for Band by Giannini, and Solo de concours by Rabaud.
Gary Downs, music instructor at Arroyo SecoJuniorHigh School, Saugus, will be clarinet soloist in Rabaud 's work. He is also
principal clarinetist with the Beach CitiesSymphony orchestra. Gary is son of Robert Downs, COC music instructor.
The mixed chorus will perf arm t wow orks by Randall Thompson, Choose Something Like a

Star from Frostiana and A lleluia, as well as Ave Maria by Tomas Luis de Victoria.
The newly formed College Madrigal Singers will present a capellaworks of the 16th century:
Vocal portions of the program will be conducted by Dr. Robert Freeman and instrumental groups are under the direction of Robert Downs.
Career Speaker Survey Is Set

Many students are undecided as to their ultimate careers or their college majors.
To aid such students, Robert Gilmore, job placement officer, will conduct a survey soon in various classes to determine interest in a proposed program of guest speakers from various professions and occupations.
The speakers, it is hoped, will aid students in reaching a career decision.
Among the questions to be answered during the proposed programs are ( 1) educational requirements, (2) salary and benefits expectations, (3) current job opportunities, (4) pros and cons of the field, and (5) job projections for the future.
Gilmore also plans to invite representatiYes from four-year college placement offices to provide facts and figures on the various job placement pictures.

Some of the major legislation enacted recently by Student Senate includes the establishment of a new election code and election committee.Two students, Roger Walden and Bob Kaylor, were chosen as co-chairmen of the committee and charged with enacting the new election proceedures.
In further action, Bill Leach, Freshman class president, proposed the transfer of $350 from the Freshman class budget to provide funds for plays in the drama department and for purchase of training aids in biology and the social sciences. By unanimous vote, the money was transferred and divided into three portions of $100, $150, and $100.
Walden, acting Associated Student Body vice president, then proposed the creation of two $50 scholarships for night students. The money will be taken from the Social committee 's budget. Criteria for the scholarships will be decided by the Scholarship committee.
Laura Leach, rally committee chairman, also proposed the transfer of $200 from her commJttee to establish a four-year 550 scholarship for a music major. Awarding of the scholarship will be decided by the music department. The policy was enacted by unanimous vote.
ASB Election

(Cont'd from Page 1) student government. "Finally, we intend never to . be deaf to student desires. In the future as in the past, we, Bill Leach and Rick Signoretti, will work to give the students more than just promises." McAuliffe, a political science major, is Freshman class vice president and a member of the board of directors of the California Junior College Association. Hight, a business administration major, is Student Senate parliamentarian and a Korean war veteran. McAuliffe-Hight: "We pledge to represent all segments of the Student Association equally, and
to be receptive to all ideas, suggestions, and complaints offered by any student. Our objectives
Encourage and attempt to stimulate greater student involvement in student government affairs, through increased use of publicity on current matters.

Increase night student participation by holding at least one night session of the Student Senate every month.

Improve the support of our athletic teams by providing"rooter busses" to away games and by encouraging participation by the college band at all football and '~basketball games.

Improve the social atmosphere through more dances, films, and outside speakers.

page J

Edward Muhl, president of the
By Bill Leach

Board of Trustees, will present a trophy to the outstanding scholarCollege of the Canyons stuathlete of the year at the Winterdents recently ratified a new Spring Sports Award banquet constitution for their student
Friday night, May 19, at the government. The Board of Trus
Ranch House Inn, Valencia.
tees subsequently approved it.
In addition, more than 40 let
Because of an insufficient

ters and 14 trophies will be presupply of advanced copies of the sented to baseball, track, basketnew constitution during the ratiball, wrestling, and golf athletes.
fication process, a run-down of
Track awards will be made bythe new document's provisions Coach Ed Jacoby who led the may be in order.

cross country Cougars to a con
Article L entitled "Rights

ference championship last fallof Members", contains four secand whose track squad placed tions which define membership second this year after winningin the Associated Student Body the Desert Conference title in
as well as the rights of initiative,
referendum, and recall. It also Coach Lee Smelser will preguarantees that student rights to
sent awards for basketball;
a free press, to assemble peace
Coach Mike Gillespie for base
ably, to vote only with a secret ball, Coaches Larry Reisbig andballot, and to petition the governKurt Freeman for wrestling, and ment for a redress of grievances Coach Bob Hensen and Charleswill not be . encroached by the Rheinschmidt, assistant superstudent government.
the new document ensures that
Blood Bank intendent, student personne 1, for
The legislative powers, de

the court will function as a se pgolf.fined in Article II, are vested in
arate and equal body of governRheinschmidt will be master
In Operation

a Student Senate. The powers inment.
of ceremonies.
clude the collection and expendiAn Inter-Club Council, respon
The banquet starts at 7 p.m.

ture of revenues, the enactment Students and faculty members
sible for directing and coordinatof laws for the Association's wishing to donate blood to COC 's
ing inter-club activities, is esgeneral welfare, the creation of Blood Bank may do so between
tablished in Article IV.
additional legislative offices,and 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. each Tuesday Fo ur Win Grants
The former Inter-Club Council the right of the Student Senate to at the American National Red
consisted only of campus clubs, Four COC students have been impeach its _members following Cross building at 14717 Sherman
although the Inter-Club Council awarded Vocational-Technologijudiciary approval of the reasons Way, Van Nuys.
president represented organizacal scholarships by the Newhall
for impeachment. Juanita Gomez, Sophomore
tions and societies as well. The Land and Farming Co. The schoFurthermore, a student no class president who is co-chair
new constitution makes organizalarships went to Catherine Ellis
longer requires a petition to beman of the campus blood bank
tions and societies, such as and BarbaraMcCollum in 1icensed
come a candidate for any governprogram, said donors should con
Viewpoints and Blue Masque , vocational nursing, Paul Plamon
ment office. Rather than obtain tact Mrs. Faith Rothburn at the
voting members of the ICC. don in electronics, and Judith
the signatures of supporters, Red Cross Center.
a Furthermore, the new document Rodgers in accounting.potential candidate must now Miss Gomez' co-chairman is
specifies the criteria for charterEach scholarship is worth only file his or her name with Jim Boykin, biology instructor.
ing a club, organization, or $125 . Prerequisites include at
the dean of student activities for The Sophomore class is sponsor
society. The group desiring a least a 3.0 grade point average
eligibility. of the project.
charter must be open for direct and current enrollment of 12units. A Judiciary, or student court, Miss Gomez explained that a
participation of all students. In addition, the applicant must is established in Article III and Under this provision, Alpha donor may designate his blood
have at least 12 units completed
consists of one student repreto a "group account" available
Gamma Sigma, the campus, honor and must have been enrolled at
to any COC student, faculty mem
senting each of the college disociety, will not be chartered by COC for at least one quarter.visions, ber, administrator, or alumni in
the student government because Applicants also must be vocatime of need, or to a "personal
The Judiciary's powers exit has a discriminatory membertional majors.tend to all cases of law, equity, account" which may be used by
ship. The government may still, and redress arising against the the donor or any member of his
if it chooses, appropriate funds student government. family.
Honor Co1gars

for Alpha Gamma sigma, but the "Many persons need no urging
Also, all decisions of the direction of that society will be
Frank Sanchez, third baseman

Judiciary are binding "on all to give blood, but others find
the responsibility of the college's
and captain of the baseball team,
members of the association and administration. many excuses, most of them in
and Steven Lough, a defensive the governments thereof" followArticle V states that the presivalid, for not doing so," said
back, will be biographed in the
Miss Gomez.
ing approval by the ultimate dent of the Student Senate shall 1972 edition of Outstanding Colauthority, presently invested in be the chief spokesman for the
lege Athletes of America , an Dr. Robert. C. Rockwe]], superASB in all matters require ASB
annual awards volume. Cougarsintendent-president of the college.
representation. be bound by the Student Senate's previously announced to .be simThis " enforcement" clause was It also states that al 1 mem
legislation_ provided that legisilarly honored are Mike Martinez lacking in the former constitution bers of the association. with the
lation does not conflict with any and Jim Bonnell, distance run.: and many feel that its entry in exception of the Judiciary. shall constitutional provision. ners, and Pete Calzia, pitcher.

. .,,.,,,,..

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-GO~ ~,., ..

Page 4
Thirteen Valiant Cougars Put On ,Great Track Show
COC 's track and field team fought like Cougars at the recent Desert Conference championship meet here but it was not to be this time.
The Cougars came in second, losing to College of the Desert 94 to 76, and giving up the title won by COC in 1971.
Ten new conference records were set, five by Cougars.
COC 's outstanding field man, Ed Roach, set new conference marks in the discus (143 '4 ") and the shotput (47'7½"), and Mike Martinez, one ofthe nation's best JC distance runners, changed the record book for the 1, 2, and 3-mile runs.
The new conference marks are
4:18.6 for the mile; 10:01.6 for the 2-mile, and 15:8.9 for the 3mile. Martinez set the new 2mile mark during the 3-mile race.
Roach was awarded the "Outstanding Field Man" trophy and Martinez the "Outstanding Runner" trophy at the 1972 Desert Conference Championships.
,.College of the Desert athletes set new DC marks in the javelin, 440 yard dash, 440 intermediate hurdles, and the mile relay. The final record, in the 440 yard relay, was set by Imperial Valley.
College of the Desert, the new conference champion.entered 3 9 athletes in the meet in contrast to the Cougars'. small, tight team of only 13.
"We got absolute optimum performance frqm our team," said coach Ed Jacoby. "I'm proud of the cougars."
By Laurie Salls and Craig Obara

Throughout the school year, one can spot many animals running loose on school campuses. Some of these have owners and are obviously cared for; others are not. These litters of unwanted kittens and puppies are
unceremoniously dumped on cam
puses (COC has been hit at least
twice this year) by people who
use the love of a small child or
the pity felt by an older student
as a means of solving their sur
plus pet problem. They are going
about it in a cruel way.
The answer to the dog and cat population ex plosion lies in the neutering and spaying of pe ts. Since these operations are quite costly, they, too, may seem to
pose a problem. But not any
Throughout the Los Angeles county area are branches of an organization cal led The Pet

Des pr-te the great dis parity in team size between cocand COD, the Cougars still might have won had top-rated athletes from other colleges perfor:med as expected.
"We might have won had conference favorites come through in the 440 intermediate hurdles and in the pole vault," said Jacoby. "But by hot coming through as anticipated, COD picked up unexpected points."
The cougars had no entries in
the pole vault, and Dan E. Smith ~. was entered in tne 440 intermediate hurdles at tne last minute, coming in fourth.
Outstanding Cougar performances were turned in by Howard Hockenberry who won with a 1 :55 .5 half-mile, and Jim Bonnell who came in second to Martinez in the mile and the 3-mile.
Other Cougars who scored points were "Iron Man" Dwight Carr in the triple jump, 100 yard dash, long jump, 440 yard relay, and mile relay~ Dan Minyard, discus;; Juan Campbell, long jump, mile re lay, and 440 relay; Frank Dixon, mile, 3-mile; Dan E. Smith, high jump and 440 intermediate hurdles ; Mike Brown, 440 yard relay and 120 yard high
hurdles, and John Rexwinkle,
440 yard dash and mile relay.
Hockenberry also ran with the

440 yard relay and mile relay
teams; Martinez and Bonnell came
in third and fourth, respectively,
in the half-mile, and Roach
scored third in the javelin.
Team scores following the

first two places were Mira Costa,
5 3; Imperial Valley. 28; Palo
Verde, 7, and Victor Valley, 7.
Assistance Foundation. The sole purpose of this organization is to help the owner financially when he is unable to meet the entire cost of spaying or neuter
ing hi~ pet. The organization's veternarians are competent. and the pet owner need not be a member of the foundation,
But what about those who already possess a litter of unwanted kittens or puppies? The Newhall-Saugus branch of The Pet Assistance Foundation has started a pet placement service. Once the litter is turned over to this group, it will see that the animals are placed in a good home. If one cannot be found, the foundation takes them to an animal shelter.
It is unpleasant to take puppies and kittens to a place where they will soon be killed. Most pet owners would rather dump . the animals somewhere. But is either humane? Isn't it far better to have pets neutered?
For more information call The Pet Assistance Foundation at 252-6424.

Mike Martinez received the conference's "Outstanding Runner" trophy.
It could not be otherwise. He set three new records--the mi le, 2-mi le,
and 3-mile--reaffirming his place as one of the top JC runners in the nation.
Summer fellowships in enYironmental studies are available. Contact the Counseling Office.

May 30" 1912

McAuliffe Elected ASB President For 1972-73
Neil McAuliffe, a political science major, has been elected Associated &'tudent Body president for the 1972-73 school year following a spirited week-long campaign that transfOfmed the campus into a colorful political arena.
He defeated Bill Leach, a pre-law student, by a vote of 257 to 201.
The vice president's seat went to Dale Hight, a business administration major, who defeated his opponent, Rick Signoretti, 261 to 205.
Rick Hoefel was elected ASB treasurer, outpointing Douglas Benjamin in the closest race of the election, 228 to 219.
The new ASB office of rep
resentative of student activities
was won by Sue Franck who outscored Lauri Salls.
In the pep Squad election that ran concurrently with the ASB voting, Sherren Mason outpointed Julie Bedford for the role of Cougar mascot, and Sue Franck, the new representative of student activities, was voted in as
head cheerleader.
Teresa Calzia, Jolene Moore, and Debi Ellis were elected cheerleaders from a strong field of 14 candidates.
The student voter turnout was excellent as these things go on college campuses.
The total vote for president , for instance, was 458, or about 30 percent of the total day and night enrollment.
At San Fernando Valley State College, on the other hand, the vote total for president of the Student Senate was 1,665 out of a total day and night enrollment of 23,709, or only 7 per cent.
At Los Angeles Valley College candidates for the office of president totalled only 601 votes out of a total student population in excess of20,000.This equates to only 3 per cent.
Compared to these two large school voting figures, College of the Canyons did extraordinarily well in generating election turnout.
"Once again COC students
(Cont'd on Page 3)

.By Celeste Lyons

Pete Calzia~ stylish CoucgaT baseball pitcher and a 3 .11 grade point average student, received the top "Outstanding .SchoJarAthlete=" award at the rec.ent third annual Winter-Spring Sports Awards banquet.
The popular _student-:ath]ete

received his trophyj _p:re:sented
annua11y by the Board ol Trustees, from Bruce Fortine, boa:rd vice-president and cJerk.
Other baseball awards pres_ented by Coach Mike GiJlespie,, who Jed the Cougars to a thirdplace finish in the Desert Conference, went to F_r:ank Sanchez. recipient of the uca_pta'in"'s" and "Most lnsp'irational Player" trophies, and Cary Sm1th who reeelved the . 'Most Valuable Pla,,yer" kudo.
Baseball letters went to Mike Campbell, Regis Malone, EmiJio Reyes, James Elford~ Wayne Foglesong, Art Gilbreathj Gary
Hicks, Don Hyattj Nik Kade], Steve Knaggs, Sumner Kubinakj Gary Pida, Mike Rode, Marty Slimak, Duane Smith, and the three trophy winners
In -basketbalJ, top awards went to Dan S. Smith and Ka] Goudy who shared the "Captain's" award; Dan EA Smith, "Most Inspirational Player.' and Larry Brigham, "Most Va]uab]e Player.'! Coach Lee SmeIser,
whose cage Cougars finished third in the conference, made the presentations.
Letters were -awarded to Gary Carson, Louis Dixon. Tony Gi sbertz, Dave Harris, Greg Morin~ John Rexwinkle, Ron Vandermeer. (manager), and the trophy recipients.
In track, Coach Ed Jacoby presented special awards to Mike Martinez., "Most Inspirational"
and Ed Roach, "Most ValuabJe." The pair also shared the "Captain's" awardA
Martinez holds all conference distance records and is ranked first in the state for JC runner-5. Roach is the Desert Conference s top fi eld man.
Conference awards went to Martinez, Roach, and Bmrnrd Hockenberry, middle distance runner.
.Jacoby, whose track and fip Id
(Cont'd on Page 4) Page 2

By Mark Jones

It's an election year again , and once more it looks as if the "forgotten man," the American Indian, will again be forgott"en . .. How ironic .it is tl)at the original inhabitants of this nation, With a proud and..;:glorious past, ,are no'w among the most depressed and impoverished people in the land.
A c1ose look at the facts will illustrate their dilemma. Four out of five Indians jn the United States live on reservations, with an average family income of $30 a week, as compared with the $130 a week minimum for the .average black and white familv.
About 90 per cent of these Indians still live in tin-roofed shacks and adobe huts, and 60 per cent must haul their dirnking wa.ter, often from contaminated sources.
The average life span for a white man today is 68 years; for an Indian 43 years. Indians complete about five years of schooling, while all other Americans average 11.2 years.
Now, once again, politicians

of both parties are saluting the
progress of the red man in adapt
ing to a white world. A typical
example is Hubert Humphery's
statement that tuberculosis a
mong Indians has declined 55
per cent since 1955. But he neg
lects to mention that the Indian
death rate from tuberculosis is
still seven times that of the re
mainder .of the American population.
I think it's high time that the lofty promises made by candidates in the heat of a political campaign are fulfilled.
The American Indian, whom we have so grievously wronged for so long, deserves much, much better than he has received up to now.
Indians, afterall, are the original "minority" group in America. Their history is more tightly intertwined with ours than is that of any other ethnic group in the l.anq.
Kevin Dooley David Hoeltje Neil M~Auliffe Celeste Lyons Richard Hoefe I Lauri Salls Craig Obara Richard Signorett i Wi 11 iam Jeffers Carol Rice Laura Leach Ann Molin
Paul Osterhues Bruce McKinney

Neil McAuliffe, Associated Student Body president-elect. has been elected a member of the board of directors of the California Junior College Association.
McAuliffe, one of nine students on the 36 member board, will re present students in 1 O Region 5 colleges: Los Angeles Valley, Pierce, Allan Hancock, Bakersfield, Ventura, Moorpark, Cuesta, Taft, Santa Barbara, and College of the Canyons.
His term of office will continue through the 1972-73 school year.

Mildred Guernsey Is Recuperating
Mrs. Mildred Guernsey, mathematics instructor, is recuperating nicely at her Valencia home fol lowing hospitalization for severe headaches.
She is not expected to return to her classes at college of the Canyons until next fall.
Her husband, George Guernsey, engineering and mathematics instructor, re ports that Mrs. Guernsey misses the school, her work, and especially the students very much.
He also disclosed that Mildred is reading calculus books for fun and relaxation!
Six students from fore i g n lands will be graduated from College of the Canyons June 15. They will be the first foreign students to receive Associate in Arts degrees from this school.
Kamran Emad-Dadras, a mechanical engineering major from Iran, will attend San Fernando Valley State College.
"I like this (COC) school," he said," although I think it's tougher here than at such other colleges as Pierce and Los Angeles Valley where some of my friends study. My time here will be of value all my life."
Mohamad Fouad (Fred) Elabd, a Lebanese, is a food technology major who hopes ultimately to establish his own food processing plant in his home town of Tripoli.
He wil) continue his studies at Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo.
"I certainly learned a great deal here ," he said.
Hikmat Fares Hobe1ka, a premed student from Lebanon, expects to continue his education at the Facultede Medicine, Lyons, France. He hopes ultimately to
practice medicine in his home town of Baskinta.
"I appreciate especially the individual attention and help I received at this college. I'm afraid I would have been lost in the mob at a larger institution. I learned much.'
William Pius Yalofil, a mathematics major, will also receive his diploma although he has already returned to his home island of Eauripik in Micronesia. He will teach there.
Two additional graduates will be Daryoush Balbas and Massoud Balbas, brothers from Iran.
Art Depart 11ent Designs New Flags
College of the Canyons' first set of flags for the six flagpoles flanking Valencia Blvd. were flown for the recent Festival of ~ Fine Arts held on campus . The student-designed banners reprpsented art, band, chorus, and drama. The United States and California flags completed the impressive display.
Art students who helped make the 5' by 8' flags under supervision of Ann Heidt, art instructor, were Lu Ann McWilliams, Tim Harrington, Marsha Lemmon, Dorothy Mauck, Pirooz Partow, Anita Deines, Mike Wilder, Stephanie Roberts, Diana Goodwin, and particularly Bindy Long who
"spent long hours with the flatfelled seams".
The flags, in the school colors of blue and gold with white lettering, carried symbols-a palette for art, a lyre for the band, a clef for the chorus, and masks for drama.
Election Results
(Cont'd from Page 1)

have demonstrated that a small school with limited facilities is capable of setting a record that might we 11 be the envy of huge and highly developed colleges," said McAuliffe.
"Workers from my campaign and those from Bill Leach's can take pride in their enthusiastic participation in an election that drew roughly 30 per cent of the total enrollment at this college.
"We have stimulated interest
in student government on this campus. My intent is to generate increased participation by all students in our student government p-ogram.
"As chairman of the By-Laws committee, I have already proposed the addition of four new
Student Senate offices--two daystudent senators-at-large and two night-student senators-at-large.
"The purpose is to increase student voice in student government.
"I also intend to hold at least one Student Senate meeting a month at night to generate student government interest in night students.
"A secondary purpose of the night meeting is to alleviate a chronic Student Senate problem-the one hour time limit set on current noon meetings. The night sessions will continue until all business oo the agenda is completed.
"Of primary importance is our intent to increase communication with students through the use of the bulletin boards, surveys, and personal contacts.
"In this way students will be made aware of student government proposals prior to Student Senate action, not afterwards.
"We also plan to increase school spirit in a variety of ways such as providing rooters' buses to all away games as warranted by student interest, and by inviting more outside speakers to provide students with wider backgrounds of information on topics, of interest and importance to them.
"We hope that through these
means students will fee 1they are
truly represented by their student
The week-long campaign was marked by the most intense and dedicated extra-curricular activity in the school's history.
Colorful posters and imaginative art w u r k c ha n g e d th e normally drab building walls into exciting political billboards.
The Leach-Signoretti and the McAuliffe-Hight camps set up campaign tables on the quad, festooned t~em with balloons and banners and offered campaign literature, liquid refreshment, and music to the campus elect orate.
Pretty coeds, with favorite candidates' names reposing conspicuously on their chests, paraded persuasively.
The principal candidates conducted debates in the Student Lounge in the tradition of an

Coeds li ke Deborah Belda dressed. for the occasion, adding verve and color to a spirited po1 it ical campa-i gn.
earlier America when opponents customarily faced one another eye-ball to eye-ball before the electorate instead of avoiding a head-to-head confrontation as is the dodge used by most politicians today.
Election fever continued far into Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning before the ballots were counted and results were known.
Students, mostly campaign workers, milled around the student activities office from 8:30
p.m. until 1 :30 a.m. when the count ended. They listened to taped music, burned off nervous energy by playing touch football in the faculty parking lot, and rapped.
An air of tension shrouded the
When McAuliffe was announced as ASB presidentelect, supporters lifted him to their shoulders and cheered. It was a scene College of the Canyons had not witnessed before in its young history,
Formal announcement of the new officers and pep Squad members will be made during the ASB awards banquet Friday night at the Ranch House Inn, Valencia.
The new ASB group will take office formally on the first day of school next fall. although officers undoubtedly will meet during the summer to plan programs.
Election co-chairmen were Roger Walden and Robert Kaylor.
Page 3

Page 4
Dave Howsare To Texas U.
Dave Howsare, College of the canyons' All-Conference offensive tackle and JC A11-America mention, has accepted a full NCAA athletic scholarship with the University of Texas at El Paso for the fa]] term.
In addition to making the AllConfe1ence team on offense last season, Howsare also was named to the All-Conference 2nd defensive team as a tackle, and teammates voted him "defensive lineman,, of the year.
At the Unive1sity of Texas,

the rugged (6'1", 225 pound)
tackle wm be _playing in the.
western Athletic Conference, one
of the nation's toughest. Ariz
ona state, a WAC member, last
season was ranked fifth in the
nation among major schools.
Howsare is the fifth Cougar

from ]ast season's conference
championship team to sign a fun
NCAA athletic scholarship with
a four--'year schQol.
llSil' "DIG" SET
The last archeologica1 dig of

the school year will be held on
Saturday, June 3. at the north end
of Buena Vista dry lake near
Taft, announces Roger Basham,
anthropology instructor.
The trip is open to everyone,

although those planning to attend
are requested to advise Basham
The instructor led 20 archeo

Jogical .excursions to three dif
ferent sites during the past
school year. Students co1Jected
bundreds of Indian artifacts, in
eluding arrnwheads, scrapers,
steatite fragments, abalone fish
hooks, human and animal bones,
.and beads of a1J kinds.
The Ecology Club will conduct a recycling drive for glass, aluminum~ and paper Saturday, June 3, in the student parking lot.
Sports Awards
(Cont'd from Page 1)

Cougars placed second in the conference this season after winning the title last year, presented letters to Mike Brown , Dwight Carr (season's top scorer
with 83 points), Jim Bonnell. John Rexwinkle, Dan Smith, Mike Bennett, Juan Campbell, Gary Carson, Frank Dixon, Dan Minyard, Ron Polk, Gary Simmons, Tim Trigg, Martinez, Roach, and Hockenberry:
Anthony Turrentine was named the "Outstanding Wrestler" on this year's Cougar squad that included George Boshae, Charles Cesena, Mark Delaplane, Enrique Lopez, Steve Passmore, Gary Payne, Paul Sanchez, and Frank Walker.
The~ "Captain's" trophy went to Cesena.
Coaches Larry Reisbig and Kurt Freeman directed COC's conference wrestling team to a third place finish this year.
Letters to COC's new golf team were awarded by. coach Bob Hensen and Charles Rheinschmidt, assistant superinten dent, stud en t personnel, and master of ceremonies for the banquet.
They went to Scott Allensworth, Bill Carpenter, Jim Chamberlain, Dave Harris, Bruce Stanton, and Richard Dailey.
Carpenter received the -'Captain's" award and the "Outstanding Golfer" trophy went to Harris who had the lowest average score for the season.
Elect Dale S11ith
Dale Smith, sociology instructor. has been elected president of the Academic Senate for 1972
73. Others elected were Jan Keller, reference librarian, vice president; Stan Weikert, business instructor, recording secretary; Don Takeda, biology instructor;
corresponding secretary, and Doris Coy, business and economics instructor, treasurer.

Valuable" in track and field; Cary Smith, "Most V_aluable" in i>asebalJ; Dan E. Smith, "Most lnspirationa I" in bask~tball; Frank Sanchez (lower left), "Captain's" and "Most Inspirational" in baseball; Bill Carpenter, "Captain's", in golf, and Anthony Turrentine, "Outstanding Wrestler" in wrestling.


Vol. II. No. 14 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS June 12. 1972

Suzanne Muhl was named "Woman of the Year," BillL each received the accolade of "Man of the Year," and Rick Hoefel was cited for "Outstanding Service to the College" at the recent Associated Student Body Honors

Miss Muhl, 'a humanities major, as Social committee chairman organized numerous college dances during the year and spearheaded other campus student activities.
Juanita Gomez, Sophomore class president, was named runner-l.l p for the title.
Hoefel, a political science major, is Student Senate vice president and chairman of the Elections committee.
Leach, a pre-legal student, is editor of The Canyon Call and Freshman class president.
Scores of students also re
ceived awards for scholarship,
leadership, and outstanding ac
tivity in student government, was the hit of the show.
She facetiously credited her award to numerous teachers in her past who had urged her to pursue some other field of learning, ultimately driving her into the area of social science.
The outstanding achievement award for service on the student newspaper, The Canyon Call, went to Editor Bill Leach, and comparable awards were presented to Co-editors Kathy Rapp and Sharon Rapp, and Chief Photographer Bruce McKinney of the Image yearbook staff.
The Ecology club (SURE) honored Allan Hoeltje with its "Outstanding Member Achievement" award, and presented gavels to three students who served as presidents the past year, Robert Kaylor, Richard Leclair, and Roger Walden.
The "Outstanding College Musician" trophy was presented to Gary simmons, and David
(Cont'd on Page 4)

College of the Canyons will confer Associate in Arts degrees on 143 students at commencement exercises Thursday , June 15, announced Dr. Robert C. Rockwell , superintendent-president.
The commencement address, "The Now Value of History," will be given by Dr. William S. Banowsky, president of Pepperdine University.
Exercises will be held at the Instructional Resource Center quadoncampus startingat 7 p.m. , with Dr. Rockwell presiding.
Degrees will be conferred by Edward Muhl, president of the Board of Trustees.
Norman G. Mauck, Jr.. vicepresident and assistant superintendent-instruction, will award permanent memberships to Alpha Gamma Sigma, California community college scholarship society, and present the male and female students who achieved the highest grade point averages among the graduates.
Dr. Banowsky will be introduced by Ed Jacoby, president of the Academic Senate.
Dr. Banowsky is a major force in construction of Pepperdine university's newest campus at Malibu which will open next September with an anticipated enrollment of 1,000.
One of the youngest college presidents in the nation, Dr. Banowsky , 36, joined the Pepperdine staff in 195 9 as assistant to the president.
He became dean of students in 1962 and a year later earned his Ph. D. at the University of Southern California. In 1968 he was named executive vice president, and a year later was appointed chancellor o( Pe pperdine University at Los Angeles.
He became president in 1971.
The young president recently served with a United States Information Agency team in the Congo.
He has served with numerous local, state, and national organizations and committees including the National Task Force on Aging, YMCA, Goodwill In-.
dustries , Red cross, Los Angeles Judicial Reviews Commission, World Trade Libraries, (Cont'd on Page 2)
Page 2

It is another election year and once again the American public is bombarded by bombastic broadsides extolling the virtues of candidates X, Y, and Z.
The entire society seems oriented towards voting. Admonitions to vote appear on our postage, in our newspapers, on television, and on countless signs and billboards.
Yet, the percentage of registered voters that actually casts a ballot is never large and too often those who have worked so hard in the campaign become disillusioned. They tend to blame the "apathetic masses" for the failures of their candidates.
Furthermore, public relations experts, sociologists, psychologists, and political scientists
begin to fill billets in the bureaucracies, using tax dollars as the source of their income, in an effort to discover new methods of stimulating people to vote.
However, all these frenzied

activities to encourage electoral
participation may be based on
false reasons. The voters may
not be reflecting apathy by the
low percentage of ballots cast
but merely contented.
Perhaps they are indeed satisfied with policies and practices in this democracy and perfectly content with their niche.
I seriously doubt that the government of any free country really desires a tremendous voter turnout. A high percentage of votes may not reflect involvement , the opposite bf apathy, but may, instead, actually reflect discontentment. If that were the case, the government's position would be precarious because the discontent, reflected by a vast voter turnout, would indicate an unstable society.
It is not the number of registered voters who actually vote that counts, or is it the number of voters who don't cast their ballots. The significant point is the stability of this society.
The lack of a large voter turnout, then, may well indicate internal unity, and constitute a subtle endorsement of our institutions.
In other words--an eloquent

testimonial before the world that
our system works.
Bill Leach
Bill Leach. Editor
Kevin Dooley Dav id Hoe ltje Neil McAuliffe Celeste Lyons Richard Hoefel Lauri Salls Craig Obara Richard Signorett i Wi 11 iam Jeffers Carol Rice Laura Leach Ann Molin

Paul Osterhues Bruce McKinney
(Cont'd from Page 1)

Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities, Independent Colleges of Southern California, and Center
for International Business in
Los Angeles.
He has received special a

wards from the American Bar Association and from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge.
Dr. Banlowsky also is author of "It's a Playboy World" published in 1969.
Thursday's commencement program will open with a musical selection, "American Overture for Band," by the college band under the baton of Robert Downs, music instructor.
Neil McAuliffe, presidentelect of the Associated Student Body, as grand marshall will lead the processional , and Don Allen, retiring ASB president, will lead the salute to the flag.
Dr. Rockwell will give the address of welcome and also present the class of 1972.
The invocation and benediction . will be given by the Rev. Robert Bingham, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Newhall.
A reception in the lunch quad area will follow the program.
Associate in Arts degree recipients include Don Allen, Richard Allen, Elizabeth Anderson, James Appel, Jr., John Axen, Carrie Bailey, Daryoush Balbas, Massoud Balbas, Gregory Beeston, John Bennett , Maurine Bittick, Patricia Boog, Buddy Bosh, John Brooks , Jr.,

and Peter Calzia.

AlsoRaymondCanfield , James Cash, Richard Clark, April Cook, Kamran Dadras, Terence Devine, Louis Dixon, Kevin Dooley, Paul Driver, Larry Dunlop, Mohamad Elabd , James Ellis, Henry Endler, Susan Espsy, Barbara Fecko, John Foster, and Esther Frack.

Dr. William s. Banowsky

Terry French, Hoger Gibson, Edward Gill, Antonius Gisbertz, Juanita Gomez, Diana Goodwin, Karen Grant , Suzanne Gray, Rodney Grimes , Vivian Hallbauer, Carol Henstra, David Heri, Karyn Hesseltine, Hikmat Hobieka, Eugene Hoffman, Susan Hoffman, and Sharon Horton.
Debbie Hurd, Kenneth Huse, John Ingram , William Jeffers, Dale Kakac, Sandra Keehn, George Kimber, Gregory Kincaid,
David Knapp, Gregory Knights,
Helen Kreeger, Robert Landeros,
Laura Leach, Joan Lee, Ray Le
Mar, Mary Anne Lombardi. Re
becca Lord, and Steven Lough.
Michael Mahonec, Michael
Marin, Michael Martinez, Robert
McCay, Ruby McElroy, Clint
McKinney, Mark Mead, Frances
Merritt, Fern Minor, Sam Monte

leone., Colleen Moore, Willard
Morris, Jr., Sharon Morrison,
Dorothy Mauck, Anthony Muhl,
Suzanne Muhl, and Claudia Neu
Kenneth Nix, Donald Overton,

Louis Page, Stanley Patrick, Jr.,
Ruth Pecoff, Steven Perl, Susan
Phillippi, Olga Pienzi, Natalie
Pinkerton, Lonnie Price, Kathy
Rapp, Nydia Rasmussen, Gary
Ray, Barbara Reed, Carol Ro
berts, Judith Rodgers, Kimberly
Rosier, Dennis Rotoli, and Frank
WalterSchiller, Lynette Schipper, Martha Schmidt, Robert Schmidt, Valerie Schupay, Alan Schwab, Frank Sebek, Kenneth Secrest, Gary Shelton, Andrew Sherry, Larry Shields, Debra Siegwart, Gary Simmons, David Simon, Kurt Singer, and Rodney Skinner.
Dan smith, Ellen Smith, Jerilene Spenard, Kent Straszewski, James Thomas, Tommy Thomas, Robert Tindel, Michael underwood, David Van Acker, Ronald Van der Meer, Edmund Ward, Robert Ward, Henry Weiss, Lawrence Welch, Cheryl West, Patricia Whaling, and Judith Whitmire.
Deborah Wilborn, David Williams, Jr., David Wolverton, Reid Worthington, John Wright, and William Yalofil..

Page 3

Ann Heidt (left), art instructor, presented department awards to April Cook, "Outstanding Effort", LuAnn McWilliams, "Outstanding Talent, " and Nijole Kent, " Best Art Student." At left is Al Adel ini, dean of student activities, who was master of ceremonies for the banquet.
Catherine Ellis received the Vocational-Technical award from Robert
Pollock, dean of vocational-technical education. In foreground is Don Allen , ASB president , who was presented with a gavel, Student Senate plaque and an ASB service cert ific.ate.

Seven new members were inducted into Blue Masque, drama honor society. New and old members (from left , standing) are David Simon, William Baker, oral communications instructor , Gary Simmons, Anne Stone , Kevin Dooley , Diane Raynor, Deborah Stunson , and Lynn Sch ipper. Seated are Deborah Wilborn, who received the top drama award, the "Gold Masque;" Dr. Rose Soroky, oral communications instructor, who received a plaque welcoming her to the drama department, and
Richard Van Belleghem.


Howard Ru ns low Half-Mile
By Celeste Lyons
Howard Hockenberry, Col

lege of the Canyons' great half
miler, finished third in the 880
with a time of 1:51.7 at the re
cent California State Junior Col
lege Championship.
The meet was held at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Eight finalists were entered in the race, four from northern Cal ifornia and four from the Southland. Ho½2rd was COC's only entry.
He was leading the race until the last 15 yards when, as he put it, " I died".
Finishing only five yards ahead of Howard in first place was the San Franci sco City College entry.
Howard's new mark places him third in the state and about fifth in the nation.
"This is the best half mile of my life;" Howard said about the 1:5 1.7 performance . Coach Ed Jacoby commented, "It is evident Howard is an outstanding runner, and has been from the ,start. Now he is one of the best half milers in the country."
Howard is a graduate of Alemany High School where his best time in the 880 was 1:59.0. Duringhis senioryear inhighschool, Howard competed in the CIF quarter finals .
Hockenberry was a member of the Cougar cross country team and ran on many of the COC relay teams.
He shares the honor of holding school records in the distance medley, 1O:09 ; the mile relay, 3:28.8~ the 440relay,42 .9, and the two mile relay, 7:57.6.
Howard was named Outstanding Runner at the Dese rt Conference Relays and is the Desert Conference half mile champion.
Many universities have already expressed an interest in the Cougar middle-distance star whi is just beginning to realize his full potential.
M. Mah on e, Wins UCLA Scholarship
Michael Mahonec Jr., who plans to become an architect, has been awarded a Regents scholarship by the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
The two-year scholarship is

valued at $1,650 a year.
Regents scholarships at UCLA are awarded on the basis of " high scholastic achievement and promise, " and are classified as "one of the high est honors conferred upon a student at UCLA."
Mahonec will attend UCLA in the fall following a summer tour of Europe.
The college bookstore will buy back used textbooks today through Wednesday. Times: 9 a.m. to noon; 12:30 to 2:30
p.m., and 6 to 8 p.m.
ASB Banquet

(Cont'd from Page 1) Compton was recipient of the ASE Music scholarship, a new grant $50\ for first year music majors.
The top drama department citation, the Gold Masque, went to Deborah Wilborn.

Erik Noet, Da?is Simon , Marlene
Wilborn, and Gary Simmons .
The art department honored
three students, April/ cook as
"Outstanding Effort," LuAnn
McWilliams as "Outstanding Tal
ent," and Nij ole Kent as "Best
Art Student".
Laura Leach, Sue Franck,
Sharon Paschal, Sharon Rapp,
Kathy Rapp, Vickey Williams,
Julie Bedford, and Jolene Moore
were cited for their work on the
Pep Squad.
The Volleyball club award
went to Robert Schmidt.
Twenty-eight outstanding stu
dents received ASE service cer
tificates awarded for school and
community service. Heading the
list was Don Allen, out-going
ASE president, who received a
gavel and a Student Senate

Otherwise, John Axen, Teresa Calzia, Ray Canfield, Juanita Gomez, Rodney Grimes , Rick Hoefel, Bill Jeffers, Robert Kaylor, Bill L each, Laur a Leach, Mrs. Rebecca Lord, Steve Lough, Mike Martinez, Neil McAuliffe, and Jan Moore.
Also Jolene Moore, Suzanne Muhl, Craig obara, Mrs. Florence Readman, William Sands, Robert Schmidt, Richard Signoretti, Gary Simmons, Deborah Stunson, Roger Walden, Deborah Wilborn,
Mike Martinez, for two years
voted the outstanding Desert
Conference runner, recently
signed a full grant-in-aid ath
letic scholarship with the uni
versity of Kansas at Lawren
ce. Kansas was chosen over
numerous other excellent track
and field schools throughout the
country that made overtures.
Martinez, a graduate of Hart High School, established three_ conference records in 1971 in -the 880, mile, and three-mile. This season he reset records in the mile, the three-mile and the twomile (en route to the three-mile), and also ran for valuable team points by placing third in the 880.
He is currently ranked third nationally in the two-mile with an 8:55 .6 clocking at the Easter Relays in Santa Barbara. In two years of cross co.untry running, Mike was never defeated in a conference me et. In 197 L he was the Southern California runnerup, but the following week he avenged this defeat by coming back and winning the Small College State Cross Country Championship in Sacramento.
Vets Are Warned 0n GI Ben efIt s
Millions of veterans could
lose part or all of their G.I. ed
ucational benefits if they don't
act promptly, warned the Vet
erans Administration.
Vets in danger were discharged between January 31, 1955, and June 1, 1966. These people have until May 31, 1974,, to collect their educational assistani~e payJrwnts for G.I. bill schooling. T his means that if they don't enroll this summer or in the next school year, their payments won't last thro:1gh
their grajns.l'ions ~ In some cases the veterans bureau will extend payments> but one m1st have a c:o:icrete case.
Those separnted after June 1 1966, have eight years in which to draw their G.I. bill benefits. Benefits are earned in the ratio of one month of a::tive service to one and one-half months of
G.I. benefits. The maximum benefit is 36 months, and all who served more than 18 months qualify for the maximum.
and Laurie Salls.
Student Senate awards went to Don Allen, Laura Leach, Sharon Rapp, Rick Hoefel, Louis Dixon,MarkMead, Juanita Gomez, Bill Leach, Bill Jeffers, Dale Hight, Jolene Moore, and John
Rexwinkle. The program concluded with introduction of next year's ASB officers, Neil McAuliffe, president; Dale Hight, vice president , Sue Franck, representative of stude11t activities, and Rick Hoefel , treasurer.

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