Page 1 - cw8601factsheet
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                                                                            CONTACT:       Sherrie  Bang  or
          MOUNTAIN NEWS                                                                    Scott  Piazza
                                                                                           (805)  255-4816
                                                                                           (818)  367-2271

                                               SHOCK  WAVE  FACT  SHEET

          Description:                 A  standup,  looping  roller  coaster.  Riders  stand
                                       instead  of  sit  in  trains  as  they  are  propelled  over
                                       a  half-mile  track  of  steep  drops,  tight  curves  and
                                       360-degree  vertical  and  horizontal  loops.
          Speed:                       55  mph

          Ride  Time:                  2  minutes

          Track  Length:               2,300  feet  (nearly .half-mile)

          Highest  Drop:               90  feet  (first  hill)
          Loops:                       Vertical
                                       Riders  are  propelled  upside  down  through  a  66-foot
                                       high,  360-degree  vertical  loop.
                                       Following  the  vertical  loop,  a  360-degree
                                       horizontal  loop  suspends  riders  nearly  parallel  to
                                       the  ground.

          G  Forces:                   Approximately  3.4  positive  g  forces  entering  the
                                       vertical  loop.

          Train  Capacity:             Each  of  three  18,600-pound  trains  carry  24  riders
                                       standing  four  across.  The  ride  capacity  is  1,200
                                      guests  per  hour.

          Features:                   Braking  System
                                       Fail-safe  air  brakes  on  the  track  in  three
                                      locations,  including  the  station,  are  able  to  stop
                                      vehicles  by  squeezing  a  caliper  rail  under  each
                                      train.  In  addition,  at  each  electronically
                                      sensorized  location,  the  computer  signals  drive
                                      tires  to  correct  for  proper  train  speed,  position
                                      on  the  track  and  weather  conditions.

                                      Seating  Comfort
                                      A bicycle-shaped  seat,  controlled  by  a  ratchet  pawl
                                      system,  is  adjusted  to  each  standing  rider.  Riders
                                      are  then  secured  by  padded,  over-the-shoulder  and
                                      torso  locking  harnesses.

                                                              - more  -

                                  P.O . BOX 5500  •  VALENCIA , CALIFORNIA 91355  •  (805) 255-4100
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