Page 11 - dalbey1933
P. 11

T i l l

                                    Elementary  D is tric ts   of  Los  Angeles

                                    County  o f  S im ilar  S ize,  1930-1931.••. *#                     53

                        XXIII#  True  V aluation  and  True  Tax  Rate  o f  th e

                                    S ix  Elem entary  B is tr ia ts   in   th e  Survey

                                    and  Cther  Elem entary  D is tr ic ts   of  Los

                                    Angeles  County  of  S im ilar  S ize,  1930-
                                    1931*#......... # .# ................... *................................    54

                         XXIV#  E xpenditures  hy  Year,  I926rI930,  C astaic

                                    Union  School• ...................                                   55

                           XXV#  E xpenditures  hy  Year,  1926-1928,  Live

                                    Oak  School. . . . ..........................                        55

                         XXTI.  E xpenditures  hy  Year,  1926-1930,  F elto n

                                    School.................................                              57

                        XXVII#  E xpenditures  hy  Year,  1926-1930,  Honhy

                                    School*.................................................*.................   58

                      XXVIII#  E xpenditures  hy  Year,  1926-1930,  Hew  Era

                                    School#.................................                             59

                         XXIX#  Expend!tures  hy  Year,  1926-1930,  Newhall

                                    School                            ..........                         60

                           XXX*  E xpenditures  hy  Year,  1926-1930,  Saugus

                                    School..........................                                     61

                         XXXI#  C urrent  Expenses  and  th e  Per  Cent  of  Each

                                    Item   o f  C urrent  Expense  of  C astaic,  F elton ,

                                    and  Honhy  D is tr ic ts ,  1930rl931...............••••            62

                       XXXII*  C urrent  Expenses  and  the  Per  Cent  o f  Each

                                    Item   o f  C urrent  Expense  o f  Hew  E ra,  New­

                                    h a ll,  and  Saugus  D is tr ic ts ,  1930-1931.**                  63
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