Page 12 - dalbey1933
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                    XXXIII.  C ap ital  O utlays  o f  the  s ix   D is tric ts   Over

                                  Five  Year  P eriod,  1926~1927  to   1930-1931..•                       64

                      XXXIV#  V aluation  of  School  P roperty  in   Use  During

                                  School  Year  1930-1931........................                          66

                       XXXV#  Assessed  V aluation  and  th e  Bonding  lim it  of

                                  th e  Six  D is tric ts    ......... . . . . . .....................      68

                      XXXVI.  Comparison  of  Average  D aily  A ttendance  C osts

                                  o f  th e  S ix  D is tr ic ts   in   th e  survey  and  Six

                                  Other  Los  Angeles  County  Schools....................                 72

                    XXXVII#  Score  o f  th e   C astaic  Union  school  hy  S tra y e r-

                                  Englehardt  score  Card  fo r  R ural  School

                                  B uildings#                      ...........................................       80

                   XXXVIII#  Score  of  th e   F elton  School  by  S trayer-E ngle-

                                  h ard t  Score  Card  fo r  R ural  B u ild in g s# .# .* # .            81

                      XXXIX.       Score  of  the  Horiby  School  by  S trayer-E ngle-

                                  h a rd t  Score  Card  fo r  R ural  B u ild in g s. . . . . . .        82

                          XL.      Score  o f  th e  Hew  Era  School  by  S tra y e r-

                                  In g leh ard t  Score  Card  fo r  R ural  B u ild in g s. .            83

                         XLI.      Score  o f  th e  Hewhall  School  by  s tra y e r-

                                  Englehardt  Score  Card  fo r  Elem entary  school

                                  B u ild in g s.  ..............                    *...................    84

                       XXII.       Score  of  th e   Saugus  School  by  S tra y e r-

                                  E nglehardt  Score  Card  fo r  Rural  B uildings##                     85

                      XLIII#  Standard  Score  and  B uilding  Score  by  S tra y e r-

                                  E nglehardt  Score  Cards  o f  the  S ix  D istric ts*

                                  B u ild in g s                    .................                     86

                       XLIV.       U tiliz a tio n   and  C apacity  of  Each  D is tr ic t's
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17