Page 13 - dalbey1933
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                                   B u ild in g s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........   •   93

                          XLY*  Percentage  of  P upils  in   th e  Y arious  Grades

                                   in   th e  S ix   Schools,  193Q-I931.. . . . . . . . . . . . .         99

                        XLYI#  Per  cent  of  A ttendance  in   Each  School,
                                   1930-1931. ♦ . * . ............. 101

                       XLYIJ#  Age-Grade  Table  o f  th e  C astaic  union  school,

                                   Oct*  *31**.**........... . .....................                      100

                     XLYIXI♦         Age-Orade Table o f F elto n  School,  Oct.  *51.                    103

                        XXIX.        Age-Grade Table o f Honby  School,  O ct.  *31..                     104

                             L.      Age-Grade Table of Hew  Era  School,  Oct.  *31                      105

                           L I.      Age-Grade Table o f Newhall  School,  O ct.  *31                     106

                          L II.      Age-Grade ..Table o f Saugus  sch oo l,  Oct.  *31.                  107

                        L III.       Age-Grade Table o f A ll  S ix   D is tr ic ts ,  Oct.

                                   * 3 1 ..                                                ..........       108

                          LIY.  Number  of  Years  in   school  a s  of  February  1,

                                   1932,  C astaic  union  s c h o o l.* .... . . . . . . . . . . .       116

                           LY.  Number  of  Years  in   School  a s  ©f  February  1,

                                   1932,  F elto n   School  ....................                         117

                          LYI.  Number  o f  Years  in   School  as  o f  February  1,

                                   1930,  Honby  School............                                       119

                        LYII.  Number  of  Years  in   School  a s   of  February  1,

                                   1930,  New  Era  S chool                      ...........              100

                      LY III.  Number  of  Years  in  School  a s  of  February  1,

                                   1930,  Newhall  School..............................         *....    101

                          LIX.  Number  of  Years  in   School  a s   o f  February  1,

                                   1930,  Saugus  s c h o o l . . . . . . . .          .............       100

                           LX.  Comparison  of  the  S ix  D is tric ts   in   the  P er-
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18