Page 19 - dalbey1933
P. 19


                                   T otal  Weekly  Time  A llotm ents  o f  A ll  Grades

                                   a s  Suggested  fry  the  S ta te   Curriculum   Com­

                                   m ission  and  th a t  Given  fry  Saugus  S c h o o l...            220

                           CY.  Table  Giving  the  Average  D aily  A ttendance

                                   in   A ll  s ix   D is tr ic ts   fo r  th e  P ast  Five
                                                                                  ■ i
                                   Y            e          a           r          s          .          2  3  3

                          GYI.  Budget  R equests  of  C astaic  Union,  F elto n ,

                                   and  Honfry  School  D is tr ic ts , 1 9 3 1 - 1 9 3 2 •             237
                        CYXI.  Budget  Requests  o f  Hew  Era,  Newhall,  and

                                   Saugus  D is tr ic ts ,  1 9 3 1 - 1 9 3 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    238

                       C Y III.  Personal  Inform ation  Concerning  the  Newhall

                                   T eachers.                        .......................................      248

                          CIX.  Personal  Inform ation  Concerning  the  Teachers

                                   of  C astaic  union,  F elto n ,  Honfry,  New  E ra,

                                   and  Saugus  S chools                ..........                      249

                           CX.  S a la rie s   o f  th e   Teachers  in   A ll  S ix

                                   D is tr ic ts            ...........                                 252

                          CXI.  Teacher  Turnover  in   th e  S ix  D is tr ic ts ,

                                   1927-1928  to   1931-1932*.......................................    254
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24