Page 5 - dalbey1933
P. 5


                   I I I .      THE  COMHOTITY  AND  ITS  N EED S.....                                   17

                                    The  d i s t r ic t s   in   the  su rv ey ............................       17

                                    Population  and  elem entary  average  d a lly

                                    a tten d an c e.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........       17

                                    Trend  of  growth  of  average  d a ily   atten d ­

                                    ance. . . . . . . . .        ................................               25

                                    High  school  attendance               .................................   26

                                    Residence  lo catio n   of  a l l   p u p ils .................      27
                                    Growth  of  population  and  elem entary  average

                                    d a ily   atten d an ce.................                             32

                                    Estimated  growth  of  high  school  p u p ils .• • .                33

                                    Prospects  of  obtaining  a  high  school  in

                                   Newhall  or  v ic in ity              ............                    33

                                    Summary-Gonclusion.                              ..................   38

                     IT.        THE  FINANCIAL  ABILITY  OF  THE  COMMONITT TO

                                 PAY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    40

                                    Purpose  of  the  chap t e r                     .................      40

                                    Sources  of  th e  d is tric ts *   rev en u e,. . . . . . . .       40

                                   Assessed  v alu atio n   and  tru e  v a lu a tio n .....             41

                                   T otal  tax   ra te   fo r  school  purposes  per  one

                                   hundred  d o l l a r s ..                  ..........                 51

                                   C apital  o u tlay s  fo r  school  p rop erty.............           51

                                    The  present  investm ent  in   school  property.                    65

                                   Bonding  lim its   and  outstanding  bonded  in ­

                                   debtedness.                      ............                         67

                                   Comparative  co sts  w ith  other  d i s t r i c t s . . . .          69

                                   C urrent  expenses,  disbursem ents                                   70

                                   Summary  and  C        o    n   c    l  u    s   i   o   n    s   .   7  3
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10