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                     V.           THE  PRESENT  SCHOOL  PUNTS*  EVALUATION. . . . . .                     75

                                     Purpose  of  th e   c h a p te r........................... . . . . .    75

                                     Location  and  type  o f  each  d is tric t*  a

                                     b u ild in g .   .............                                       75

                                     Method  of  sco rin g   the  b u ild in g s . . . . . . . . . .      79

                                     R esults  o f  th e  s c o rin g ......................              79

                                     U tiliz a tio n   and  capacity  o f  the  b u ild in g s            9Z

                                     Need  fo r  new  b u ild in g s ..................                   94

                                     Summary  and  co n c lu sio n s.                    ............       95

                    VI.           PUPIL  PROGRESS.                   .................                    97

                                     Aim  of  th e   c h a p te r.• • • • . . . • • . .........................   97

                                     In te rp re ta tio n   of  age-grade  ta b le s . . . . . . .        97

                                     Percentage  of  pupil©  in   th e  V arious  grades                 98

                                     Percentage  o f  atten d an ce  .............                      100

                                     Number  of  p u p ils  under-age,  normal  age,

                                     and  over-age                    ..........                        100

                                     Number  o f  y ears  p u p ils  have  been  in   school  115

                                     V arious  causes  of  o v er-ag en ess.. . . . . . . . . .         125

                                     Non-promotion  in   th e  v ario u s  s c h o o ls .....           125

                                     S ize  of  c la s s e s .  .................                       126

                                     Summary  and  conclusions..............................            128

                  V II.           EDUCATIONAL  MEASUREMENT  BY  STANDARD  TESTS. #                      1?2

                                     Use  in   school  s      u  r  v   e  y  s  *  .  .........        152

                                     T ests  used  in   th is   survey...... 133

                                     Grade  placement  in   a rith m e tic ,  read in g ,

                                     and  in   th e  to ta l  s c o re s .     .......................       135

                                     Summary  and  c o n c lu sio n s.*............................      155
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