Page 9 - dalbey1933
P. 9


                                                  I3BT  OF  TATmgfi

                        Table                                                                           Fag©

                               I .    Estimated.  P opulation  Based,  on  Elem entary

                                    Average  D ally  Attendance  in   C astaic  and

                                     liv e   Oak  School  D        i   s    t   r   i    c   t    s   *    1  8

                             IX.  E stim ated  Population  Based  on  Elem entary

                                    Average  D aily  Attendance  in   F elton   D is tric t                19

                           I I I .   E stim ated  Population  Based  on  Elem entary

                                    Average  D aily  Attendance  in   Honby  D is tr ic t                  00

                             IT .  Estim ated  Population  Based  on  Elementary

                                    Average  D aily  Attendance  in   Hew  Era

                                     D is tric t* . *                                             •        01

                              V.  Estim ated  P opulation  Based  on  Elem entary

                                    Average  D aily  A ttendance  in   Newhall

                                    D is tr ic t.                .............. •    ...........   *.............   00

                             ¥1.  Estim ated  P opulation  Based  on  Elementary

                                    Average  D aily  A ttendance  in   Saugus  D is tr ic t                03

                           V II.  Estim ated  P opulation  Based  on  Elem entary

                                    Average  D aily  A ttendance  in   A ll  Six

                                    D is tr ic ts   Combined.                 ...........                  04

                          V III.  Humber  of  E ighth  Grade  G raduates  From

                                    1907-1908  to   1930-1931                ...............................    09

                             IX.  Number  o f  Fam ilies  and  th e  D istance  They

                                    Live  from  Their  R espective  S ch o o ls.. . • . . .                50

                              X.  Estim ated  P opulation  in  Newhall  said  Aver­

                                    age  D aily  Attendance  in  th e  Newhall School
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14