Page 3 - dtsc0817
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b  en  p  rated at  15  ar  a   f  th   it  t  remo
                                            fr  m  ev  n  ar   has  b  n  ucce  fully  compl  ted  and  ight area  ar  curr  ntl •
                                           ar  compl  t  d in th  curr nt areas, the a  ailable   syst  ms will be mov  d t  the
                                     quir     C cl  anu  ,  -hich  are  currently under con truction.  All   op  ration  ha  e
                                         rith th   uth   a  t Air Quall  -  anagement Di trict rule  and permit .

                                                                  Excav  tion  and  ex  situ  bioremediation  i  being
                                                                  u  ed  to  clean   oil  from  areas  contaminated  with
                                                                  perchlorate.  The contaminat  d  oil  i  dug-up,  and  taken
                                                                  to  to  a  oil  treatment facility  at the  ite where water and
                                                                  amendments are mixed with the  il and then placed in 67
                                                                  treatm  nt cell  . The cell  ar  covered to prevent ambient
                                                                  air int raction and promote natural  soil  micro-organi ms
                                                                  (bacteria) population growth and biological break down of
                                                                  the  perchlorat  .  Soil  sample  are  often  collected  to
                                                                  monitor  and  record  the  progres  of  biodegradation.
                                                                  Typically, complete treatment i  achieved within 20  to 30
                                                                  da T  during the warm  r  summer months and  from  45  to
                                                                  90  day    during  the  cool  r  winter  month  .  Upon
                                                                  completion, the  cl an  oil in the cells is  removed,  pread
                                                                  out to dry  and then u  ed to backfill the eJ  cavation areas.
                                                                  With recent addition of equipment and construction of an
                                , seem  operatin                  additional  treatment  pad  area  and  57  more  cell ,  the
                                                                  e  ca  ation  and  bior  mediation  of  the  perchlorate-
                                                                  impacted  oil  is expected to be c  mpleted in 2018.

                                                                   Due  to  the  history  of weapons  and  explosives  handling
                                                                   and  testing  at  this  site,  Whittaker  retained  a  specialty
                                                                   contractor  to  survey  the  specific   ite  area   where
                                                                   ' munitions  and  explo  ives  of  concern"  (MEq  were
                                                                   a  sembled, stored, handled, or te  ted.  Item  £  und during
                                                                    urve   f the subject areas wer  temporarily  tored in  afe
                                                                   storage chamber .  Toes  items wer  "demilitarized" at the
                                                                    ite  and  th   crap  metal  and  fragments  f  uch  material
                                                                   wer  carefully inspected and rendered  afe b  fore hauling
                                                                   t  a metal recycling facility.  Based on re  ults of the MEC
                                                                   survey ,  five  landfill  areas  at the  site  were  determined  to
                                                                   contain munitions  fragment  .   plan for management of
                                                                   th    landfill  ha  been prepared and appr  ved by DT  C.
                                                                   C  n  truction  activitie  related  to  management  f  the  fill
                                                                   areas is  expected to begin in 2  17 and completed b  mid-
                                                                   2  18.
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