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P.O. Box 33   Independence, CA    93526                                                                Fall/Winter 2017-18

                          FECM Spearheads Efforts to Preserve the Cottonwood Charcoal Kilns

                                     The Cottonwood Charcoal Kilns circa 1923.  Photo
                                    Courtesy County of Inyo, Eastern California Museum.

                    The  two  adobe  brick  kilns,  built  on  the   flume as well as a large stockpile of logs
                    west  side  of  Owens  Lake  by  Col.       and lumber. The output of silver and lead
                    Sherman  Stevens  in  January  1877,  pro-  from  Cerro  Gordo  and  Darwin  faltered
                    duced charcoal to fuel the smelters used    that  same  year,  as  did  the  demand  for
                    to process silver-lead ore from the Cerro   charcoal.  In  1878,  miners  left  for  new
                    Gordo mines in the Inyo Mountains east      strikes at  Mammoth City  and  Bodie,  and
                    of  the  lake.  Stevens  first  constructed  a   Stevens’ short-lived empire collapsed
                    steam  powered  sawmill  in  in  the  Sierra   The  Cottonwood  charcoal  kilns,  desig-
                    Nevada.  Lumber  and  logs  were  trans-    nated California Historical Landmark No.
                    ported down to the valley via a 13-mile-    537 in 1955, have suffered from the rav-
                    long  wooden  flume.    The  logs  were     ages  of  time  and  vandalism.  FECM  has
                    burned in  the kilns  to  produce  charcoal,   partnered with the County of Inyo, the Los
                    which  was  then  loaded  onto  scows  that   Angeles Department of Water and Power
                    were towed by the steamboat Mollie Ste-     (LADWP), and the Coso Operating Com-
                    vens across Owens  Lake to the smelters     pany to protect the kilns from further dam-
                    on  the  opposite  shore.  In  September    age.
                    1877,  a  fire  destroyed  part  of  Stevens’

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