Page 3 - hart1984yearbook
P. 3

With  wings  on  their feet and  hopes in
                                                                                                           .  _  k
                                                                                   their hearts, ·  I  19B4 Cross  Country l  eam
                                                                                             t  K
                                                                                     1..   Barnett, Doug mcLeod,  I Han  .
                                                                                     l  O(·I,   steven  Anners,  Ky e  Younkers
                                                                                     'nn  Johnson,  .ind  Bob  lbns  -  ,_
                                                                                   ~~ay  with  the  Foothill  l.c.iguc Ch,11np1on-
                                                                                                 Photo by  Burt  l..  Davi~
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