Page 3 - hartmuseumtimeline19581988
P. 3

HE  REMEMBERED-Gene  Blscalluz,  the  Good  Gre)  Sheriff  of  LOI  BIii  Hart  personally.  Thi■ ■tat  of  affairs  again  pointed  lo  th  way
      Angelea  ounty w   on  of  the  few apeakerra  at the  Hart P  rk dedl•  the  accumulating  ml1ta  of  the  years  Intervene  between  BIii  I-fart.
                                                     the  man,  and we of  the  pr   t-that tho  who  r  oall  him  person•
      cation, who pe,..onally  knew and remembered the late, gr   w   n
                                                     ally  are  a  dwindling  band  of  Old  Tfmen.  Pre  ently,  even  the  kid•
      movie  star.  All  of  the  rut of  them  knew  of  BIii,  but only  Attorney
                                                     who  attend  the  ■chool  to  which  he  gave  hi•  name  may  not  even
       Fn.ancla  Gudger,  and  eome  of  the  Hollywood  veteran  had  known  know  about  him.
         I  DEDICATION OF W .. s. HAR

             RK TO USE OF THE PUBLIC

                    by  Fred  W.  Trueblood  Sr.
        With  dignifi o and  touching   ds,  wi  h  a  program
       tudd  d  1th  famous  nt>vle  names,  and with a  crowd  of
      at  least  500  people  giv  g  clo   attention,  the  William
      S.  Hart  County  Park  wa  formally  dedlcat d  Saturday,
      and from now  on  in will  be  the prop  rty of the public.
         any tlm  in   1  t y   , Mr. H   l     rt
      that  this  was  his  final  and  one  of  hi  dearest ·wish  s.
      "Whil  I  was making pictu   , th  y ga   me  heir nickels
     1  and dimes and quarter/' he reiterated. "Wh~ I am gone
     1  I  ant them  to ha  e my home."
         ow, at last, they have it.

                                                              PARK-The  huge  and  gnarled  branch  I  of  the   two  great whit  oak  tn  e■ almot
                                                              In  the center of the wld  green1ward  of the flats  below the manalon,  lend  an  alf of
                                                              age  nd  dignity to  the  ff  a which  11  to  b  devot  d to  publlo  uae.
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