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                                                                                                          All  of  the  adventuresome  spirit

                                                                                                          of  a  hike  into  remote  areas  is  available

                                                                                                          on  this  jaunt.

                                                                                                         Yet,  as  this  picture  shows,

                                                                                                          you  are  never  far

                                                                                                          from  busy  U.S.  Highway  #6

                                                                                                         where  you  will  park  your  car.


                    Visitors  of  all ages  will  have  fun  looking  for  relics  of  bygone  days

                    along  this  historic  old  road.

                    The  links  of  chain,  horseshoe  and  old  handmade  nails,

                     shown  in  the  picture,

                    were  found  as  recently  as  April  of  1964

                     (by  eleven  year  old  Patrick  Saunders).

                    Possibly,  the  remnants  of  one  of  the  wagons

                     that  rolled  down  the  side  of  the  mountain  before  Beale's  Cut  was  made.

                                                                                                         STRONG  SURVIVED

                                                                                                        Look  closely  at  the  black  scar

                                                                                                         on  the  trunk  of  this  old  oak.

                                                                                                        Once  gutted  by  fire,

                                                                                                         it has  recovered  from  its  great  wound,

                                                                                                        and  again  struts  its  greenery

                                                                                                         for  the  folks  who  visit  Beale's  Cut.

                                                                                                        Let's  hope  that  it  is never  hurt  again.

                                                                                                        Remember  that  fire  prevention

                                                                                                         in  Nature's  Wonderland  begins  with  us.

                                                                                                         Say  hello  to  the  old  tree  as  you  pass  by.

                                                                                                         It's  close  to  the  old  road.

                                                                                                      Gypsy  Jaunt/"Beale's  Cut,"  57  SE  - Page  3
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