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EVENSONG  DEDICATION                       3:00 p.m.                           February  13, 1977

               Organ  Prelude                                                            Dennis Ehrhardt, Organist
                                               "Wenn Mein  Stundlein Vorhanden  1st"   J.M.  Bach
               Procession  al                          "I  was glad  ... "                            Hooper
                                   Chancel Choir                                   Maurita Thornburgh  directing
               Gathering for Awareness                                                    Rev.  Marvin  A.  Weishaar,
                                                                                                Parish  Associate
                       Pastor   Serve the  Lord  with gladness!
                       People   Come into His  presence with  singing!  Enter His gates with  thanksgiving,  His  courts with  praise !
                       Pastor   Give thanks to  Him, bless His  name!
                       People   For the  Lord  is  good:  His steadfast love endures forever, and  His  faithfulness to all  generations.

               The Invocation and  Lord's Prayer                                         Rev. Gordon  A. Mac( nn es,
                                                                               Stated Clerk, Presbytery  of San  Fern ando
                                                         Gloria Patri
               The Seri ptu res                        Colossians 4:4-18                    Rev.  Wi lliam  G.  Ward,
                                                                                                Parish  Associate
                Anthem                                "Show  Us  a  Dream"                               Red
                                 Youth Choir                                   Kathryn  Headley  directing
               Greetings      From the General Assembl y                       Dr.  Thelma D.  Adair, Moderator
                              From the Synod of Southern California            Rev.  Charles Marks
                              From  the Presbytery  of San  Fernando           Ms.  Joreen  Jarrell , Prebytery  Executive
                              From the Santa Clarita Ministerial               Dr.  Kenneth  Heaton
                Praise  432                                                                  " Built on  the  Rock "
                Worship  with the Offerings
                       Offertory   "Christus,  Der 1st Mein  Leber"            Johann  Walther
                Anthem                                 " O How  Amiable"                       Vaughn  Williams
                             Chancel  Choir                              Maurita Thornburgh  directing
                Meditation                           "The Church  Is  People"              Rev. Ed ward  R.  Danks,
                                                                                         First Presbyterian Church,
                                                                                             Bu rbank, California
                Vesper Prayer and  Benediction                                Rev.  Robert Bingham, M. Div.  Moderator
                                                                                       Presby tery of San  Fernando
                Postlude                        " Wake , Awake,  For  Night is  Flying"         Joh ann  Walther
                       *** Ushers are  requested  to seat worshippers
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