Page 3 - macneill1947
P. 3


                                        AUTHOR'S  NOTE

                     In  the  Eastern  part  of  the  Ventura  Basin  are

         several  areas  in which  the  detai].s  of  structure  and  strati-

        graphy  are  little known.            The  Humphreys  Station  Area  is  one

         of  these.

                     Although  detailed  studies  of  some  of  the  formations

        here  exposed  have  been made  in  other  places,  the  only  areal

         geologic  mapping  in  the  immediate  ·vic.ini ty  was  of  a  recon-

         naissance  nature.i  That  work,  although  somewhat  generalized,

        was  sufficiently  accurate  tl1a.t  the  understanding  of  the

         geology  of  the  Ventura  Basin  as  a  whole  was  advanced  by  it.

        More  intensive  study  naturally  brings  to  light  new  evidences;

         and  it  is  the  writer's  hope  that  the  interpretations  put

         forth  in  the  present  paper  may  be  of  value  in  the  clarification

         of  some  of  the  current  problems  in  the  easternmost  Ventura


             i  A  semi-detailed  report  by  C.D.  Cooksey  (1934}  may  be
                found  in  the  divisional  files  of  California  Institute
                of  Technology.  Thia  was  presented  as  a  Master  of
                Science  Thesis  in  1934.
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