Page 7 - macneill1947
P. 7

Soope  of the  report                  ,.

                      The  present  paper  deals  primarily  with structure.  A

         study  of  the  formations  adjacent  to  the  Santa  Clara  River  was

         undertaken  in  the  hope  that  through  detailed mapping,  Mint

         Canyon  beds  s:iuth  of  the  Santa  Clara Valley  could  be  correlated

         with  some  of  those  on  the  north  side  of the  valley.  This  was

         soon  found  to  be  impossible,  due  to  (1)  the  general  parallel-

         ism  of  the  strike  of  the  strata with  the  course  of  the  river

         valley,  (2)  the  lenticular nature  of  the  Mint  Canyon  beds,

         (3)  scarcity  of  outcrops  immediately  adjacent  to  the  valley.

         During  this  early  work,  an  hitherto  unreported  fossiliferous

         formation  was  encountered,  und  the  complexity  of  the  structure

         in  the  underlying  formation  became  apparent.  It was  deemed

         worth  \vtl.ile  to  study  and  report  these  features.

                      Lists  of  fauna  are  included  here.  Tentative  ages,

         deduced  from  these  lists,  are  assigned  to  certain  formations.

                      Tuff  beds  in  the Mint  canyon  formation  serve  efteotive-

         ly  as  marker  beds.  They  give  some  olues  as  to  possible  struc-

         tural  interpretations;  but  are  lenticular  and  henoe  must  be

         used  with  oauti on.

                      Twenty-four  field  days  were  devoted  to  mapping  in  an

         area  of  approximately  11  square  miles.  The  results  of  the  in-

         vestigation  are  here  submitted  in  partial  :t'u.lfiJJ11::mt  of  ths

         requirement  for  the  degree  of Master  of  Science  in  Geology  to

         the  California  Institute  of  Technology,  Pasadena,  California,

         1947 •

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