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            Introduction        -----------------------------------------•  1

           Acknowledgements       ---------------------------------------- 1

           Geography  and  Distribution  ------------------------------             4

           Geologic  Features      ------------------- ---- -------------          4
           Nature  of  the  Pa.leontologic  li;a.terial   -------------------       9

           Mint  Canyon  Fauna      -------------------------------------- 10

                 Faunal  List  ---------------------------------------- 10

                  Pa.rahippus,  sp.  - ---------------------------------- 10

                 Merychippus  califoraicus  1..Cerria.m  -------------------- 11
                 Merychippus  intermonta.nus  Merriam------------------- 12

                 Protohippus7 ,.sp.  ----------------------------------- 14

                 Miola.bis  californicus,  sp.  nov.  --------------------        16

                  Merycodus?,  sp.  ------------------------------------          20
                 Anti locapr id'i'   ----------- ------------------------         20

                  Archeolagus?,  sp.  or  Hypolagus?,  sp.      -------------- 20

                 Mastodon  remains                                                21

                  Avian  remains  -------------------------------------           21

                  Testudinate  remains  -------------------------------           21
            Faunal  Relationships                                                 22

           References                                                             24

           Explanation  of  Plates                                                 25
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