Page 1 - northlake_appeal_20180423
P. 1


                                                                        Date  --------

                Zoning Section
                Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
                Room 383, Kenneth Hahn
                Hall of Administration
                500 West Temple Street
                Los Angeles, California  90012

                 NO./CUP NO.:       R2015-00408-(5)

                 APPLICANT:        Northlake Associates LLC

                 LOCATION: Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 073336, Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 073335

                 North of Lake Hughes Road and  Ridge Route Road, East of Interstate 5 Freeway, Castaic
                                                                                                   Castaic Canyon
                              Related zoning matters:

                 CUP(s) or VARIANCE No.

                 Change of Zone Case No.


                This is an appeal on the decision of the Regional Planning Commission in the
                subject case.  This form is to be presented in person with a check or money
                order, made payable to the "Board of Supervisors" (check or money order must
                be presented with personal identification), during regular business hours of 8:00
                a.m. to 5:00 p.m. prior to the appeal deadline at the above address.  (Appeal fees
                subject to change). Contact the Zoning Section of the Board of Supervisors for
                information: (213) 97 4-1426.

                This is to appeal:  (Check one)

                 ---       The cost of Denial of this request:        $915.00*

                    X      The cost of Approval of this request:  $915.00*

                *Except for Subdivision appeals:  $130.00 of this appeal amount is allocated to
                the Board of Supervisors' Hearing
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