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THIS  AGREEMENT     de    d  nt  r  d, into  this 1st day of September
                   1960,                         Newhall Schoolhool District   24607  North   WalnutStreet

                       Newhall,California, hereinafter     c  lled  First   Party    and  the  Wm. s.  Hartr t

                   Unio  High  School  District of  Loo  Angeles     County,  her einafter  calledlled  Secondond

                              T     aid  first  Party,  h  havingeome  10  classrooms     adjoiningsupply

                   and  oil t  rooms,  part-timeuse       of th·  auditorium  andplaygrounds  available

                     duringthe   first half O  th  school         r  1960-1961,  and  the said Secondoond  Party,

                   b  beingin n  d  of 10  classrooms,    djoining  supply and toilett  rooms, part-time

                        oif auditorium   and  play groundsfor  the educational1  program of its Seventh

                   Grade Stud  t, h                         covenantand   agreeto  contr act with      ch

                   other as  follows;

                              l.  This          nt  shall be  for  the period September 1, 19          and

                   ending D c         31,  1960,  or  until th ·  presentPlacierta     Jun       i  h  School

                   buildin  pro gram  has  been  co pl  ted,  s  im.  ted  to  b  a.ace  ted  on  or  prior
                   to  J  wry .31.,  1961.

                             2.    'irat Part       ee  to  1       ten  claHaroo t -,   os.  17-26,    d

                   gives  ull us  of  thes  cla  rooms  - d  their rurnitur  ,  djoinin-,  au , ply

                   and  toilet rooms  ana  art- time  use  of  th  auditorium  and  playground          Second

                   Party  th  d  tail  of  us  being  d  scribed  and        la.ined  in the  superint  ndent•e
                  repo  t  ·o  th  ~1m.  \)•  Hart  Unio   I  h  School  Di  triet

                   tu ust  4 1960.
                             J.  The  ~eoond  Part  agre  s  to  furnish  transport· tion of  fourth,

                   .f1:t'th.,  and  ix h  rad  element-. ry school  pupils,     tot  l  of two  bus  lo  .,,
                   to  .....  cl   t   Po  ohl nd  School  ur,i  "  th  t ·   thi~  agre     t  is  in  eff ct -

                   se  d  tn·1s  ot  bo     r~port.
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