Page 5 - philipmillsjones1923
P. 5

116     University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn.  [Vol. 20
                     2 and 3, about a mile and a half downstream on the north side of
                     the same slough, near a house, were of the same general character
                     as mounid 1, but had been much more disturbed by extensive plough-
                     ing and by scraping off the top.
                        These three mounds were in most resp.ects very similar; they will
                     therefore be considered together. The surface soil to a depth of from
                     a few inches to 2½/2 feet is loose and largely mixed with ashes and
                     refuse; at the central portions but few ashes are encountered in dig-
                     ging down, but toward the edges of the more elevated portion the
                     ashes become plentiful. No human bones were found in these mounds
                     with the exception mentioned below, though the bones of deer, elk,
                     sheep, duck, wild goose, and rabbit were noted.  Mixed with the
                     kitchen refuse, ashes, and charcoal, were a great many fragments
                     and a few unbroken specimens of rudely made baked clay balls,
                     together with an occasional rude bone or horn implement and some
                     partly worked flint flakes. All the long bones of game animals were
                     split and most of them showed traces of fire.
                        On the surface of mound 2 were found several fragments of human
                     bones, and the man who lived in the nearby house told me that, in
                     scraping away the top of the mound some years ago, several skeletons
                     were unearthed. The mounds themselves seem to be natural slight
                     elevations which have been utilized by the Indians as camping places
                     or village sites; they show no evidence of artificial formation.

                                                MOUND 4
                        On August 2 I moved camp to a large mound, no. 4, on French
                     Camp slough, three miles south of Stockton and about a quarter of
                     a mile west of this and Mormon slough. This mound has been dug
                     into rather extensively by Barr, Meredith, and others, and from
                     the statements made to me by Barr I judged that practically the
                     whole of that portion north of the levee which traverses the top had
                     been disturbed at one time or another during the past four or five
                     years. A large number of bodies had been disinterred, but I could
                     not obtain sufficient data to form a reliable estimate of the total
                     number. With the bodies which they have exhumed near the top
                     of the mound, shell ornaments, beads, and worked flints were found,
                     while very little seemed to have been buried with the bodies of those
                     who had been interred at the outer edges of the area used as a ceme-
                     tery. Barr further informed me that some of the bodies at or near
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