Page 7 - philipmillsjones1923
P. 7

118     University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn.  [Vol. 20

                       Several trenches were run from the northern edge of the mound
                    to the line of the levee, but as I had promised that the levee would
                    not be disturbed I did not tunnel under it nor remove any of it.
                    Everywhere, except at the place marked 1, were signs of previous
                    digging to a depth of from 2 to 4 feet, and where skeletons had been
                    exhumed the soil was filled with miscellaneous human bones and
                    fragments of skulls. The soil itself is a brown, sandy clay, mixed
                    in places with adobe, and contains large quantities of ashes, charcoal,
                    and bones of animals, together with fragments of baked clay balls;
                    fireplaces, kitchen refuse, and skeletons.seem to have been promis-
                    cuously distributed through the mound. Very few stones are encoun-
                    tered and these in almost every instance show clearly that they have
                    been used as hammerstones; at one place in trench 1 a cache of several
                    fine and much used hammerstones was found near a fireplace. Rude
                    bone and horn tools, a small number of partly or wholly worked flints,
                    together with large numbers of fragments and some fifty unbroken
                    baked clay balls, were found unassociated with any human remains.
                       In this portion of the mound north and northeast of the levee,
                    four undisturbed skeletons were found. The first was encountered
                    in running trench 1, 5 feet from the beginning of the trench; it was
                    lying on the back, slightly towvard the right side, extended, with the
                    head toward the northwest. One foot southeast of the feet of this
                    skeleton were found five hammerstones, while in the soil surrounding
                    the head, and some 6 inches from it, were a few perforated shell disks.
                    The second skeleton was found on the same level with the first, 2 feet
                    nearer the levee; the position was the same as that of the first one
                    found, except thaf he head was some 5° more to the north. Nothing
                    whatever lay with tis second skeleton, nor in the soil about it. The
                    first skeleton encountered was at a depth of 3 feet and the second at
                    a depth of between 3 and 4 feet; the difference is due to the rise in
                    the elevation of the surface of the mound as the trench was carried
                    forward toward the levee.
                       Two more skeletons were found, in trench 2, near the spot marked
                    2. They lay at a depth of between 5 and 6 feet, and the soil above
                    them, to a depth of slightly over 4 feet, had been previously dug:
                    it was a mass of miscellaneous human bones and fragments of bones
                    which had been dug out and afterward thrown back.    These two
                    skeletons were lying on the back, extended, with heads toward the
                    west, the upper one across the lower, the spinal column crossing and
                    in contact with the lower portion of the chest of the under skeleton;
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11