Page 9 - philipmillsjones1923
P. 9

120    University of California Publications in Am. Arch. and Ethn.  [Vol. 20
                        Third: a stratum of black adobe 6 inches in thickness on the upper
                     surface of which were the ash deposits mentioned. It is noteworthy
                     that this stratum is not parallel with the'upper surface of the top
                     layer or surface stratum, but that it has a much greater radius of
                     curvature-is more nearly level-than the surface, and that it is
                     very even in thickness, varying not more than 1 inch in this respect.
                        Fourth: underlying the black adobe is a thin layer of sandy clay
                     light yellow in color and imperceptibly shading into a mass.of ashes,
                     flint chips, worked flints, bone flakes, broken baked clay balls, and
                     fragments of game and fish bones.
                        Fifth: a stratum of clayey sand, similar to the upper soil of the
                     fourth stratum, and varying in thickness from 1 to 3 inches.
                        Sixth: another layer of sandy soil about 3 inches thick mixed with
                     ashes, bones, worked flints, etc., and containing an immense number
                     of minute flint and obsidian chips, such as would be pressed off in
                        Seventh: the soil forming the mass of the mound, which appar-
                     ently had not been disturbed. It is a very tough and tightly packed
                     yellowish brown clay and is hard to dig. It extends to the water
                     level of the slough.
                        The fourth and sixth strata were evidently formed by the slow
                     accumulation of house refuse and what appeared to be the sweepings
                     from the shop of some aboriginal manufacturer of flint and obsidian
                     tools. Several good arrow joints were found in these strata, together
                     with a few bone and horn implements, a fish spear, and numerous
                     baked clay balls.
                        Excavation was carried forward to the edge of the levee and the
                     strata as enumerated were found to be continuous and unbroken up
                     to the point where the work was stopped by the embankment. At no
                     place had any of the strata been disturbed, nor had this portion of
                     the mound been dug into either by the natives for burial or by
                     collectors.  To make sure, however, that nothing was being over-
                     looked, I had the bottom layer dug to a depth of 1 foot. It was
                     exceedingly tough and tightly packed and rather difficult to dig;
                     it contained no ashes, charcoal, bones of'animals, shells, flint chips,
                     or implements of any sort, and in fact nothing which showed the
                     slightest trace of use by man, with the following exception:
                        At a point one-third of the distance from A toward B, where the
                     width of the part of the mound between the edge of the cutting and
                     the levee was about 8 feet, and some 4 feet from the edge of the
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