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                                         (ii) for administrative purposes; or
                                         (iii) for emergency responses.
                                    (B)  GRAZING.-The  Secretary  shall  permit  grazing
                               within  the  Monument,  where  established  before  the  date
                               of enactment of this Act-
                                         (i) subject to all applicable laws (including regula-
                                    tions and Executive orders); and
                                         (ii)  consistent  with  the  purpose  described  in  sub-
                                    section (d)(2).
                               (4) No BUFFER ZONES.-
                                    (A)  IN  GENERAL.-Nothing  in  this  section  creates  a
                               protective perimeter or buffer zone around the Monument.
                                    (B)  ACTIVITIES  OUTSIDE  NATIONAL  MONUMENT.-The
                               fact that an activity or use on land outside the Monument
                               can be seen  or heard within the Monument shall not  pre-
                               clude the activity or use outside the boundary of the Monu-
                          (f)  CLARIFICATION ON FUNDING.-
                               (1) USE  OF  EXISTING  FUNDS.-This section shall be carried
                          out  using amounts  otherwise  made available to  the  Secretary.
                               (2) No ADDITIONAL FUNDS.-No additional funds are author-
                          ized to be appropriated to carry out this section.
                          (g)  EFFECT.-Nothing  in  this  section  affects  the  operation,
                      maintenance,  replacement,  or  modification  of  existing  water
                      resource, flood control, utility, pipeline, or telecommunications facili-
                     ties that are located outside the boundary of the Monument, subject
                     to  the  special  use  authorities  of the  Secretary  of Agriculture  and
                      other applicable laws.
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