Page 6 - scvwa012918a
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                     Local Agency Formation Commission
                         for the County of Los Angeles

               c.  Briefly describe the types of water resources available to the Agency by acre-foot per year (AFY)
                   (e.g.: imported water, groundwater, surface water, etc.)  Figures are from 2015 Urban Water
                   Management Plan, Table 3-1

                     Groundwater                                  31,545
                     Recycled Water                                  450

                     Imported Water                               78,667
                     Banking and  Exchange Programs               22,950

               d.  List and  briefly describe any Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs) or (equivalent) which may be providing
                   services to the affected territory and/or surrounding territory, including groundwater management

                     The Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the Santa Clara  River Valley East Sub-basin is
                     currently governed by a Memorandum of Understanding, but anticipates converting to a Joint
                     Powers Authority. It is the groundwater sustainability agency formed under the Sustainable
                     Groundwater Management Act to formulate and implement a groundwater sustainability plan
                    for the groundwater basin.


               a.   Describe any improvements inter-connections and/or upgrades of structures, sewer, water
                   facilities, or other public facilities associated with the creation of the Agency:

                    The creation of the Agency provides opportunities for water system integration, including
                    interconnections, which can improve service reliability, redundancy, efficiency, and quality to
                    customers. These will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Examples of possible permanent
                    interconnections are described in section 6.6 of the Plan of Services.

               b.   How will any of the above be financed?

                    For each improvement or interconnection, a determination will be made whether it is a capital
                    improvement. Capital improvements for existing users are financed by a combination of water
                    rates and property taxes. Growth-related capital improvements are financed through the
                    payment of development capacity fees.  If it is not a capital improvement, then it is considered an
                    operations and maintenance expens~ and is funded by water rates.

               c.   List any current assessments, taxes, or other charges paid by existing customers.  In additional, list
                   any assessments, taxes, or other charges, if any, that would be levied as a result of this state
                   mandated reorganization.  These are separate from the one-percent tax levy.

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