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                  DATE:         July 12, 2018
                  TO:           Board of Directors

                  FROM:         Dirk Marks
                                Director of Water Resources
                   SUBJECT:     Approve a Resolution Authorizing the General Manager to Execute an
                                Agreement Forming the Joint Powers Authority for the Santa Clarita Valley
                                Groundwater Sustainability Agency (SCV-GSA) and to Execute a Contract for
                                SCV Water to Provide Management and Technical Services to SCV-GSA


                  The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) is a member of the Santa Clarita Valley
                  Groundwater Sustainability Agency (SCV-GSA). The SCV-GSA was formed via a Memorandum of
                  Understanding (MOU) on May 24, 2017. The MOU contemplates its members creating a Joint
                  Powers Authority (JPA) governance structure. SCV-GSA member agency staff have negotiated a
                  Joint Powers Agreement (JPA Agreement) and an Administrative Services Agreement whereby SCV
                  Water would provide administrative, management, and technical services necessary to assure
                  compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act including preparation of a
                  Groundwater Sustainability Plan.


                  On May 24, 2017, the SCV-GSA was formed via execution of an MOU between six local entities.
                  The members listed in the MOU are Castaic Lake Water Agency, City of Santa Clarita, County of Los
                  Angeles, Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 36, Newhall County Water District and the
                  Santa Clarita Water Division.  Three of these member agencies are now part of SCV Water, the
                  successor agency as defined by Senate Bill 634. The MOU describes: coordination, responsibilities,
                  funding, consideration of interests of all beneficial uses and users of groundwater, and other items.
                  With limited time to create the SCV-GSA among six member agencies, an MOU was the logical
                  approach to form the SCV-GSA. Members understood operating the SCV-GSA under an MOU
                  would be inefficient, and articulated a desire to form a JPA at a later time.

                  Under the MOU, any contracting required by the SCV-GSA would require each member go to its
                  Board or Council to approve funding and contracts. With so many member agencies, each with
                  different funding and contracting approaches, initiating and then administering contracts is inefficient
                  for the SCV-GSA. With many contracts likely needed in the future, such inefficiency could result in
                  delays in meeting required SGMA deadlines and potential compliance issues. Governance by a JPA,
                  however, allows member agencies to specify a member agency as responsible for contracting with
                  consultants. Administration of the SCV-GSA is also an important consideration, and is now
                  streamlined via the approach in the JPA which allows for SCV Water to the take the lead on

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