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1919-1994                                  VIGILANCE FOREVER             75 years of The Signal                                              7

       1919                                                 .                                                    Il                     @l Il

                                                                                    DEVOTED  TO  THE  NEWHALL-SAUGUS  VALLEYS
                                                                                                                                                 No.  1
                                                                                        Newhall, California, Friday, February 7,   Build Up,  Don't Tear Down
          "Withthis issue we unfurl the                                  UP  ON      AIRBANK'S  THE  LOCAL                             FIRST IN
                       sails of the Newhall Signal
                       upon the sea of journal-                         CUSTOMS        NEW  FILM  NEWS ITEMS
                                                                                    Dougla■ : Falrbanlls and  his  compnny   "Say,  can't  you  send  us  In  some
       ism, and we hope that our efforts will                American     Claims  Adml-  or  nhout  two  hun4Pi11.  came  up  from  school  notes  i!ach  week?"
                                                                                   Los  Angeles  Tuealay  by  apecl11I  train   Must  Have Aid  In  Restoring  Mer-
       be of service and benefit to the Newhall                  ration   the  People.   nml  nulos  ond  pulled  ort  a  moving   There  have  hccn  several  cases  o(   chant   ·
                                                                                   picture  stunt.  We  did  not  Jenrn  the  the  "Ou"  here,  hul  lhcy  arc all  up and
       and Saugus valley area. In order to do                                      nome  of  the  future  nlm,  but  Judging  ~round  now.   _ . __   '
                                                             KISSES  OLD  FRENCH  LADY  from  whnt · we  saw,  "Douglas  st  the   .Mr.  nuttier  of  the  Buttler ·Grocery  : YASJ   LOSSES  SUMMED  UP
       our best, we must have the unbiased                                         County  Fair"  might  be  considered  ap,  was  In  Loa  Angeles  the  ftral  or  the .
                                                                                          The  location  chosen  for  week  buying  good■•
       support and cooperation of the good cit-              Round  Smack  on   Two  Cheek•  of  the  taking  of  the  plclUrea  woe  the   · Edward  de  BIiiy, . Deputy  High  Com-
                                                                                                                                 ml-■lon·e~ ~f  the . French  Republic  to
                                                                 Old  Lady  Who  Made  Speech  vacant ground  lying  west of  the de(IOt.  .  Mr.  L.  O.  Pullen, .our  genial  barber.
                                                                                                                                 the  United  State■,  Give■  Statement
       izens of these communities, and we are                        Gratitude  of  People  to  Morl<et  street  from .the  drug  store  to  was  In  Los  Angeles  Monday  buying   of  Country'■  Need--2,500,000  · of
                                                                          Such  Facility  th.e  railroad  track,  was  decorated  with  stock  for  his  cigar  stand.
                                                                             Can  Now  yards  and  yards  or  bunting,  signs,
       looking forward with perfect faith that                In   Good  Speech  In  French.   ftags, etc., not omitting thf'  "Ice cream"   We  have  had  scarcely  If  any  rain   He;  Young  Men  KIiied  or  Maimed,
                                                                                                                                 26,000  Factorle■  Ruined.
                                                                                   s~ands  along  the  way.  There  were  so far thl~  season and  the farmers  are
                                                                                                                                 With  :?,!'i00,000  ot  her  youngest,
       this assistance will be extended to us.                Genernl      kissed   about  forty  horses  In  the  performanee  praying  for  more  moisture.   nhl('1<l, 11ncl  mo&t  spirited  men  klllL'<I  or
                                                                               no1   ::;~ 11 ~~ea,:ed~~t1':.el~hfca:t peb: : !:!   11111l111Pd,  nnd  upw11Nl  ot hnlt her lnclu,.;
         "The columns of this paper will be                  the   ot  o   no   II  w1111  lo  aee  at  a  county  fnlr.  A  "apeclal  Thomna  M.  ~•rena,  who  hn■ been  very  wrir,  l•'rnnce'11  nppenl  to her nllh!8 ◄lur•
                                                                                                          The  nve-ye11r-c1ld  aon ot Mr, 11nd  Mn.
                                                                                                                               try  ''"''  llhlppln,:  dl'Blrll)'NI  hy  tho
                                                                      on  the  two
       open for the discussion of any subject                    old  French·    of   train"  met  by  the  committee  wa,  an  alck  with  pneumonia,  I■  r11pldly  Im•  1111{· the 11f'rlod of  rrhohllltntlnn  will  be
                                                                                                                               for  h('lp  In  rcbulldln,: the foctorlen nncl
                                                                              to  hnve  lntereallng  feature.                  fnrms  which  the Oermnns wreekecl  11ncl
       that will be of interest or benefit to the           )the      remorkoble   In   polnl,"  which  waa  the  name  Newhall  cery,  w-aa  In  Snn  Fernando  on  Mon•
                                                                                    Altogether the perrormance at "Fair-
                                                                                                          Mr.  Bricker,  of  the  Drlcker  Gro•  tor  nsi<h,lnnce  In  con11tructlng  or  pur•
                                                                          thnt  he
                                                                          In  French                                           rhn!llng  i<hlpR,  s11hl  F,dwnrtl  tie  0111)',
                                                                                                                               ,1 .. p11ly  hh:h  commissioner  of  tho
       people of the Newhall and Saugus sec-                    It  remnlned  for   Cnrnet  de   nae11:ned  for  the  day,  was  very  enter•  day.  He  la  kept  quite  busy  with  his   J•'n!,ch  republic.
                                                                                   tnlnlng  and  we  did  not  have  to  pay  truck  buslnesa.
                                                               Scmnlne,"  a  French  weekly   lhe  price  oC  a  ticket  ellher.   Arlmltllng  his  eountry'a.goln  hy  tlie
       tions, but we reserve the privilege of                  Ynnk  thnt  the   not   In   of            E.  S.  Chrisfidcl  is  repairing  the  Frmc-h _ spirit  of  aelf-conf)dence!  sub- .
                                                                                                                               conftlct,  In  the  revitalizing . of  , the
       eliminating anything that smacks of                     ·  his  subonllnntes  In   OUR  HEAL TH  OFFICER  MAKES  A  hon~c  •Nhich  he  recently  purc.h:ised  on  rlnrd  hy  the  defent  of  1871,  and· In ·re-
                                                                                                         ,...,,.,.,.,,  .,,,.,., .. ~ihcn  lhrsd  chlln1?r.s .  cmla::-:: .AIAArl'  :,:!,!  l -!lrrnl~e,\y1tia their.
                                                                                          '  YISIT
                                                                                                   ,.· . . •,
                                                                   soys:            The  Stearllng  Borax  Mine,  near  arc  ~omlpctcd,  the  place  will · be  occu- n,:-rlcullur:al  districts, Mr. de'.l31117  fnhl
       malice.                                                "Geneml     a        L3ng,  are working f!-'11  time,  three sets  pied  hy  ye  editor  and  family.   the  war's  losses  were  for,,o:eoter'. ,.lle
                                                                 Lenrned,          of  miners  working  eight  houn1  each,    ,lrnlecl  thnt  Fmnce  wna  "hh~t  ·whlte,"-
          "We should continually bear in mind               {( 1·111111,   thnt  Amerlcnn  consequenlly  the  mine  never  stops·   Dr.  G.  F.  S1cvcnson,  hcallh  officer  hut  sold  the  hondlcnp  Imposed  as  n
                                                                          on  11nd  lenrns.  working.  Forty-ftve .men  are  now  em•  for  1his  section,  made  our  office  a  rt>Rlllt  of her snerltlcea In  reslsllnl{  the
       that what tends to the true interest of                "The  geneml's   the . most   ployed  11nd  the  town  has  an  air or  In-'.  pleasant  c:ill  the  first  ol the week, and '  lnvn<ler  could  not  te 01•ereo111e  except
                                                            ({!toneous   and       dustry.  The  men  ·are  all  loyal  and  in  the  mallr.r  or  count  stands  No.  1.  wl~~R~::~~e t:"\gurca,  he  declared
       one, helps others, and we must all work                  gmven  In  the  memory  of  those  devoted  to  their  Superintendent,  Mr.  on  our  list  ol  suhscrihcrs.   thnt   211 000  fnetorlell In  the French dls-
                                                                hove  seen  him    St1?war1.   They  nil  look  prosperous·   Mr.  Bucknell,  manager  of  the  New:  trlcts  occupied  hf  the  Germans  were
                                                                                   nn,l  eontented.  The  Colony  was  vis•  hall  Lumber  Co.,  and  family,  ■pent  ,lrMlroyed  or  stripped  of  their  mn' .
       in harmony to promote the ongoing of                         Old    Lady.   nr·  lte l  •ast  week  by  our  locnl  Health  Of:  Sunday  IIJ  Los  Angeles  with  friends·  ehlnrry;  thnt  11lmost  12,000,000  hf'nd
       our home section.                                         recently  with  h'.s   the   ftc· ·r,  Or.  Geo.  Stevenson,  who  In•  and  relalh'e■.   ·  or  cnl . le  'l\'ere  seized;  thnt  thousnnds
                                                                before   delirious   :f~~~~~t=n~c~~:• ~=!~~~;:~/:"::~ :~   We  arc  strangers  here,  and  ir  those  ;~f~,~: ::i:~~si:~tf~~:~:1~~£~~'.
          "In conclusion, will say that we hope                    In  this     vii·   youngslf'rs  he  ever  met.   knowing  or  i1cms  ol  interest  will  lhrou,:h  11lnklni;a  ond  enfnreerl  eurtnll•
                                                                 little crowd   surroundt•cl   Mra.  Stewart,  wire  of  the  Superln•  kin,lly  bring  t1iem  to. this office,  it wm  ment  In  produellon,  wns  070,000  ton1t,
       for the loyalty and help that is neces-              J thu  1:lorlou1  ·Amerlel\n  llben1tors  11ml   tondent,  acts  na  godmother  over  Ibo  greally  asaill  us  in  maknig  our  col- ,,nil  lhnl  the  money  eost  of  tho  eon-
                                                            ~\~!,,'i":1:h:;{~tr:~c:f a :r:~11i:~:ec~11:~•;,\  chlldren,  looking .after  their  physl<:111  umns  more  inlcrcsling.   met,  In  npproprlnllons  nncl  puhlle debt
       sary to make this paper a credit to the              '·'lie!'self  amid  the  rout  nnd  de11111111lt'd  nePds  while  Miss  Lemon,  the  amlnble   Mr. ,v. w.  Hooper,  of  Brawley,  Cal.;  ·1,:-grt>,:nletl  ·lM,000,000,000  francs,  or
                                                            \;;J<llence  80  thnt, In  the nnme of  11ll,  11h 1   ancl  competent  school  teacher,  la  an  old  mining  engineer,  la  ■topping at  ,:i!~-~~~hod  to  atnnd,"  he  sold,
                                                            ,;might thnnk  the general.  SIience wn·
       town."                                               "".!restored  and  on  old  woman,  n  ver:   very  proud  or  lhe  pro,:reas  th e  chll·  llolel  Swall.  Mr.  Hooper  Is  not  feel·  "lhe  ftrst  rush  of  the  lnvnslon,  while
                                                            j@oltl  nnd  trembling  little  womnn,  Ill'   dren  are  making  In  their  studies.  Our  Ing  V<try  well  and  la  here  for  bis  thr other nrmles were  being prepared.
                                                                                   Health  Officer,  Dr.  3tevenson,  ·and  health.  Ill  ha■ many  words  or  praise  Anet.  hO\vever  wonderful  wns  the  ef-
                                                            ·wr,rooehed  him  In  nil  her  dignity  01111
                                                            !murmured words of 1:rotltude,  As slu   Mr.  · Chas.  Houghton,  lhe  druggist,  for  our  cllm:\te.   fort  of  the nrltl~h.  some months Inter,
                                                            -~went on 1h~  bec:nme contused with  tilt   were  welcomed  and  entertained  hy   nml  aflerwnrd  thnt  of  the  Amerlcnn
                                                            ' fon11ecuatomed  honor.  Her  words  he·  the  officer■  of  lhe  Company  to  which   \Ve  underaland  that. tbore  will  be  nrmy,  the  front  held  by  the  Frenr.h
                                                                                                                               hntl  never been  lf's■ thon  two-thirds of
                                                            ·-;jcume  mixed.  Finally,  l;nowlni;  noth   lhey  return  lhRnka  for  the  aame.   service■  In  the  rreabylerlan  church  lhe  101111  line  from  the  North  Seo  to
                                                            :jjlng  else  to  do,  she  BUddenly  setz, .. t   next  Sunday,  the  ftrat  time  for •elght  the Swiss border.  Thus our losses were
                                                            Hboth  bonds  of  General  Persh!ng  am.I  nerlln.'   week■,  which  wa■  al.10  closed  on  ac•  i:renter  thnn  those  of ·any other  ormy.
                                                            ;;l111aook  them  heartily.  .:'   "•Jn  nerlln I  Then  you  will  go  count  or  the  "Flu."  lt  I■  understood  A  pnrt  of  our  country  has  been  In·
                                                            j  . 'tAnd  the general  mntunllr  sqnl'PZl'd  thPre,  m111lnme I'  cried  the  geneml  to   Pastor  Evans  will  1peak.   ,•ntletl,  Its population treated as 11lovea,
                                                            Tu"" two  hands  of  the  ohl  lady.  Tht-n  l\lndnme  Polncnre.   lhl'lr  houses  looted,  their foetorles  de-
                                                            fj)<uddenl7,  without  o  word,  he remov,•11   "Then  tlwy  tnlked  of  other  thing!'   Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  C.  Swall  Ylalled   11troyed;  while  on  the ftghtlng  line the
                     n  era i l,ls  hot-ond  kissed  her  on  e11eh  ond  ofter  the  luncheon  the  presldeo•                 111.111  of Fronce hos been plowed 80 deep
                                                             ·beek."               llol  motor  cor  took  the  guest■  on  11   Loa  Angeles  Tue■day on  bu■lne11.  The   hy  ehella  that  no  agriculture  la  possl•
                                                              "One  other  doy,"  the  paper  eon•  tour of the  region.  Lenrnlni;  that  the  Swall  Hotel  la  enJoylnc  a  good  buat-
                                   •                         tlnue■•  "the  11resldent  and  :t,fndnm~  prealtlent'•  personal  estate  wo ■  near  ne■1  u   ■eHral  are  here  tor  their   heen  lomentlnr  onr  France  a■  bled
                                                                                                                                   Some  aentlmental  people  hove
                                                             'olneare, with  the reneral, choneed  to  St.  l\flhlel,  General  Pershing  aaked  to  health-and from  the  way  they speak,
                                                                                                                               white.  Nonsense I  Frllnce la. not bled
                                                             neet  ot  110  offlclril· luncheon  In  St.  visit It,  ond ~he eor was directed thlth•  this  climate  agrees  wt»  them.
                                                                                                                                white.  She  hos  men  filled  with  re-
                                                                                                                               newed  nnd  splendid energy.  Dul here
                                                             l'lllhlel.  At  St.  Mlhlel  the  fnmlly  of  er.
                                  10S                        the  president .  of  the  republic  orl'   memories,  stood  beslcle  him.  The gen-  so  ■a  to  be  able  to  run  1600  laying   ,.he  stnnds,  fnclng  the  problem  of  re-
                                                                                    "It drew ' 11p  bf'fore  o  moss  ::,f  grer
                                                                                                          Mr.  R.  c'.  Gibson,' or  Happy  Valley,
                                                                                                                               gnlnlng  her  plaee  In  the  economic:
                                                             known  only  na  'Monsieur  et  Mndnme  r.lndera,  once  tht! ·  Polneare  family  and  proprietor  or  "Eggland,''  Informs
                                                                                        Pershing  hdwed  his  head.
                                                                             luncheon,  home.
                                                                                                                                markets  of  the  world,  with  a  port  of
                                                                                                         ila  that be la  enlarging bis hen houses
                                                                                                                                her  lndu11trlal  and  11grlculturul  power
                                                             whleh  wos  a  ve17  cordl11l  one,  they  l\lndnme  Polocnre,  silent  and  full·  of
                                                             talked  ll  little  polities.
                                                                                                                                ,lestroyed,  Olld  with  her  men  killed
                                                                 ·~Now  I  Understand.'"
                                                                                                         the  beat,  that  la  the  reason  he  baa
                                                                                    "'At  Derllo,  mo•lame,  now  I  under-
                                                                                                                                lmnglnnllon.  .Mny  1 gtve you some fla:•
                                                             .  " 'For  e:111mple,'  the  president  ho·p-  eral  turned  and  Bnld  quietly  to  her:   White  Leghorn, hens.  · He  bell81'ea  In   11ml  mnlmed  to  a  number  that exceeds
                                                                                                         While  I.Agborna.
                                                              ened  to·.aoy,  'Wit  must  ■eek peaee  In                        ures on  these  MuhJeetal .
       By TIM WHYTE                        dents'  shopping trips  to  Los  Angeles  ments, chalk and  feed  mill, pool hall,  U.S.  General Pershing, who  kissed an
       Signal managing editor               and other points south.             millinery store, steam laundry, cobbler  old French lady, has become so fluent
                                              But even  then,  when  Newhall  was   shop,  harness  shop,  furniture  store,  in French  that  he  can  make  a  .. good
                                            an almost-sleepy rural town where talk   cheese  factory,  skinning  station  and  speech" in French.
            o wrote The Signal's first editor,  at the  corner store  may  have focused   sugar factory.              And on the local front, it was report-
            in  the  newspaper's  very  first  on  a  big  crop,  or  the  proper  way  to   And after this list of needs, a bright  ed  that  the  valley's  role  in  the  film
       Sissue,  on  Friday,  Feb.  7,  1919,  breed chickens, there  was  the  hint of  outlook for the future:     industry  was  rapidly  evolving:
       launching  a 75-year tradition of vigi-  the  growth  that  would  occur  in  the   "Newhall  is  a  small  town  of 500  "Douglas Fairbanks  and his  company
       lance and community journalism.      coming 75 years. In The Signal's pre-  souls,  with  great  opportunities  ahead  of  about  200  came  up  from  Los
         Edward H. Brown's fledgling publi-  mier issue, Brown published an ad on  of it; and the aid of irrigation, which it  Angeles Tuesday  by  special  train  and
       cation had a hometown feel  from  the  page 3, listing Newhall's needs:   now has at its door, there is no reason  autos  and pulled off a moving picture
        start,  carrying  front-page  items  about   Bank, moving picture, general mer-  why she should not improve rapidly."   stunt. We did not learn the name of the
        parties,  trips  to  the  beach  and  resi-  chandise store, general machine imple-  The Signal's first issue reported that   Please see 1919, page 8
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