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Guy  inspects  the  old  Newhall  Refinery,  the  first  practical  commercial  refinery  in  the  State.  It  was  reconstructed  several  years  ago

                                                Bull wheels and calf wheels, the boil-  taken  to  the  prodigious  depth  of  300
                                              ers  and  drill  stems,  casing  and  rope-  feet!  There,  on  September  26,  1876,
                                              all were lugged laboriously up hill and   77  years ago next month, C.S.O. No. 4
                                              down  dale.  Rattlesnakes  and  wasps,   was completed for 30 barrels a day and
                                              mud  and  underbrush-all  had  to  be   a fair amount of gas.
                                              contended with.                      Soon, squat 30-foot wooden derricks
                                                They used the primitive spring pole   sprouted  all  through  the  canyons and
                                              method  of drilling. In this,  the weight   ridges of the territory.
                                              of two men was the force that sent the   Now the problem of refining the oil
                                              bit  into  the  ground,  and  the  springy   into  kerosene  and  benzene  came  up.
                                              strength of a sapling raised it out again   But Scofield  had  foresightedly  built a
                                              for the next stroke.               three-still refinery at Newhall, six miles
                                                It took them a month to drill the first   southeast-the  first  practical  commer-
                                              well,  C.S.O. No.  l  (Pico  No.  1),  to  a   cial refinery in the State-and another
                                              depth  of  120  feet  ,,.,-here  11  barrels  a   at Ventura ( then called San Buenaven-
                                              day  of  32  gravity oil  were recovered.   tura). Together they had a capacity of
                                              But  it was  abandoned  because  of  the   60  barrels  a  day.  The  crude  oil  was
                                              small flow.                        transported  by horse and wagon over
                                                C.S.O.  No.  2  was  the  same  sort  of   ,the rough trails to the refineries.
                                              producer  and  it,  too,  was  abandoned.   Then came  the  problem  of how  to
           The remains of an old steam engine. At left,
           the  cylinder,  flywheel  and  sprocket.  This   The third hole was dry. A steam engine   get  the  product  to  market.  The  rail-
           may have been used to drill No. 4   was brought in and the fourth hole was   road had not been finished yet, and the
           10                                                                             THE  STANDARD  OILER
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