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                AND  WELCOME
             The  Santa  Clarita  Valley  Boys'  and
         Girls'  Club  greatefully  acknowledges  the
         generosity  of  all  donations  pledged  in  sup-
         port  of  our  1984  Benefit  Auction.  It  is
         through  the  far-reaching  contributions  of in-
         dividuals,  businesses  and  industries  that  to-
         night's  Auction  is  presented.  Your  support
         continues  to  touch  and  enrich  the  lives  of
         the  youngsters  of  our  community.  It  is
         through  your  concern  and  generosity  that
         this  youth  organization  exists.
           We  wish  you  a  highly  enjoyable  evening
         and  hope  you  continue  to  help  us  by  bid-
         ding  generously  on  the  Auction  items.  The
        Santa  Clarita  Valley  Boys'  and  Girls'  Club
        welcomes  you  to  its  13th  Annual  Benefit

                                                                      1983 Boys' and Girls'  of the Month
                                                       The Boys'  and Girls'  Club is  a  youth  guidance organization  providing
                                                   meaningful  activity  and  character  building  programs  for  youngsters  in  the
                                                   Santa  Clarita  Valley.  Founded  in  1968,  it  is  part  of  a  national  network
                                                   of  organizations  affiliated  with  Boys'  Clubs  of  America.  A  non-profit
                                                   agency,  the  organization  is  a  member agency  of the  United  Way  and the
                                                   club  receives  no tax dollars  nor governmental support.
                                                       The  most  inclusive  club  in  the  Santa  Clarita  Valley,  the  agency  pro-
                                                   vides  daily  activities  at six  sites.  Conveniently  located  on  school  grounds,
                                                   the  club  is  within  easy  walking  distance  for  a  large  number  of  children.
                                                   The  well-rounded  program  includes  social  recreation,  co-ed  sports
                 Teen Group at Emblem Club
                                                   leagues;  arts  and  crafts,  special  events,  community  service  activities  and
                                                   youth  guidance.  The  program  operates  during  after-school  and  evening
                                                   hours when youngsters are  best able to attend.
                                                       The  Boys'  and  Girls'  Club  employs  a  professional · staff  who  are
                                                   trained  in  the  Boys'  Club  philosophy  of  providing  informal  guidance
                                                   through  individual  and  small  group  experiences.  By  recognizing  and  re-
                                                   sponding  to  the  restless  energies  and  a  youthful  quest  for  "something  to
                                                   do'',  the  Boys'  and  Girls'  Club  gives  youngsters  a  chance  to  improve
                                                   their  lives  by  allowing  them  to  develop  values  and  skills  during  critical
                                                   periods of growth.
                                                       Open eleven  and one-half months each  year, perhaps those who be-
                                                   nefit  most  are  children  residing  in  families  where  both  parents  work,  or
                                                   in  families  where there is  only  one parent.
                     1983 Sewing Class
                                                       From  its  inception  the  Boys'  and Girls'  Club  has  responded to  grow-
                                                   ing  needs for  youth  services  through  planned expansion  and program  de-
                                                       Through  the  Boys'  and  Girls'  Club  today's  youth  gain  a  sense  of
                                                   usefulness  and  competence  and  a  chance  to  connect  with  the  promise
                                                   of a  future.  We  are committed  to  building that future,  one step at a  time,
                                                   one child at a  time.
                                                                                           We  welcome  your  support
                                                                                       and  participation  and  we  invite
                                                                                       you  to  visit  our  satellites  in  the
                                                                                       near future.

             Friends  meet
               to  explore
            new activities                            Flag football-it's the team that counts
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