Page 20 - vhs2010yearbook
P. 20
1. During the 2009 winter rally Senior Kelly Hicks helps senior Thomas Lapp hold up a sign asking
Alexandra Chernos to formal. 2. The dance team shows the school a little taste of what they are
about with their award winning dance routine. 3. A mystery student entertains the crowd with his
dance moves in his imitation of the Jabbowockes. 4. Vick the Viking pumps up the crowd as usual
with his flawless spirit moves. 5. Football and Dance team work together creating a dance routine
that not only amazed the
crowd but shows the school
that the football team has
some rhythm too. 6. Flag
team performs an amazing
routine dazzling the crowd
during the black light rally.
7. In the step team's first
performance of the year
Freshman Ashley Oliver and
senior Alexander Dailey
plays the part of commanders
leading the step team
through the battlefield. 8.
Varsity Football huddles up in
a victory circle ready to have
an amazing season.
Student Life