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San Fernando Mission Stage Station
               GPS: 34.2730, -118.4615 (Approximate)

                     The location for  Butterfield’s San Fernando  Mission Stage Station is definitively
               identified on the 1860 government-surveyed plat and in a Sacramento Daily Union news-
               paper article.

                 Figure 8. Butterfield’s San Fernando Mission Stage Station was located in the southwest corner of the
                main building containing the church, as identified in the following newspaper article. From: General Land
                 Office, Plat of 8 Tracts of Land at the Mission San Fernando finally confirmed to J.S. Alemany, Bishop.
                                  Surveyed under Instructions from the U.S. Surveyor General by
                                           Henry Hancock, Dep. Sur., February 1860.

                     The Sacramento Daily Union of August 14, 1858, published a brief history of the San
               Fernando Mission, identifying the location of Butterfield’s stage station. It gives a good
               description of the mission at the time of establishing the station:

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