Page 14 - anf1995elsmere_deis
P. 14


                                                      In)!!! directs/manuals

                     L7  rrior to l l recordation ot_the final I» l l iaaiance or a building perait and aa a neon:
                         or litigating potential enviror-ental iwecta. it met be demnatrated to the aatialaction
                         or the a  ignal Planning cr-iaaim that aeoer conneetion peroita cm be obtained tre
                          ( )  nty Sanitation biatrict ilo.  ( l liaa Virgenea reinicipal water bietrict or ice
                          legal NRO!" that let'- the l'equiraente or the calirornia aegional Hater Quality @ntrol
                         ‘are partial!!! to munch 7 or the water “do.
                     IV/rrior to alteration or any ltflalbeda. and aa a Deana o1 lltiqlliflj potential enviror-ental
                         “acts. the applicant ahall enter into an ogre-ant with the Calltornia State bopart-nt of
                         Plan and Game, purauant to Sectiona 1601 through l“! o! the itate rich and Gun code.
                     [.7 Prior to ( i tentative apprwll l l ethedulim before the toning board I l achadulirq before
                         the aegional Planning Cwaiaaion, and aa a Ieana o! aitigating potential envirornental i»
                         pacts. the applicant ahall out-it an archaeology report tor the entire project aite mnlaea
                        .“mngu mud) prepared by a gualiiied armaeologiat, aid ceqly with litigation aaaatirea
                        ~uggeated by the archaeologiat and approved by the beparteent or legitnal Naming. _
                         Prior to i ) tentative approval ( i echeduling before the toning Ioard ( i acheduling berore
                         ‘he Regional Planning cremation. and aa a oaana d litigating potential enviror-ental
                         iQac-ta, the applicant ahall agree to auapend conatruction in the vicinity or a cultural
                         reaource encountered during develqaent of the aite, and leave the reaource in place mtil
                         a gualitied archaeologiat can eaaaine than and deteroine apprqriate litigation oeaaurea.
                         the applicant ahall agree to only with litigation aeaauree rec-ended by the archaeolo
                         giet and approved by the Depart-ant or logical Manning.
                        )4 a condition or‘ I i tinal approval I l. the grmt ( l approval or the zoning ordinance,
                         and aa a oeana or litigating potential enviroreerntal inane. the Qplicant ahall dedicte
                         to the meaty o2 Loa angelea. ( l the right to prohibit eta-retraction over an area deoarcated
                         on the ( ) tentative lap ( ) plot plan.  ( i construction o: lore than one reaidence o! c.
                         eercial unit and related accaaaory building on any one lot on the project “re.  A note to
                         tha ertect ahall be i l placed on iinal nap or on the treat Iaieer ( I recorded on the title
                         Prior to i i tentative approval 1 l'racordation or the rim nap ( ) achdulirq beiore til
                         zoning board ( ) acneduling betore the Regional Planning Caiaaion, and aa a naana o!
                         litigating potential environoental iapattt. the applicant ahall drill and tear {low a
                         wellta) to the aatiataction or the Depart-eat o! Nblic \lorka/a'igineering Division.  A
                         warningnote ahallbe i ) plaadonthetinaloapandinthem ( ) rearderlongha
                         title. indicating that the area her a linited potndwater IIFPly and that water nay tot be
                         available during perioda or aevere drought.  A My or the t l mu ahall be aut'litted to
                         the bepartoent o: negional Planning and aubeeguently recorded with the tinal up i i title
                         ahall be admitted to the bepartnent or Regional Piannirl; tor approval.
                         aa a curdition or i i tiaal ewroval l i the want t l qproval or the zoning ordinance. erd
                         aa a oaana or litigating potential envirorIental iwacta. a warning 'mte ahall  I i be placed
                         in the can ( I recorded on the title. indicating that the area has a lioited grollidlater
                         supply during period: a! aevere dreamt-  A ctpy at the i D can Ihall be admitted to the
                         bepartnent or hegimal naming tor awroval and ameguently recorded with the tihal nap
                          t l title ahall be aurnitted to the Depart-ant or legional Planning tor Qproval.  -

                         Prior to recordation or the tinal lap, the aubdivider ahall be rquired eg an"; ‘a. a
                         ogre-ant with the minty to pay to the Mty a at- not to eeceed $3,500.00 per reaidential
                         unit,‘ and not to be leaa than $2,000.00 per reaidential unit tor the purpoee or ctntriboting,
                         to we propoaed mad aenerit biatrict prior to ocurpmcy or upon d-and or pay-ant by the
                         unity load million.   ‘ecority for the parrot-lance or eaid egreeoent ahall be guaranteed
                         by the tiling o! a hard by a ally authorised aorety.
        . "an" N‘ '
                         Prior to acheduling tor rarblic hearing. and aa a name o! aitigating any enviruulantal iwacti
                         eaeocieted with the dietance o! the "erect to the near-t tire etatien. the appliaat ahall
                         agree to ctlply with rec-andationa o! the finality Poreater on rare Harden.
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