Page 20 - bowman1974yearbook
P. 20


                                 ELSE  DO  THEIRS

       T.A. 'son
       this page are:                                                         One of the good  things
       Mark Higgins,                                                      going in  '74 was the
       Chris Men-                                                         placement of  60  Bowman
       dez,  Liz                                                          students  in elementary
       Calderon,                                                          schools to work as teacher
       Phil Davin-                                                        aides.  This program,
       roy and J.J.                                                       under the direction of
       Welch.                                                             Jackson Bates,  gave  Bow-
                                                                          man students a  chance to
                                                                          work actively with the
                                                                          children in elementary
                                                                          classes.  The project
                                                                          proved to be both bene-
                                                                          ficial and  enjoyable to all
                                                                          those  involved.

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