Page 7 - bowman1990yearbook
P. 7


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        RUSS TARVER                                 •

          Bowman is SPECIAL, as you can really be yourself and
        still be accepted. Here it is much easier to motivate your-
        self  and  work  on  your  own,  especially  as  there  are  no
        teachers  breathing  down  your  back.  When  I  graduate
        from  Bowman  I  will  miss  the  personal  approach  of the
        staff.  The  people  who  interest  me  are  talkative,  friendly,
        creative,  realistic,  smart,  and  intellectual,  or  just  simple.
        They are the most unique people.  I look up  to  my  father  and
        Athena. They really help me to be myself and open my eyes to
        reality. The most embarrassing moment of my life?  I was seven,
        and  at the store  I  ran into  a  woman  I  thought  was  my  mom.  I
        grabbed on to her leg, wouldn't let go, and turned a dark shade of
        purple in embarrassment when I realized that the lady was NOT my
        mother! Everyone in line laughed ... The wildest thing I ever did was
        to throw a dozen eggs one at a time across Vons, when I was twelve. If
        I  built up the nerve I'd do it again!

                                                    CHANCE RUTLEDGE

                                                      The SPECIAL relationships that develop between posi-
                                                    tive-minded students and the instructors at Bowman make
                                                    this a SPECIAL school.  When  I graduate,  I'll miss  the
                                                    warmth  of the  faculty.  I  think  a  bigger  school  will  be
                                                   great! It will be possible to bring the benefits of individual-
                                                   ized learning to a larger group of people. The qualities I
                                                   look for  in  friendship  are:  human head,  red blood cells,
                                                   pulse!  I've  done  far  too  many  wild  and  crazy  things  to
                                                   single out a single one, and seeing that I'm still here I'd do
                                                   them all again! Neither boys nor girls really have it easier
                                                   than the other. Everyone has his or her personal hardships,
                                                   and no one can really say who has it harder. I look up to
                                                   anyone over  6'8", and am interested in  people  who  can
                                                   survive within the system without being a part ofit. Yes, I
                                                   do put on an act-around friends - with 40 foot stage, full
                                                   orchestra, and captive audience ... I plan to attend col-
                                                   lege and become a professional student. If I had only one
                                                   week in which to live, I'd count the grains of sand along the

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