Page 21 - butlerthyberg1948
P. 21

                                                        TABLE  V

                                  ESTIMATED  POPULATIJN  BA~.ED  ,J!'-:  ELEHEWrARY
                             TOTAL  AY~R.AGE  DAILY  ATTENDANr-E  OF  ALL  DISTRI':TS

                                                               Per  cent            Estimeted
                           Year               A.D.A.           of        populetion

                   1941-1942                    '54,                                    4887
                   1942-1943                    470              -12.9                  4230

                   194'3-1944                   512                 8.9                 4608

                   1944-194'5                   '587               14.6                  '528'3

                   194'3-1946                   645                 9.9                  t,80'5
                   The  ~opulatinn  was  based  UDOn  a  rule  used  by  tne  office  of
                   the  county  s1.roerintendent  of  schools  of  Loe  Ange.le s  County,
                   which  is  to  multioly  the  elementary  evera~e  daily  attendance
                   by  nine.
                              1  DecreRFe.
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26