Page 9 - cc20190709jcoz_docs
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                       D.     The proposal is physically suitable for the site. The factors related to the
                       proposal’s physical suitability for the site shall include, but are not limited to, the

                          1.  The design, location, shape, size, and operating characteristics are suitable for
                          the proposed use;

                          The proposed JCOZ includes no new development. However, future qualifying
                          projects within the JCOZ would be subject to the requirements of the JCOZ and
                          underlying zone in which they are located, and would be subject to CEQA on a
                          project-by-project basis. The location of proposed areas within the JCOZ were based
                          on criteria that would incentivize projects that are consistent with the existing
                          urbanized context and minimize visual impacts from surrounding land uses.

                          2.  The highways or streets that provide access to the site are of sufficient width and
                          are improved as necessary to carry the kind and quantity of traffic such proposal
                          would generate;

                          The proposed JCOZ includes no new development. However, future qualifying
                          projects within the JCOZ would be subject to the requirements of the JCOZ and
                          underlying zone in which they are located, and would be subject to CEQA on a
                          project-by-project basis. Future qualifying projects would be subject to maximum
                          FAR requirements of the underlying zone. The location of proposed areas within the
                          JCOZ were based on criteria that would incentivize projects that are consistent with
                          the existing urbanized context. Each area has access to local freeways and major              Attachment: Ordinance [Revision 2]  (JCOZ)
                          arterial roadways for purposes of efficient access and goods movement.

                          3.  Public protection services (e.g., Fire protection, Sheriff protection, etc.) are
                          readily available; and

                          The proposed JCOZ includes no new development. However, future qualifying
                          projects within the JCOZ would be subject to the requirements of the JCOZ and
                          underlying zone in which they are located, and be subject to CEQA on a project-by-
                          project basis.

                          4.  The provision of utilities (e.g., potable water, schools, solid waste collection and
                          disposal, storm drainage, wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal, etc.) is
                          adequate to serve the site. All areas within the JCOZ are currently equipped with
                          utilities or access to utilities.

                          The proposed JCOZ includes no new development. However, future qualifying
                          projects within the JCOZ would be subject to all requirements of the JCOZ and
                          underlying zone in which they are located, and would be subject to CEQA on a
                          project-by-project basis.

                       SECTION 6.  ADDITIONAL FINDINGS FOR UDC AMEMNDMENT 19-001. Based
               on the foregoing facts and findings for Master Case No. 19-002, the City Council hereby finds as

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