Page 14 - chs1988yearbook
P. 14



                       It's  mid-June  and  most  students don't
                     get up until the sun sets. While everyone
                     is  sleeping  in,  loafing  around  watching
                     soaps,  a  few  special  people  are  working
                     hard.                                         Pam Dearmond and Tina Pence made new friends at a U.C.S.D.  Yearbook Camp.
                       These students were the ones that went
                     to  camps  for  school  related  activities.
                     Such groups included drill team, yearbook,
                     ASB,  cheerleaders,  volleyball,  and  tall
                     flags. They went to some fun  destination
                     and worked to perfect their skills and tal-
                     ents. In  most cases, camps are shared by
                     many different schools, this provided an
                     opportunity to meet new  people.
                       While  hese  groups  sacrificed  part of
                     their summer,  it  seemed to be worth  it.
                     Besides  being  a  learning  experience,  it
                     gave students a chance to "get away" and
                     be with  people their own  age.

                                                                            Taking a break from Band Pre-season at Disneyland, is Jessica Min-
                                                                            zey, MlcheHe Crowder, Karyn  Levesque and Sheryl Sellers.

                     At  Leadership Camp,  Michael  Dobes  participates in  a  marshmallow

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