Page 17 - coc-40thanniversary
P. 17

lege football. By comparison, O.J. Simpson ran a record 304 yards
 Remenih, communication services; Robert Seippel; Carl Seltzer; William  The campus  at San Francisco City College in 1965. McKinney was named MVP
 Solberg, and Winston Wutkee, geology. And, although the name was new,  shares some of  of the Desert Conference and was presented with a special trophy
 the design fea-
 the face was familiar, as Alice Freeman rejoined the faculty ranks under her  tures from this  from Sports Illustrated magazine.
 new, married name, Betty Spilker. Joining the administrative team in 1970  early three-  The cross-country team, headed by coach Ed Jacoby, won the
 were Robert Berson, assistant superintendent-business services, and Alduino  conference championship. The harriers’ captain and star was Mike
 model of the
 Adelini, dean of student activities.   proposed cam-  Martinez.
 The name of the district was shortened slightly, with the removal of  pus.  The college’s Alma Mater, authored by music instructor Robert
 “Valley” from the Santa Clarita Valley Junior College District. (In fact, the  Downs,  appeared  for  the  first  time  in  the  1970-71  Cougars
 official  district  name  would  metamorphose  once  again  when  California  Handbook: “All hail to Thee with melody, our voices strong and
        An early architectural
 decided  to  rename  its  junior  colleges  “community  colleges.”  The  Santa  drawing (top) shows the  clear. We pledge to Thee our loyalty in terms for all to hear. And
        proposed placement of
 Clarita Community College District became the district’s official name in  when we go our way, we will say we have known you, Alma Mater,
        the college’s first perma-
 1972.)  nent buildings, which is  strong and true. Our College of the Canyons and a Cougars’ victo-
 Putting the new football field to good use was the college’s first gridiron  much closer to the actual  ry! All hail to Thee.”
        campus that was built.
 squad, which announced its arrival by winning the season opener against the  Students held their first welcome dance of the new academic
        The cover of a 1970 pub-
 Cal Lutheran junior varsity team by a score of 49-6. The 1970 Cougars,  lication (above) that  year at Hart High, whose multi-purpose room was still larger than
        described the new col-
 coached by Don Kloppenburg, finished the season with a 7-2 record, second  anything at the new campus. Performing on stage was an oddly
        lege’s future plans.
 in the Desert Conference and fifth in the state. The first-year team also pro-  titled band called “Shmoogi,” whose roster included a young Curtis
 duced an All-American in tailback Clint McKinney, who gained the most  Stone.  Stone,  son  of  the  late  music  legend  and  Saugus  resident
 yardage – 413 in 41 carries – in a single game in the history of American col-  Cliffie Stone, would later find stardom as a founding member of the

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