Page 7 - coc1973yearbook
P. 7

Edward  Muhl                                                               Peter Huntsinger

                                                 Bruce Fortme,  President




              Francis Claffey                                                              John Hackney

      Just  what  does  a  Board  of  Trustees  do?,  asks  the  student.  The  board  represents  the  citizens  of  the  Santa  Clarita
    Commumty  College  D1stnct  who  provide  the  money  to  run  College  of  the  Canyons.  The  board  governs,  develops,
    operates,  and  improves  College  of  the  Canyons  In  1972,  the  board  acqmred  a  new  member,  Francis  Claffey,
    Newhall  postmaster,  who  filled  the  post  made  vacant  by  the  death  of  Dr  William  G  Boneih.  Later  m  the  spring
    (1973),  two  other trustee seats were  up for  elect10n,  that of Bruce Fortme, who filed  for  reelect10n,  and that of John
    Hackney,  who  did  not.  The  year  was  particularly  s1gmficant  because  of  the  Feb.  6  bond  election,  which  the  board
    had  authorized.  The d1stnct electorate approved the bonds and  College  of the Canyons  was  assured  of steady growth
    parallelmg  the  needs of the burgeomng ~rea 1t  served.

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