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            Innovation & Distinction

            Accelerated Courses Earn Statewide Honors               Perfect Job Placement Rate Produces Award
            The California Community College Chancellor’s Office named   The College of the Canyons Fast Track Institute was recognized
            College of the Canyons a recipient of the 2015 Student Success   by the South Bay Workforce Investment Board for achieving a
            Award for the “Accelerate Your Dreams to Reality” project. Local   100 percent job-placement rate for graduates of its entry-level
             research led college faculty to implement two remedial classes   Computer Numerical Control Operator and QuickBooks hands-
            – Math 75 and English 96 – that nearly triple students’ chances  on computer training programs. Both programs – offered by the
             of completing college-level courses. The California Community  college through the Centers for Applied Competitive Technologies
            Colleges Board of Governors also recognized the college’s  (CACT) and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) – were
            “Accelerate Your Dreams to Reality” project with an Exemplary  honored with the board’s Outstanding Achievement Award.
             Program Award honorary mention.                        Speech Team Named No. 1 in Nation

             Classified Senate Honored with Statewide Award         For the first time in the program’s 12-year history, the College of the
            The Santa Clarita Community College District Classified Senate   Canyons Speech Team was ranked No. 1 at the annual national
             was awarded the California Community College Classified Senate   tournament, bringing home a combined 14 medals to put a cap on
            (4CS) Model Senate award, an honor that was bestowed upon   its most successful season ever. COC finished the event No. 1 in
             only three of California’s 113 community colleges. The award is   the competition’s intermediate division, and the team claimed three
             entrusted to California community college senates that demonstrate   gold medals, three silver medals and eight bronze medals.
             drive, leadership, and innovation on behalf of the classified   Jazz Group Takes 3rd Place at Festival
             constituency they serve and their counterparts at other institutions.  “Just Jazz,” the college’s vocal jazz choir, placed third among a
             Communication Studies Named a Model Program            national field of jazz choirs during the prestigious Next Generation
            The college’s Communication Studies Program has been honored   Jazz Festival in Monterey. College of the Canyons was the only
             as a “model program” by the Western States Communication   community college to win an award in the “college vocal
            Association, whose annual award is given to an educational   jazz” category, finishing third behind two choirs from four-year
             institution that excels in teaching, research, creative works and   universities.
             effective use of resources.                            New Registration Reminders Result in Statewide Award
             College’s Cisco Academy Receives Top Award             The Information Technology Department was honored with the state
            College of the Canyons’ Cisco Academy was recognized with   Chancellor’s Office Technology Focus Award for implementing
            the Academy Curriculum Excellence Award for providing the   text message reminders to students about upcoming registration
             best delivery of the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)   appointments. Students receive text message alerts 15 minutes
             curriculum in the region. The award is presented to one educational   prior to their scheduled appointment times, which increases the
             institution in each region annually for achieving excellence in   number of students who successfully register for classes.
            teaching the curriculum, which is measured by student feedback
             scores and students’ performance on final exams.

         Accelerated Courses                     Speech Team                               Jazz Choir

                                                                            COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016         5
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