Page 11 - cocannualreport2017
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New & Noteworthy
                              Best Possible Rating                                       Grants

                               College’s annual financial                     Basic Skills and Student Outcome
                               audit receives the highest                          Transformation Program
                                     possible rating.                             California Community College

                                                                                        Chancellor’s Office
                                                                                     $1,493,684 over 3 years
                                                                              Bolsters student learning in core academic
                                                                              subjects by expanding access to tutoring,
                                                                               accelerated classes, summer programs,
                                                                                and faculty professional development.
                                                                                      Title V with CSUN
                                                                                   US Department of Education
                                                                             Funds multi-year partnership with Cal State
                                                                              Northridge to increase transfers in nursing,
                                                                                graphic design and animation through
                                                                                 student outreach and joint activities.
                                     3.23% growth
                                                                                       College Promise
                                   in full-time equivalent
                                                                                  California Community College
                                    students (FTES), from                               Chancellor’s Office
                                      15,995 to 16,512                                      $750,000

                                                                                 Launches First-Year Promise, which
                                                                                 provides a free first year of college to
                                                                               qualified students, along with counseling
                        $16 million                                              and other student support services.

                          Highest ever                                           Early Childhood Education

                       1-year grant total                                        Los Angeles Universal Preschool
                                                                              Helps fund the outdoor classroom, which
                                                                               engages children with learning activities
                                                                              that raise awareness and appreciation for
                                                                              nature by integrating experiential learning
                                                                                        into the curriculum.

       $20,000,000        2016-17 Grant Revenue                                        Apprenticeships
                                                                                  California Community Colleges
                                                                                        Chancellor’s Office
       $15,000,000                                                                          $260,000
                                                                                Funds California’s first apprenticeship
                                                                                 program in warehousing/logistics, in
       $10,000,000                                                                partnership with AMS Fulfillment.

                                                                                Open Educational Resources
                                                                                  California Community College
                                                                                        Chancellor’s Office
                                                                               Funds development of open educational
                 $0                                                                resources – low-cost, shareable
                                                                                    learning materials – to create a
                                                                                 zero-textbook-cost Water Systems
                                                                                         associate degree.

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