Page 20 - cocfacilitiesmasterplan20172022
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        A permanent home for the culinary program on campus was
        envisioned in the Santa Clarita Community Districts’s 2007-2012
        Master Plan, and today the College of the Canyons Institute for
        Culinary Education (ICUE) is an integral part of the South Commons
        and of the campus as a whole. Its 12,000 square feet are organized
        around a main dining room, and includes 10,000 square feet of
        teaching space, including a wine study lab, a savory/garde-manger
        kitchen, a savory kitchen, a demonstration kitchen, a culinary lab
        and sweets kitchen. In addition to its academic functions, the ICUE is
        also providing student gathering opportunities, as well as study and
        academic interaction. The simplicity and transparency of the ICUE’s
        “main volume” underline an elegant sophistication that mirror and
        enhance the College’s culinary goals and expectations for the

        In 2012 37,000 assignable square feet (ASF) (approx.) of Learning
        Center space was constructed as an addition to the Library. The
        addition was built on the south side of the Library with a separate      The Learning Center @ Valencia Campus
        entrance to the Learning Center (TLC) on the west side. Portions of
        the Library were remodeled in the project.

        Completed in 2015, the new Canyons Hall houses administrative
        and student services functions. Students can now find in one
        location  advisement, counseling, financial aid and admissions.
        The building includes district data processing, duplicating, mail
        distribution, conference rooms and administration offices.

        Soon to be built will be a three-level parking structure that replaces
        Parking Lot 7 located at the campus corner of Rockwell Canyon
        Road and Valencia Boulevard. The structure contains 1,659 student
        parking spaces.
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