Page 15 - cooksey1934
P. 15

               Geologic  age            Kew  1923;  U. S. G. S. Bul l.  753 ,  1924
                                           Parts  of  L.A.  &  Ventura  Countie s
                                            , l luvium
                                           Terrace  deposits  25.0       1
             ------------------            Siiugus  f ormation
                                             (u.P l iocene  &  Pleistocene)  2, 000        1
               Pliocene                  -
                                           Pico  format i on  (l . Pliocene)  4 , 000      1
               Unconformity            I                                              -
                                            Intrus i ve  basi c  rocks

                                           Modelo  f ormati on      ( u •.  iocene)  9 ., 000  1

               Mi oc ene
                                                              Mi nt  Canyon  formation
                                                                ( u .  'li ocene)  4 , 000 '

                                            Topanga  format ion  (m .Mi ocene)  6,000         1

                                                      -                              --
                                           Vaqueros  formation  (1 .Mioc~ne )  100-1, 800             1

               Oligocene                    Sfispe  formation  (Old:gocene)  3 , 500- 4 , 00l) '
                                            Tej on  f ormation  (u. Eocene)  2 , 000'

               Eocene                       Mega.nos  formation  (m .Miocene)  ;c , 000- 3 , 000       1
                                                  -       ? -         .     ?
                                            Martinez  formation  (l . Eocene)  1 , 50 )- 3 , 50(.)  I
               Unconformity                         -  -
                                            Chico  formation  ( u . Cretaceous)  5 , 500        1
                                                      .  -
                Cretaceous                                   -                                       - .  -
               Unconfor•mi ty               I
               Jurassic                                     Absent

              .. Jurassic?                  Granit ic  r ocks  (Jurassic?)
               Pre- Juras s ic              Met ~o rphi c.  rocks  (pr-e - Jurassic)

               Fig .  3 ,   Generalized  column  showing  relation  of  the  formations

               f ound  in  the  Sand  Canyon  ar·ea  to  the  othe:r•  format i ons  f ound  in

               the  Santa  Clara  ba'sin  (t aken  f rom  U. S .G.S .Bull.  753)
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