Page 16 - cp19331935delinquency
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          better playground  facilities and  succeeded  in  getting the  boys  into  the work,  with  the

          result,  according  to police  records,  of  an  85%  drop  in delinquency  caseso

                When  project workers  opened  their  campaisn  in  Miles  Park,  a  municipal  recreation

          center of Huntington Park,  in  July,  1933,  the  average  daily attendance  was  around  35

          small  children.  By  the  first week  of September  of  the  same  year  their  activities re-

          sulted in an increased  daily attendance everaging 600  boys  and  girls of all  ages,  not

          to mention  the  fact  that approximately  250  men  were  cavorting  daily  in baseball,  horse-

          shoes,  chess and  othar  activities.

                Aside  from  this  statistical array,  there  is a  higher and  a  more  tangible record of

          accomplisbmento  It concerns  itself with the  raising of  community  and  family  morale,  a

          strengthening of family  ties  through mutual  interests and  activities,  and  a  brighter and

          more  hopeful  outlook upon  life.  All of  these problems related definitely to  an  emergency

          of near  crisis proportionso  So  well  was  the work  done  that  the  real  crisis was  swiftly

          passed.  Then  followed  the phase  of  reconstruction requiring a  continuing  though diminish-

          ing  service.  To  continue  the  program,  essentially an emergency  one,  beyond  this phase

          as  a  function  and  responsibility  of Federal  government,  even  as  an  unemployment  relief

          expedient,  has  raised  the  question  in maey  places  as  to  the proper  time  for returning the

          responsibility to  the  local  governmental  agencies  and  political subdivisions  where  it

          normally reatso  Beyond  its fulfilling  the  purpose for  which  it was  created,  it has  been

          pointed  out  that  the undue  prolongation  as a  Federal  administration  resposibility of  even

          so  splendid  a  service  es  this  has  proven  to  be,  will lead  to  failure  on  the part of local

          government  to  conduct  one  of  it most  important  and  valuable  functions  - one  of  which  it

          should  be  particularly  jealous - organized recreation.
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