Page 22 - cp19331935delinquency
P. 22

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                   8TATI8TlOAL  StJM.UARY:

                              T  I 1 a ,1 t  To11owing  I  s         will  be  found  a  oompilation
                   of  purely  statistioal data and  information  on  the  project  tor
                   thG  two-month  period  of  ite operation during  the  Summer  months
                   prior  to  the  opening  of  the  sohoola.

                              Naturally  thees  stnt1at1oal  faoto  oannot  include  human
                   interest  information wh1oh  was  exorptod  every  eek  from  thouunnds
                   of  reports  of  our  wo:rkero,  ttz:rnkoopore  and  looal  exoou·tt veo.
                   These.  in thomaelves,  would  oompriee  a  volume  of  inestimable
                   value  to  anyone  intorosted  in th1o  f1olcl  c-,f  nd(te.vor.                They
           on  file,  :ta:r  reference  togother  w1 th r~11  reoordo  of  tbie
                   project,  1n  the  off1oe  ot  the  Loa  County  Department
                   of Reoroation.  Oampa  and P1ayg~ounde.

                               cc.omitdt  ·••era:pp..d?blBti?:#ir;>  ''  CE:VR>a»ck:P s ~-~*Al  Ii
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                   STATISTIOAL  DATA  &  IHi'O.RMATIOr  PROJb!OT  #821
                   JULY  10TH  tp  SEfT•,MBER  l:OTH.  19§3,  Ino,

                   l.      Number  playgrounds '!There  R.F .o.  wo:rkero  enrploy  d,
                                     under  orgnnizned  rooroatton  systema                    268
                                     New  lU'eas  oponod,                                       85
                                     Xotel,                                                              353
                   2.      Total  attendance  on  these  playgrounds:
                                       al  Total  attenda.noe.  1933 - a.zal,273
                                       b  Total  Attendanoe,  1932 - 4,629,783
                                       o  Inoreaee  over           •  1933  - 1,771,510
                                      ! d  i  Inoroaeo  over         1932 -          38.2
                            New  playgroundE  opened  in  ima.ller  oommun1t1~
                                      throughout  oounty  thie  3UJJl!l1er  by  ef!orta
                                      of  Oounty Recreation Department  with help
                                      of R.r.o. workore,                                                  85
                           Number  playgrounds  where  oapaaity  oporat1on
                                     was  made  possible by  n.r.o.  workera,                            204
                   5.       Numbor  playgroundn  served  by  Oounty  R~oreatlon
                                      Dept.  alono  which  are  located in oommun-
                                      1t1ea unserved  by  organ1r.ed  roorcat1on
                                      eystoms,                                                           123
                            The  ol11ld  population  o!  thio  nroa.  to                           160,000

                           A 1proxirr.nte  population  in  nou.""lty  1:U"ee.a  not  b:\ltinrr-
                                      aer.ved  by  thn  orgn~tzed  r  o~eat1on  syat 1 ~e
                                      of  Loo  Ang  lee  01 ty,  one;  Ba. oh  o:r  t'
                                      dena,                                                     l  ,000,000
                   6.       Number  of  separate  communities  served:                                     51

                   7.       Number  of  comn•tm1 tie         l•er  ,  throueh  u
                                      of  R. F. o.  wol·  r,1• o ,  playe;rollnde  were
                                      open,d for !1rat time,                                               35
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