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This report is part of the Cultural Landscape Publication Series produced by the Olmsted Center for
                Landscape Preservation. This series includes a variety of publications designed to provide information
                and guidance on landscape preservation to managers and other preservation professionals.

                The Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation promotes the stewardship of significant landscapes
                through research, planning and sustainable preservation maintenance.  Based  at the  Frederick Law
                Olmsted National Historic Site, the center perpetuates the tradition of the Olmsted firms and Frederick
                Law Olmsted Sr.'s lifelong commitment to people, parks and public spaces.

                Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation
                99 Warren Street
                Brookline, MA  02445
                ph (617) 566-1689
                fax (617) 232-4073

                Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

                Coffin, Margaret, 1963-
                       Guide to developing a Preservation Maintenance Plan for a historic landscape /  by Margaret
                Coffin and Regina M. Bellavia. - Rev. ed.
                              p. cm. - (Cultural landscape publication; no. 7)
                       Includes bibliographical references
                       1. Historic sites-United States-Conservation and restoration-Handbooks, manual, etc.  2.
                Historic preservation-United States-Handbooks, manual, etc.  3.  Landscape protection-United
                States-Handbooks, manuals, etc.  I.  Bellavia, Regina M., 1967-  II.  Olmsted Center for Landscape
                Preservation (U.S.)  III. Title.
                IV. Series.
                E159.C68  1998
                363.6 '9' 0973-dc21                                                                 98-5731

                Publication Credits: Information in this publication may be copied and used with the condition that
                full  credit be given to  the authors  and Olmsted Center for  Landscape Preservation, National Park
                Service. Appropriate citations and bibliographic credits should be made for each use.

                1998  Revised  Edition:  This publication was originally printed in 1995 by the Olmsted Center for
                Landscape Preservation. This revised edition was made possible through the support of Robert Page,
                Program Leader, Cultural Landscapes Program, and Randy Biallas, Program Manager, Park Historic
                Structures and Cultural Landscapes Program, National Park Service, Washington Support Office.

                Cover photo: Historic photograph, circa 1912, of tree work on the American elm at "Fairsted," the home
                and office of Frederick Law Olmsted and later, office of the Olmsted Brothers landscape architecture
                firm. The property is now managed by the National Park Service (Courtesy of Frederick Law Olmsted
                National Historic Site archives).
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