Page 3 - edwards1947
P. 3


                 The  Del  Valle  area  ls a  part ot  an  east-west  synol inal

        basin  looa ted  near  the  eastern  end  of  the  Ventura  Basin.                  It

         is  also  a  part  o:f  the  Transverse  Range  region  of  southern

        Californi.a  and  its  struotural' trends  are  therefore  predominant•

        ly east•west.  The  area  ls  oharaoterized,  structurally,  by

         folding  and  faulting  with  some  minor  norUJB.l  fault•

         ing.  The  formaticns  consist  entirely  of  sedimentary  rocks

         ranging  in age  from  .Miootme  to  Reoent.  Beds  of the  Saugus,

        ur,per  and  lower ?ioo,  and  Repetto  formations  are  exposed  at  the

         surface,  and  consist of  sands.  sandetonee,  eUtstonee,  and

         shales.  local  terraoe  sands  ant  gravels  and  alluvial  depoelta

         are also  present.  Two  productive  oil  fields,  the  Del  Valle

         and  Ramona  oil  fields  are  located  within  this  area.

                                          INTRO DUOT IOI

                 The  Del  Valle  area  is  in  the  western  part  of  Los  Au«eles

         County.  about  40  m1lee  north o:t  the  center  of  the  city ot  Los

         Angeles  and  4· miles  west  of Casta1o  Ju.mtion on  the  north  side

         of the  Santa  Clara  River.           The  area  discussed  in this  report,

         roughly  triangu.lar  in  shape,  is approximately  12  square  miles

         in  extent  and  is bounded  on  the  west  by  longitude  118°  42'  West,

         on  the  north by  Latitude  34•  28'  North.  by  Hasley  Canyon  on

         the  northeast  and  by  the  Santa  Clara  River  Valley  on  the  9:; uth
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